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Personal Hygiene Knowledge, Practices and Attitude in

Industrial Sanitation

Muhammad Prasetya Kurniawan

Department of Agro-Industrial Technology
Faculty of Agricultural Technology
Gadjah Mada University

1. Quiz (individual, pre- or post test, weekly 10%
2. Final exam (individual and group)
3. Big paper and presentation*
(groups,,final report)
Big paper scope
1. Identify and observe location and target respondents (Demographic
information, awareness of personal hygiene practices, knowledge level
of food safety information, Awareness of food safety concerns)
2. Data collection method and ethique
3. Data analysis and interpretation
4. Final report deadline Friday (Kliwon) December 4th, 2015

Big paper format






Literature review



1) Study Design and Sampling Procedure
2) Instrument Development and Data Collection Procedure
3) Data Processing and Analysis


1) Socio-Demographic Characteristics of the respondents
2) Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Food Safety (ex. Mean and SD of knowledge,
attitude and practice score on food safety and Percentage distribution of level of
knowledge, attitude and practice of food safety)
3) Factors Influencing Food Safety Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (ex. Age in
years, Training, Knowledge score, Attitude score, Duration of vending (yrs),
Marital status, etc.)





Current statistics identify increasing
numbers of reported food poisoning cases
in Indonesia.
A large majority of these cases stem from
incorrect food handling and hygiene
practices within the food industry.
Every person working in the food industry
has a responsibility to prepare food that is
safe and suitable to eat.
This presentation will assist you with this

Personal hygiene objectives

Assist food businesses achieve the requirements of the
Food Safety Standards.
Provide food handlers with the necessary skills and
knowledge of food safety and hygiene matters relevant
to their work activities.
Raise the level of compliance with food legislation
throughout the food industry.
This is important because dirt and microorganisms
present on the skin and on outdoor clothing can be
transmitted to the food
Micro organisms can also be transmitted to the food via
cough, colds and wounds
In fact, people are one of the most common source of

Source of bacterial contamination from


Intestinal waste (faeces) is

a major source of bacterial
contamination (Salmonella,
Shigella and enterococci)
Because of poor personal
hygiene, the bacteria found
in faeces are often found in

Employee hygiene
Food can carry several illness
Respiratory disease, e.g. cold, sore throats, pneumonia, scarlet fever
and tuberculosis
Gastrointestinal disease, e.g., vomiting, diarrhoea, dysentery
Typhoid fever
Infectious hepatitis
Droplets are usually formed by sneezing, coughing and talking

(From Fundamental og Microbiology; Frobisher et al.)

How microbes from people contaminate food


Skin, fingers, fingernails,

jewellery, hair, eyes, mouth,
nose, throat, lungs,waste


Employees may carry a

microorganisms even if they
do not have symptoms of
the illness


Handwashing is the most

important action

Effect of

Microbes on

Transmission of infectious micro organisms

indirect airborne

Direct airborne
via hand and objects
wafted into air

dust borne

settles in dust

(From Fundamental og Microbiology; Frobisher et al.)

Prevention: Personal Hygiene

What is not allowed.......
Actions that can contaminate food

How to control?
Protective clothing (hairnet, coats,
trouser, aprons, gloves and boots)
are used to protect the food and the
processing environment against
contamination from people.
Hand washing with soap and water
removes more bacteria than quick
hand washing. Very important
especially after using toilet, blowing
their nose, handling anything dirty,
handling money or smoking

Recommended handwashing
8. Dry with
paper towel

7. Rinse

1. Wet hands

2. Soap


6. SoapLather

5. Rinse

from humans, dirty
utensils, packages
and raw food

3. Lather

4. Brush

Example questions for personal assessment

1. How often do you wash your hands before and after eating?
2. How often do you wash your hands after using toilets?
3. How frequent do you wash your hands using soap and warm water?
4. Do you know the relation between insects and foodborne diseases?
5. Do You know any bacterias names?
6. Is it important to read food safety articles?
7. It is not safe to leave leftovers food at kitchen temperature (Agree,
Neutral, Disagree)
8. It is dangerous for a sick man to work with food (Agree, Neutral,
9. It is Important to have food safety education (Agree, Neutral, Disagree)

1. Anonim. 1999. Guidelines for Developing GMPs and SOPs. North American Meat
Processors et al. USAHariyadi dan Dewanti, Ratih. 2007. Mikrobiologi dan
Keamanan Pangan Beku. Food Review Vol. II/ No. 7 Juli 2007.
2. Anonim. 2008. Pengendalian Hama di Lingkungan Pabrik. Food Review Vol. III/ No.
10 Oktober 2008.
3. Anonim. 2007. Food Service Management. Food Review Vol. II/ No. 11 November
2007.Haryadi, Yadi. 2008. Pengendalia Infestasi Serangga di Industri Pangan. Food
Review Vol. III/ No. 10 Oktober 2008.
4. Hanan S. Afifi and Aisha A. Abushelaibi. 2012. Short communication: Assessment of
personal hygiene knowledge, and practices in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates. Food
Control 25 page 249-253
5. Louise Fielding, Leanne Ellis, Debbie Clayton, and Adrian Peters. 2011. An

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