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Link is a rigid body paired with other parts of a machine for the

purpose of transmitting
force or motion.

Classification of links :
Rigid link -> Which does not undergo any deformation while
transmitting motion.

Flexible link -> Which is deformed appreciably while transmitting

motion with out effecting the function.

Fluid link -> Tube or container capable of transmitting motion by

pressure or compression.

Types of constraints :
Completely constrained motion : If the constrained motion is obtained
by its own links.

Successfully (partially) constrained : If the constrained motion is not

completely constrained.

Incomplete constrained : If the motion between the links takes place in

more than one direction.

Kinematic pair : A joint between two links that permits relative

motion. In this links are pairing elements.
Classification of Kinematic pair :

a) According to nature of relative

motion :
Sliding pair : Which permits relative sliding between its links.

Turning pair : Which permits only turning motion between links.

Rolling pair : Two links are connected in such that one of the link rolls
over the other.

Screw pair : The relative motion between the two links is the
combination of sliding and turning.

erical pair : One of the link in the form of a sphere and it is rotated in a fixed lin

b) According to Nature of Contact :

Lower pair : Which permits surface contact between two links

while in motion and it is completely constrained.
Higher pair : Which permits only point or line contact between
two links while in motion and it is incompletely constrained.




ording to Nature of Mechanical arrangement o

Closed pair : Which links of kinematic pair held together mechanically
so as to have a constrained motion. (Contact breaks only by
destruction of links).

Open pair : Elements of a pair that are not held together mechanically
are unclosed pairs.

Kinematic Chain : It is an assembly of links in which the relative

motion between them exists and motion of each relative to the other is

Fig - a
Fig - b

Fig - c

L = 2p-4
Where L = No. of links,
p = No. of pairs
a) If L = 2p-4 condition is satisfied then the link is Completely Constrained
and have specific relative motion.
b) If L = 2p-3 condition is satisfied then the Kinematic chain is locked and
accept no relative motion.
c) If L = 2p-5 condition is satisfied then the Kinematic chain is
incompletely constrained and relative motion between the links is not

ctures : No relative motion between the links or it is also called as Locked chain

Examples : Bridges, roof truss, machine frame etc.,



1. The arrangement of links with

constrained motion for doing useful

1. The arrangement of links with

one link fixed and the motion of
other links connected.

2. It modifies energy and does

useful work.

2. It modify and transmit motion.

3. A machine is a practical
development of any mechanism.

3. A mechanism is a working model

of any machine.

4. Examples : Steam engine,

Shaper, Screw jack etc.,

4. Examples : Watch, Typewriter,

Spring toys etc.,

versions of a Quadratic Chain :

Lever-Crank mechanism Link a rotates and link c oscillates
Examples : Beam Engine It is used to convert rotary motion to
reciprocating motion of the piston. (Shown in fig-2)

Withworth Quick return mechanism/Lever crank mechanism :

bas ic_quickreturn.gif

3. Double Crank mechanism Link b and d make complete


4. Watt Mechanism/Double Lever mechanism

Watts _linkage.gif

Watt's _Linkage_Rear_Sus pens ion.gif

ering gear mechanism /Double Lever mechanism:

I denotes Instantaneous centre.

Crank and Slotted Lever


Quick Return

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