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“Training & Development”

Chapter 10
Instructor: Sarwat Afzal
Training and Development:
 Training and Development (T&D) -
Heart of a continuous effort designed to
improve employee competency and
organizational performance

 Training –Teaching operational and technical skills to

do the job for which an individual is hired

 Development- Teaching managers and professionals

the skills needed for the present and future jobs
Training As a Process

Training is a process by which people improve

their knowledge, skills and attitudes and use
them to enhance their performance on the job.
Training definition

Planned efforts designed to facilitate the

acquisition of relevant skills, Knowledge
and attitude by Organizational members.
Teaching Vs Training
Is about educating people,
sharing wisdom, making
people more knowledgeable.

Is about development and
application of knowledge, skills
and attitudes for achieving specific objectives

TRAINING helps employees to do their current


DEVELOPMENT help the individual handle future

Training, Development & Education
 Training Basic skill enhancement specific to
a job or task with immediate or short term application
 Development Linked to the overall improvement
of the employee’s knowledge, skill and attitude and the
resultant behaviour over a longer period
 Education Building the ability of the individual
to interpret knowledge. Usually linked to a formal
The Training & Development Process

 Determine T&D needs

 Establish specific objectives
 Select T&D method(s)
 Implement T&D programs
 Evaluate T&D programs
Needs Assessment
 Needs analysis- Developed by
considering the over all organizational
requirement, tasks associated with the
jobs; and the degree to which skills are
 Objectives


Time Targeted
Training Needs Assessment
Preliminary steps in preparing a Training & Development Program

Skills ,
Actual Knowledge,
Training & Program Ability of
Development workers
Objectives Learning


Learning Principles
Learning Principles are the guidelines to the
ways in which people learn most

10% of what they read Read
Verbal Receiving
20% of what they hear Hear Words

Watch still pictures

30% of what they see
Watch moving pictures
Visual Receiving
Watch exhibits
50% of what they hear
and see Watch demonstrations

Make a site visit

70% of what they Hearing Saying
say or write Seeing
Make a dramatic presentation
& Doing
90% of what they Simulate a real experience
say as they do a
thing Do the real thing
Training & Development Programs
 On-the-Job Training  Case Study
(OJT)  Simulation
 Job Rotation  Self-study & Programmed
 Apprenticeship and Learning
Coaching  Laboratory Training
 Lectures and Video
 Action Training
Presentation  Computer-based Training
 Job Instruction Training
 Distance & Internet-based
 Vestibule Training
 Role Playing &
Behavioral Modeling
On-the-Job Training (OJT):
Training a person to learn by actually doing
it. Every employee from mailroom clerk to
company president, get on-the-job training
when he or she joins a firm.
Job rotation:
To cross-train employees in a variety of
jobs, some trainer move a trainee from job
to job.
Apprenticeship and Coaching

 It is a structured process people become

skilled workers through a combination of
classroom instruction and on-the-job
training. Craft workers such as plumber,
carpenter etc. are trained under the
tutelage of a master craft person.
Lectures and Video Presentation

It is a quick and simple way to provide

Knowledge to large group of trainees, as
when the sales force needs to learn they
special features of a new product.
Job Instruction Training (JIT)
 Listing each job’s basic task, along with
key points, in order to provide step-by-step
training for employees.
 It is used in that types of jobs which
consist of a logical sequence of steps also
list a corresponding “key point” and best
taught step-by-step process.
Vestibule Training
 To keep instruction from disrupting normal
operations, some organizations use
vestibule training.
 Separate areas or vestibules are setup
with equipment similar to that used on the
Role Playing & Behavioral
 Role playing is a device that forces
trainees to assume different identities.
 Behavior modeling is referred to as
“matching” or “copying” or as
“observational learning” or “imitation”, all of
these terms implies that behavior is
learned or modified through the
observation of some other individual.
Case Study

 In case study, trainees learn about real or

hypothetical circumstances and the actions
others take under those circumstances and
as result a person can develop decision
making skills.
 A development method in which the manager
is presented with a written description of an
organizational problem to diagnose and
 Training employees on actual equipments
used on the job but conducted away from
the actual work setting.
 One involve a mechanical simulator that
replicates the major features of the work
situation. Other is computer simulation
often comes in the form of games.
Self Study and Programmed
 A systematic method for teaching job skill
involving presenting question or facts
allowing the person to respond and giving
the learner immediate feed back on the
accuracy of his /her answer
 Computer programs with visual displays
may be used instead of printed booklets.
 Laboratory Training: It is designed to enhance
interpersonal skills and to develop desired
behavior for future job responsibilities.
 Action Learning: it takes place in small groups
that seeks a solution to a real problem
confronting the organization, aided by a
facilitator who is either an outside consultant or
a member of the firm’s in-house staff. OR a
training technique by which Management
trainer are allowed to work full time analyzing
and solving problem in other department.
Evaluation for training
 What do you mean by “Evaluation” of training and
development intervention.

 “Training and Development must be regarded as both a

cost and an investment to an organization.”

 What does the above statement means?

 What does it tells us about the need to evaluate our training and
development intervention?
What do you mean by evaluation of training
 Evaluation is:
 the process for collecting, analyzing, and
reporting information useful to decision makers in
selecting amongst alternatives.

 the process of determining, to what extent the

( training) objectives are actually being realized.

 the process of providing feedback to trainers

about the effectiveness of their training.
 The process and means of evaluating
training and development should be
decided at the time that learning objective
are established.
 In summary, evaluation should try to find
answers to three questions.

 Is the training program effective in achieving

its goals.

 Ifnot, what are the deficiencies in the


 How can the deficiencies be remedied?

 Summary

The training effort must demonstrably assist the

organization to achieve its goals
Evaluating Human Resource
 Participant’sopinions (reaction)
 Extent of learning (learning)
 Behavioral change (behavior)
 Accomplishment of T&D
objectives (outcomes or result)
Evaluation of T&D
 Effective criteria used to evaluate Training
focus on outcomes:
1- the Reaction by trainees to the training
content and process.
2- the Knowledge or learning acquired through
the training experience.
3- change in Behavior that result from the
4- Measurable Results or Improvements in the
individuals or the organization, such as lower
turnover, fewer accidents or less absenteeism.
Levels of Evaluation
 Organizations evaluate the reaction level of
trainees by conducting interviews or by
administering questionnaires to the trainees.
 A reaction-level measure could be gathered by
having the managers complete a survey that
asked them to rate the value of the training, the
style of the instructors, and the usefulness of the
training to them.
 However, the immediate reaction may measure
only how much the people liked the training
rather than how it benefited them.
Levels of Evaluation
 Learning levels can be evaluated by measuring
how well trainees have learned facts, ideas,
concepts, theories, and attitudes.
 Tests on the training material are commonly used
for evaluating learning and can be given both
before and after training to compare scores.
 To evaluate training courses at some firms, test
results are used to determine how well the courses
have provided employees with the desired content.
Levels of Evaluation
 Evaluating training at the behavioral level involves:
(1) measuring the effect of training on job
performance through interviews of trainees and
their coworkers
(2) observing job performance.
 Behavior is more difficult to measure than reaction
and learning.
 Even if behaviors do change, the results that
management desires may not be obtained.
Levels of Evaluation
 Employers evaluate results by measuring the effect of
training on the achievement of organizational objectives.
 Because results such as productivity, turnover, quality,
time, sales, and costs are relatively concrete, this type of
evaluation can be done by comparing records before and
after training
 The difficulty with measuring results is pinpointing whether
it actually was training that caused the changes in results.
 Other factors may have had a major impact as well.
Steps in the evaluation of T&D

Evaluation or Transfer Follow-up
Pretest Posttest
Criteria Developed to the job Studies
Development of Human Resources
 The long term development of HR is of
growing concern to HR departments.
1- It reduces company dependence on hiring
new workers.
2- Opening in the organization through HR
planning are more likely to be filled internally.
3- promotion & transfers also show employees
that they have a career not just a job.
4- Employee feel a greater commitment to the
Development of Human Resources (contd)
HR development is also an effective way to
meet several challenges, including:
 Employee Obsolescence
 International & domestic workforce diversity
 Technological change
 EEO and Affirmative Action
 Employee turnover

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