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Grade 3 Newsletter

March 2010
Volume 7
Mrs. Supen Ms. Sarah

Mr. Patrick Mr. Travis

Grade 3 News
It has been
been a very busy and productive month of March!
In Math, we
we are
are currently
currently focusing
focusing on
on measurement
measurement andand geometry.
Students are having fun doing
doing hands-on lessons that explore new
In Science, we
we are
are wrapping
wrapping upup our
our Human Body unit andand starting our
Physics of Sound program.
program. Students will learn to discriminate
between sounds
sounds generated
generated by dropped objects, how how sounds can can be
made louder oror softer
softer and
and higher
higher or
or lower,
lower, how
how sounds
sounds travel
travel through
a variety of materials, and how sounds get fromfrom a source
source toto a
Please continue to support your child at home with reading
reading as it
makes aa huge difference in their overall
overall learning.
 We are gearing up to the fourth quarter of
the school year and we are now on our sixth
unit “Discovering Music”. The focus of this
unit is for the students to learn different
Form of Songs like AB, AABB and ABA, the
Family of Instruments: Brass, Woodwind,
String, Percussion and the music and musical
instruments of the Native Americans.
Theatre Arts
Getting into the next level of fun with voice projection using puppets are what
the Gr. 3 students are all excited about. They were group into 4 or 5 students
and were given sets of hands puppets to play with. First, they were told to clean
and sanitize their hands before handling them. Everyone chose the puppet and
learn how to handle and manipulate them. Then group challenge was given. Now
that they have the characters (puppets), they were told to name them, let them
talk and practice coordinating the talking and the moving. They were reminded
that the focus so far is the use of their voice. We then reviewed voice projection,
practiced and tried varying the volume and pitch. The students had fun and
motivated to speak the characters. Here are some pictures of the class making
their puppets talk. Up next will be making up a short story and put on a litte
puppet show in the class.

 Let’s celebrate Songkran festival together! On April
8,2010, the Thai department will host Songkran
festival. We would like to invite parents and students
to participate by dressing Thai costume. The morning
activity will start at 7.10-7.30 at the assembly. At
9.00-9.20 pouring water to adults will take place at
elementary section (breezeway). Please encourage
your kids to wear Thai costume on that day.

 Grade 3 is working on “Under the sea Painting”

 Students learn how to do wet on wet paitning.

 Here are some sample of the work from students:

Artist: Bean 3-2 Artist: Catty 3-3 Artist: Jointjoy 3-4

 Hi
Hi Everyone
Elizabeth Library

 The
The latest
latest news
news in
in Elizabeth
Elizabeth isis that
that we
we have
have about
about 300
300 beautiful
beautiful new
new books
books ready
ready for
for release.
If you
you can't
can't come
come toto see
see our
our new
new books
books display
display during
during the
the week
week before
before Easter,
Easter, then
then you
you may
see what
what we
we have
have added
added toto the
the collection
collection in in Destiny
Destiny byby going
going toto your
your home
home computer.
computer. Just
Open Destiny
Destiny Quest.
Quest. InIn the
the centre
centre isis aa box
box called
called "Resource
"Resource Lists".
Lists". There
There you
you will
will see
see aa list
heading called
called "New
"New Books
Books March
March 2010".
2010". JustJust click
click on
on the
the list
list heading
heading and
and you
you may
may browse
all of
of our
our new
new titles.
titles. Mums,
Mums, there
there are
are lots
lots of
of new
new levelled
levelled readers
readers and
and many
many beautiful
beautiful new
picture books.
books. Make
Make sure
sure you
you get
get plenty
plenty of of books
books for
for Easter
Easter and
and the
the Songkran
Songkran holidays.

 Happy
Happy reading!
reading! MrMr Rick

 We are continuing on the unit of. Citizenship. On April
19-23 is Earth Week. The grade 3 students will be doi
ng an environmental project focusing on 3R’s.We enco
urage you all to think ways to get rid of waste, use wa
ter bottle instead ofplastic cups in school and practic
e 3’RS at home. Thank you for your cooperation.

 The character or virtues for this month are understa
nding, cooperation and claenliness. Students will learn
ways to cooperate with their family, friends and unde
rstand their needs.
Counseling – Mrs. Pascale
ESL Language Tip
Talk, talk, talk!
Talk with your child everyday about school and t
hings that go on around the house. Find out wha
t concepts they are learning about in school and
talk to them about it, in any language. Concepts
and deeper level thinking are skills that can easi
ly transfer across languages.

 Fri. 2- Mon. 5: Easter Break

 Mon. 12 - Fri. 16: Songkran Break

Tue. 20: 4th Q. EDP begins

Tue. 27: progress letters issued

 Fri. 30: ES Parent Coffee; No Uniform Day

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