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Target Audience The target audience for Barnardo's
are parents with children, especially those with very
young children like new born babies or babies, that are
younger than one year old. This is because the advert
will hit them harder as they can relate more.
Campaign Message Their campaign message is that
not every child is born into a safe and healthy
environment, that is why Barnardos is there; to help the
children that are worse off. The key message that they
want to get across is that the charity needs people to
give money to help them continue their work.
Representation Barnardo's has used these distressing
images to shock and alarm the viewers into giving them
money towards their charity.

Target Audience Young males and females aged
early to mid 20s
Campaign Message You will feel comfortable in
their clothing no matter what situation you are in.
The clothing is made from natural fabric
Representation The models reflect British society
and show the clothing is for anyone.

The baby is lying on a fur rug. This has connotations of wealth and
signifies that the baby is comfortable and well looked after. The lighting
adds a warm golden glow; this adds to the connotations of wealth. This
helps signify that the baby is a golden child born into a wealthy
family; an incredibly lucky child. The baby looks healthy and the correct
weight, this helps anchor my point.
The babies facial expressions shows that he is happy and content. This
has connotations of joy, signifying that the baby is feeling extremely
joyous about his short life. The baby has a clean nappy; implying that
the babies parents are there. The babies eyes and arms and aimed
upwards, this implies that there is someone there for the baby to reach
out to. This helps anchor my point that the babies parents are here.
The baby looks like a new born. The hospital wristband around the
babies arm helps support my annotation. The hospital the child is born
into could possibly be a private hospital because of the already
established wealth of the family. This helps anchor my point that the
child is incredibly lucky, and well looked after.
The slogan anchors the meaning of the image. Which is that this is a
wealthy, well cared for baby. The meaning is re-enforced by the sliver
in the babies
This is done
shock This
the audience
grab that Barnardos wants to create is that
The charities
logo is mouth.
at the bottom
of thetoadvert.
helps theand
the the
in more
babies are
in thisthem
and that this
is there for to look after the less fortunate
detail. The target audience for this advert is parents; particularly those with small or new born children as it will
hit them the hardest as appose to other parents. It is produced to try and get them to donate to the charity .
The image has been photo-shopped to create the striking image, because if they were to actually put something
inappropriate inside a babies mouth then this would be illegal and would breach ASA regulations.

The hospital blankets the baby is lying on signifies that it has just
been born. This is because the child has clearly been placed onto
them straight from birth. The hospital tag around the babies wrist
adds to my point, as it mustnt of been born long otherwise it
wouldve been taken off. The harsh lighting that is beating down
onto the child is very bright and cold. It highlights the amniotic
fluid that lathers the baby; anchoring my point.
The lighting also works with the colour of the background to give
connotations of coldness; the weight of the baby has connotations
of poor treatment; the bruising on the child has connotations of
abuse. These observations work hand in hand to signify that the
baby is neglected, anchoring all of my points.
The baby in the photo is crying, this has connotations of
unhappiness and upset. This strengthens the connotations of
insecurity and fear from the clenched fist the baby is possessing,
signifying loneliness. This is because the baby is by itself with no
mother or father there to care for it. The baby also looks unclean.
has connotations
of bad
baby has
The bottle
of Methylated
inside the
babies that
of a baby bottle is shocking and
been washed
that that
is no
to the since
of the
parents of this baby are poor,
or father
The fact
is drinking methyls suggests that the parents of this child might
not even be able to look after it even if they wanted to due to their poorness and low standards.
The Barnardos slogan is different on this advert because the meaning they are trying to get across
is different. The slogan refers to the first advert, saying that there are no silver spoons for child
born into poverty. This anchors my points of how poor and helpless the child is. The charities logo is
at the bottom of the advert. This helps the meaning that Barnardos wants to create is that not all
babies are in a good situation like the child on the first advert, and that this is what the charity is
there for to look after the less fortunate babies. The target audience for this advert is parents;
particularly those with small or new born children as it will hit them the hardest as appose to other

The sheets the baby is lying on signifies that it has

just been born. This is because the child has clearly
been placed onto them straight from birth. The
hospital tag around the babies wrist adds to my
point, as it mustnt of been born long otherwise it
wouldve been taken off. The harsh lighting that is
beating down onto the child is extremely heated,
this may signify that the child is born in a country to
the equator. This also highlights the amniotic fluid
baby; anchoring
my point.
a cockroach
in its mouth
suggesting that it is unhygienic and nobody is
there to look after the baby.
The baby Is crying and looks distressed as its eyes are tightly scrunched together. The
baby is also lay on a towel showing It hasnt been born into a wealthy family. The
harsh lighting on the baby is bright and is making the baby squint its eyes in distress.
The photo has been photo shopped by the cockroach in the babys mouth. Also the
harshness of the lighting has been edited to make the baby stand out more to see its
clear emotion.
This image anchors the meaning of the advert. The child cannot choose which up
bringing it gets born into; the baby cannot choose whether it gets born into poverty or
not. The logo is at the bottom right and is seen after text .

The baby is a new born baby highlighted by the hospital

wristband. The baby has not been cleaned which
suggests poor hygiene. The baby is also underweight
and the race of the baby is unclear (black, mixed, Asian,
In the background on the baby there is a white hospital
blanket which shows the baby has not been took home,
signifying that there are no parents around him. The
harsh lighting on the baby washes out all the colour
except the babys skin, making the baby stand out
more. The lighting seems cold, there is no warmth to it.
The baby is crying and its eyes are closed tightly
together. In the babies mouth there Is a syringe (heroin)
connotes the parents are drug addicts.
The slogan anchors the meaning of the advert and the
logo is there to show who is there to help.


Target Audience Young males and females aged
early to mid 20s
Campaign Message You will feel comfortable in
their clothing no matter what situation you are in.
The clothing is made from natural fabric
Representation The models reflect British society
and show the clothing is for anyone.

This advert shows a young women lying with

her leg caught in a trap, however she looks
relaxed with her hands behind her head she has
relaxed facial expression and is just looking at
the sky. The women looks in her early 20s.
The advert has a limited colour palette as only
earthly green and brown colours are used. The
colour of the clothing fits with the colours of the
environment and this is why those colours have
been chosen. The clothing she is wearing makes
her blend in slightly like she is one with the
environment, she is wearing a white T-shirt
because this will draw in the viewers attention.
The clothing also appears natural fabric which
The image follows the rule of thirds the girl is on the lower horizontal line and the
fits in with the environment.
trap is around one of the golden points. The appearance of natural lighting makes
the women brightly lit, with no shadows on her.
There is no Tesco logo on the advert as it would cheapen it. The clothing she is
wearing is very causal, and looks to be made of natural fabric. This also links in
with the setting as it is a very natural place. This signifies that Tescos Cherokee
clothing is environmental and natural, this is what they are trying to get across to
the viewer. The slogan anchors the meaning of the advert. This is that wearing this
clothing will make you relaxed in any situation.

The advert shows a young woman

sat on a platoon, surrounded by
sharks. The woman is reading a
book. Her legs are in the water which
indicates that this would normally be
a very scary and stressful situation;
but the woman does not seem to be
phased. The ladies body language
also backs my point up, as this tells
very limited and
pallet in the advert, only expressing colours of white
us sheisisaunconcerned
and different shades of grey. The lady looks mixed race and in her early 20s. The
woman is in the centre of the four golden points. This means that the photo is
following the rule of thirds as she is also on the vertical and horizontal line.
The clothing she is wearing is very causal, and looks to be made of natural fabric.
This also links in with the setting as it is a very natural place. This signifies that
Tescos Cherokee clothing is environmental and natural, this is what they are trying
to get across to the viewer. The lady stands out because of her colour of clothing
and her surroundings. The slogan anchors the meaning of the advert. This is that
wearing this clothing will make you relaxed in any situation. There is no Tesco logo
on the advert as it would cheapen the advert.

The advert shows a man, in his, early 20s

falling through the air. This is a very
distressing situation, because obviously
death is Imminent but this man does not
seem bothered. I know this because the
man is lying back which has connotations
of relaxing, because this is the way most
people will sleep. Also he is casually
checking the time by looking at his watch.
The man is the focus of the image because he is lay inside the four golden points.
This draws the viewers eyes straight to him and his clothes which is what they want.
He is also following the rule of thirds because he is passing through two vertical
The mans clothes are very causal and looks to be made of natural fibre. This is done
to link in the setting as his surrounding are very natural. The man stands out
because of the colour of his clothes in comparison to his surroundings. The man is
wearing grey, dark purple, orange and white. The colour of the surroundings are
mainly white and green. The advert has a very limited colour pallet and this is why
he stands out.
The slogan, Relaxed clothing anchors the meaning of the advert. This is that
wearing this clothing will make you feel chilled out and comfortable in any situation.
There is no Tesco logo on the advert as it would cheapen the advert.

The female shown in the advert looks

around her mid to early 20s. The advert
shows a woman dangling, from a branch
on a cliff side, by one hand. The lady is
checking her nails casually.
There is little colour used in the advert as
most of the image is just sky. The only
colours that are used are brown, green and
white. This Is because the picture is set
around a very natural location of a high up
spec on a cliff side. This is done to help
made the girl is on the lower and higher
thirds because
horizontal line and the branch is around one of the golden points. The appearance of
natural lighting makes the women brightly lit, with no shadows on her.
The woman's body language tells us that she is relaxed and content. This can be
backed up by her loose grip on the branch saving her life and her action of checking
the time. This is surprising because she could die at any moment. This helps
promote the clothing for it being relaxing.
The slogan, Relaxed clothing anchors the meaning of the advert. This is that
wearing this clothing will make you feel chilled out and comfortable in any situation.
There is no Tesco logo on the advert as it would cheapen the advert.


Target Audience Young females aged 20s 30s.
Campaign Message You can wear high end fashion at
an affordable price, you dont need to spend lots of
money to look elegant like a catwalk model.
Representation This clothing is for all women. It
makes the audience believe they are getting as bargain
because they are getting fashion straight off the
catwalk at affordable prices.

The image shows a model walking down the catwalk at

a fashion show, she looks in her early 20s. The model is
using direct address, no matter what position you are in
she will be looking straight at you. This creates a bond
with the viewer. The advert is colour co-ordinated; it has
a limited colour pattern because only whites and blacks
are used. This is because the clothing is black and white
so this is what they have set the colour scheme of the
advert on.
A fast shutter speed has been used to capture the fast
paced action of the model walking down the catwalk.
Narrow depth of field has also been used because the
focus is on the woman, and everything else is blurry. The
lighting is also focused on the woman. The advert
the ruleeye
of thirds
is she
in the
is drawn
of the advert, this is because of
of the fourofgolden
she isus
on the
the image.
to see
that in fact that the woman is
a tag.
tags would typically be hanging on the back of clothes in
the shop. The label even includes the description and the price of the dress like a
normal tag.
The slogan Affordable elegance anchors the meaning of the advert which is that
you dont have to spend a fortune to look elegant and classy. The image is designed
to look like very expensive designer clothing, but then the audience gets a shock
when they look to see how cheap the dress is; that is why the price is on the label,
to add that instant shocking effect. Then the audience will look to see that it is from
Tescos, alerting them where to purchase such fine clothes. The advert is very

The image shows a model that is at the end of a catwalk at

a fashion show, she looks in her early 20s. The model is
using direct address, no matter what position you are in she
will be looking straight at you. This creates a bond with the
viewer. The advert is colour co-ordinated; it has a limited
colour pattern because only whites, silvers and blacks are
used. This is because the clothing is silver so this is what
they have set the colour scheme of the advert on, the black
adds that professional feel to it and the white compliments
is realistic
in this
A fastcolours
has been
to capture the fast paced action of the model
walking down the catwalk, and thrusting her hips to the side to stand at open angle
for the photographers to see. Narrow depth of field has also been used because the
focus is on the woman, and everything else is blurry. The lighting is also focused on
the woman. The advert follows the rule of thirds because not only is she in the
centre of two golden points, but she is also on the horizontal and vertical lines.
When the audiences eye is drawn to the model because of the narrow depth of field,
this would allow them to see that in fact that the woman is actually on a tag. These
tags would typically be hanging on the back of clothes in the shop. The label even
includes the description and the price of the dress like a normal tag.
The slogan Affordable elegance anchors the meaning of the advert which is that
you dont have to spend a fortune to look elegant and classy. The image is designed
to look like very expensive designer clothing, but then the audience gets a shock
when they look to see how cheap the dress is; that is why the price is on the label, to
add that instant shocking effect. Then the audience will look to see that it is from

The image shows a model that is at the end of a catwalk at a

fashion show, she looks in her early 20s. The model is using direct
address, no matter what position you are in she will be looking
straight at you. This creates a bond with the viewer. The advert is
colour co-ordinated; it has a limited colour pattern because only
whites and blacks are used. This is because the clothing black
and white.
A fast shutter speed has been used to capture the fast paced
action of the model walking down the catwalk. Narrow depth of
field has also been used because the focus is on the woman, and
everything else is blurry. The lighting is also focused on the
woman. The advert follows the rule of thirds because not only is
she in
the centre
four straight
golden points,
she isofalso
the this is because of
into the
the on
and vertical
of the lines.
image. This allows us to see that in fact that the woman is
actually on a tag. These tags would typically be hanging on the back of clothes in
the shop. The label even includes the description and the price of the dress like a
normal tag.
The slogan Affordable elegance anchors the meaning of the advert which is that
you dont have to spend a fortune to look elegant and classy. The image is designed
to look like very expensive designer clothing, but then the audience gets a shock
when they look to see how cheap the dress is; that is why the price is on the label,
to add that instant shocking effect. Then the audience will look to see that it is from
Tescos, alerting them where to purchase such fine clothes. The advert is very
simple but is highly effective, with a sophisticated meaning.

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