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How does your product

represent particular social

Evaluation Question 2


The antagonist within our narrative is a

white-American teenage girl, she acts in
a psychopathic manner due to a school
crush on a boy resulting in bullying and
her taking her revenge. This may lead
the audience to generalise this
representation to a broad group of whiteAmerican people. This, obviously, isnt
necessarily the case but could be
interpreted by the audience in this way.


The narrative is strongly focussed on those who

are teenagers. The bitchy nature and nastiness
encoded within the high school may appear to
someone, who hasnt had much experience
with that setting, that all high schools are like
this and prejudge them based on what they
have seen within my production. Although, the
narrative would be briefly shown within the
trailer so someone who couldnt relate to what
they see on screen would be less likely to go
and watch the actual production.


Younger members of the audience would see

this negative connotations of the
representation of the boy who is shown in the
film as the antagonists target and for boys
they may assume that is how all boys act
within society and may copy the behaviour as
they think this is the norm. Whereas, girls
may see how the antagonist reacts to the boy
and they may generalise this to all boys and
develop a hatred for boys which will affect
their social behaviour.

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