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Weight(Splash Bar)

34 Kg

Weight(whole unit with cabinet)


Power input


Power consumption


Dimensions in mm(HXWXD)


Margin Structure(Rs)
MRP per bottle 2.25Litre


Cups per bottle


Cups per case


Cost of beverages per case


Cost of cups per case


Total cost


Selling price per serve

Buying price per serve(incl. cup price)

Selling price per case


Buying price per case


Percentage per margin


Ideal outlets for splash bar

Telecom outlets
Textile outlets
Tailor shops
Outlets near construction sites
Any non-beverages selling outlet with
good footfalls
Outlets with free beverages serving to
customers like jewelry, showrooms,
temple outlets

HCCBPL Provide

Splash bar machine

Tap nozzles
Beverages stock with paper cups on
Marketing elements

Outlet selection basis quality


Outlet must be situated in a clean and

hygienic environment with no off odors
in the surroundings.
There should not be any chances of
cross contamination through dust
generated by nearby facility i.e. chalk
plant, concrete, cement or chemical
Outlet must not be near(60ft.)butchery/
open sewage drains/ waste disposable
area/ chemical storage spaces etc.

Outlet must not be near(20 ft.) open/

uncovered water stagnant area.
Outlet must have a valid electrical connection
and a standard 6A socket which could be used
for plugging in the PCSB equipment.
Outlet must have adequate space for
Outlet must be legally authorized commercial
place and should be physically secure.

Purpose of introducing of Splash Bar

This concept is introduced by HCCBPL for

mainly rural areas for recruitment of those
consumers who are not able to taste the
cocacola product mainly because of price
barrier but now they can taste the CocaCola product in just Rs 5 and also for
making habitual to those people of CocaCola products

Pros and Cons of Splash Bar

First mover advantage
Its a newly invented machine by Coca-Cola, its
very simple to operate.
Comes in different variants of 100, 200 and 300
ml at affordable price of Rs5, 10 and 15.
At same time the consumer can taste two
brands of Coca-Cola.
In comparison to normal fridges of 200-250
watt, this fridge is of only 80 watts. Thus,
consumes very less electricity just 2-2.5 units
in a day.

The machine (Splash Bar) is very eyecatching.

Machine (splash bar) is given free of
cost to outlet owners.
Gives high profit margin to outlet
Can be a substitute for tea and coffee
Will give a stiff competition to soda
fountain machine.
Easier for the company to penetrate the
rural market, as it is a cost effective
proposal for the rural customers

The machine can be used to keep only
5 bottles at a time in chilling mode.
Demands cleaning every day and great
amount of maintenance.
Security issues: Like fridges, Cabinets
are not given
If the machine is not handled carefully
there is a chance of gas leakage.
Hygiene issues.
Changing the bottles.

Required one person specially for serving

Only 20 glass can be served from 2.25 liters of
Only two brands of Coca-Cola can be served at
a time
Can affect the RGB sells.
In same amount soda fountain provides
double quantity as of splash bar
Soda fountain also provides 5 and 7 variants
of soda drink.
If the machine is not handled properly by the
shopkeeper, taste of beverage may get
hampered which ultimately may affect the
brand image of the company

In phase 1, First of all I gathered all the knowledge
regarding the machine by discussing with my industry
mentor, by talking to the persons who were already working
on it and by seeing the machine which is already installed,
after that I did a proper mapping of Patna market.
Phase 2, Started visiting the ideal dry outlets and convincing
them by explaining about the splash bar, margin on a bottles
of 2.25litre of coke and others benefit related with the
splash bar.

Phase 3, On very next day of visiting the

outlet, I used to call them up and revisit
them for their response.
Phase 4, If they were agreed to install,
then I collect documents from them and
submit it to the office.
Phase 5, Prepared questionnaire to do
survey on splash bar that how it is
successful from consumer perspective
as well as retailer and interviewed
Phase 6, collected data through
questionnaire and analyzed it.

Findings Related to the


Findings Related to the


As 46% of retailer installed splash bar machine only
because of profitability and only 48% of retailer is
extremely satisfied with the profitability because of they
were not able to earn as much profit stated by the company
due to only 20 cup of cold drink could be served from a
2.25litre of bottle. So, company should convey them the
exact cup of cold drink that can be served from a 2.25litre
of bottle and margin on that.
Only 54% of retailer is extremely satisfied with the space
occupied by the splash bar machine. So, company can
provide detachable machine to which they can keep the
cabinet anywhere in shop.

6% of retailer is not satisfied with the training provided by

the company because they were not able to remember all
things stated by the company. So, company can provide
them a small book related to the training and handling of
Only 42% of consumer is extremely satisfied with
quantity of cold drink (100ml) being served in splash bar
and also 90% of consumer agree that it is batter than 10
rupees RGB. So, company can also introduce 200ml in Rs
10 in splash bar as 200ml of RGB is being sold in market
in 12 rupees.

23% of consumer is drinking splash bar cold drink because

of brand availability and another 23% of consumer because
of easy to consume(need not to consume it by standing
there because glass is to be return). So, company can offer
more variants instead of only two is being offered to which
consumer can taste more brands in just Rs 5.

Although there are around 4000 retail outlets in Patna,
but we were able to cover only few of them due to time
I couldnt give equal amount of time to all the
shopkeepers for discussions. Some of the shopkeepers I
met quiet and had a long discussions with them while
some of them being situated at very distant locations
(normally far away from my usual market visits) were
not given ample time.

Some of the retailers I interviewed were not so cooperative and open-minded and refrained from engaging
in a healthy discussion with me unlike many others who
were quite supportive.
I was not able to visit outlets in mid of my project due to
stay on the installation of splash bar machine for 15 days
because of hygiene issues.

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