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Mohamad Aizuddin Bin Selamat (185787)

Nurul Ain Binti Abdul Muin (185666)
Fatin Syakirah Binti Azhar (185334)
Iffah Fathiyah Binti Ahmad Tarmizi (185424)
Huda Najiha Binti Bizami (185427)


The generation of people born during the

1980s and early 1990s. The name is
based on Generation X , the generation
that preceded them.

Diferences of
Generation X , Y and

Characteristic of Gen Y in Consuming


Gen Y consumers are more aware of their

purchasing power and are likely to spend their
cash as quickly as they acquire it.
Gen Yers demand an authentic relationship
based on a deep knowledge of who they are
and what makes them buy (Yarrow & ODonnell,
Gen Y buyers select and consume products that
helps them to define who they are, what is
important to them and what they value in life
also serve.

Definition of Sustainable Consumption

According to (Symposium Oslo, 1994), Sustainable Consumption is the

use of services and related products, which respond to basic needs and
bring a better quality of life while minimizing the use of natural
resources and toxic materials as well as the emissions of waste and
pollutants over the life cycle of the service or product so as not to
.jeopardize the needs of further generations
According to (Robinson and Roberts, 1998), the idea of reasonable
consumption emerges from the situations that happen these days, for
example, harm to nature, destitution, wellbeing, financial productivity,
worldwide ecological change, personal satisfaction.





Reduce the use of unnecessary items. Just buy the necessary items only.
Users can also bring their own bags when shopping. This method can
reduce the use and disposal of plastic bags and so on can solve
environmental problems.
For example, when Gen Y purchasing goods, make sure purchasing
products based on glass bottle, wrapped with paper-based material,
metal-based packaging and rechargeable batteries assists us to reuse
these materials before being sent to recycling.

Important of Sustainable Consumption

a key to the need to impact the patterns
and practices of purchasers and makers
to the reasonable use and further to
make a sustainable society and
Example : the use of re-packaging
materials purchased by users such as the
containers that were used to store the
same items (buy refill packs) or other
household items (reused old clothes as
rags, footwear, and cushion)

Important of Sustainable Consumption

smart consumer will think
fundamentally, to decide their spending
patterns and this will reduce the effects
on the environment regarding resource
consumption and ecological quality.
Example : if items such as home
furnishings are still in good shape, it can
be donated to community centres and
schools. If the item is no longer available,
it can be disposed of by sending it to
recycling centres and collection centres.

Important of Sustainable Consumption

Receiving a more economical methodology in
the creation of merchandise to stay aggressive
in the business sector by honing feasible
systems for generation and conveyance
(sustainable production and distribution).
Example : processing methods and processing of
raw materials involving the extraction, cleaning,
transportation, manufacturing, waste generated,
life expectancy, and disposal. If a product is
recyclable, it can be a source of raw materials
for other industries.

Behavior Of Gen Y

1. Price and income perceived as the

primary determinants of consumer
2. Shifting taste and preferences
3. Theory Abraham Maslow

Measurement Sustainable Consumption






A Meta-label that address the

sustainability of product
A tool of consumer to verify sustainability
performance of their household
Certified product, indicating their market
Indicate current household consumption
Indicator of consumption factor




Why Gen Y is Sustainable in


The Unexpected Sustainability of

Gen Y
Gen Y is discovering a wide range of
approaches to do things another way
and by and large all the more
It's a chance to reach past standard
"utilize less bundling" and "give echarging" methodologies. Gen Y, for an
assortment of reasons, is giving us
authorization to shake things up. Here's

Why Gen Y is Sustainable in


Focus on experiences - Forget about the thing

Millennials have become an adult in a universe of
online networking, where whatever you do can be
caught, curated and shared immediately.
This experience-centred personality set makes them
the ideal access over proprietorship shopper.
They aren't going to ask you for what good reason
they ought to need to "surrender" their auto or their
clothes washer.
They don't need the stuff they simply need the
advantage connected with it, particularly on the off
chance that they can spare cash along the way.

Why Gen Y is Sustainable in


Provide quality and authenticity

An often overlooked trait of Gen Y is that
amidst their financial challenges, they
are willing to pay more for certain items.
Gen Y wants to hold onto their
investments for the long-term, there are
opportunities to create and profit from
new brand touch points focused on
maintenance, modification and repair.

Why Gen Y is Sustainable in


Help them harness the power of

their groups
A frequently neglected attribute of Gen Y
is that in the midst of their monetary
difficulties, they are willing to pay more
for specific things.
Gen Y is willing to put in some work,
there are likewise opportunities around
self-get together in classes extending
from magnificence, to innovation, to
sustenance and refreshment.

Strategies of Sustainability of Gen Y in:

Young Australians can change
consumption designs and advance
feasible ways of life through their very
own activities.
These activities may be reflected
straightforwardly in their obtaining
choices, through asset sparing activities
or by finding a way to urge others to
rehearse sustainable consumption.
For example, cleansers and reused

Strategies of Sustainability of Gen Y in:

Sustainable Consumption instruments and systems
are frequently outlined particularly for family units.
The family unit segment is in charge of vitality use,
waste transfer, and obtaining choices that influence
the manageability of utilization.
However, for some, a change in the family's personal
satisfaction such as folks investing more energy with
their kids and less time at work may assuage a
portion of the interest for family buys of
merchandise and administrations Hamilton, (2003).

Strategies of Sustainability of Gen Y in:

To be sure, there is confirmation that
today youthful Australians are partaking
in social activities.
For example, environment, human rights
and volunteering for group benefit like
never before.

Important of Gen Y Toward

Future Generation

The role of models

to give a review of diverse models of
customer conduct and of behavioural
Calculated models assume two essential
parts in understanding what persuades
purchaser conduct and drives
behavioural change.

Important of Gen Y Toward

Future Generation

Firstly, they give heuristic systems to

investigating and conceptualizing
shopper conduct.

Secondly, these models can be utilized

as structures to test exactly the quality
of various types of connections in
diverse circumstances.


The definition proposed by the 1994 Oslo Symposium on

Sustainable Consumption
1. Characterizes it as the consumption of administrations and
related items which react to essential needs
2. Bring a superior personal satisfaction while minimizing
the consumption of characteristic assets and dangerous
materials and also outflows of waste and toxins over the life
cycle of the administration or
3. Item so as not to endanger the needs of future generation

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