Business and Govenrment - Group 1

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The Aryan Journey

History and evolution of government

Group 1
Amritansh roy
Prakhar yadav
Priyank Goel
Priyanka prajapati
Subhabrata Saha

From Volga to Ganga

The migration ofAryansfrom thesteppesof theEurasiato regions around theVolga river
is traced.
Later it covers their movements across theHimalayan regions
Finally explains their spread to theIndo-Gangetic plains of thesubcontinent of India.
The book traces the history of Aryans from 6000BC and explains the evolution of

Keys Concepts to focus in the process of

Connect between the individual and society

Complexity of mans emotional and intellectual


Transformation from a matriarchal society to a patriarchal

Process of development of Institution

From Common Pool Resources to Common Property



-Nisha is the head of the

-She had eight girls and six
boys born to her
-Woman had constantly
changing choice of Love
partner. Almost impossible to
determine the father of the
-Transfer of power from
Nisha to Lekha, strongest of
her daughters
-Matriarchal Society

Region: Banks of the upper Volga

People: Indo-Slav
Time: 3500 B.C
225 generations back in the history

-Nineteen to hundred and

fifty members of Nisha clan
-Formation of several Subfamilies and concept of
pooled resources developed
-Worship of Nature and Agni
-End of unrestricted power
of matriarch
-Fight for resources between
the clans Nisha and Usha
leading to the end of Usha
-Kuru Clan setting new
standards for the tribes


Region: Banks of the upper Volga

People: Indo-European
Time: 6000 B.C
360 generations back in the history

From Common Property Resources to Private Property



-Women are still free to indulge

in casual love affairs and they
were offered to the friends or
guests by way of making them
-The society is patriarchal and
women aspires for freedom and
equal rights
-Households own cattle and
people help each other not as
servants but family members
-The elders duty was to control
the public properties and take
command of the warriors
-Women gained importance
again but men were allowed to
have more than one wife

Region: The Oxus valley-Tajikistan

People: Indo-Iranian
Time: 2500 B.C
180 generations back in the history

-Agriculture and copper-working

had come to be practiced
-Women started wearing
ornaments made of Gold and
-Slavery had found its way
among the Aryans, but they were
now anxious to forget it
-Industrialization came into
-Men started preferring copper
sword instead of meat or cloth
-Puruhut became the first king
in history
-They linked their mountain
valley to the outside world by
means of trade


Region: Central Asia-the Pamirs

People: Indo-Iranian
Time: 3000 B.C
200 generations back in the history

Development of commerce and involving conflicts

among communities


- People started moving across the

geographies for trade
- Resulted some useful and under
explored commodities start moving
between the geographies
- Every individual had autonomy and
they had some fixed set of rituals and
annual festivals
- Barter system was evolved under which
grains and herds were exchanged by
Aryans for copper, gold, silver and some
other luxurious items with Asurs
- Asurs were also very able and
competent to Aryans but their were
racial issues between the two
- Also Aryans and Asurs have different
- Prostitution was emerged in Asurs

Region: Gandhar- Taxila

People: Indo- Aryans
Time: 1800 B.C
152 generations back in the history
- Some of the Aryans were influenced by
Asurs practices as priests and king enjoy
more powers in Asur community and
among other population most of them
(around 80% were slaves)
- Angira was a Rishi who was well
known about ancient Aryan traditions
- People from different Aryan regions
used to visit him to take lessons about
Aryans in order protect their races
- He believed in adopting new
techniques from different communities
which can benefit Aryans also (eg.
Updating stone swords to copper swords,
and the technique was adopted from
- He established Taxila academy in
Gandhara region
- Most of the Asurs were killed in that
region in order to remove the inhuman
brutality from region


Region: Upper Swat

People: Indo-Aryan
Time: 2000 B.C
170 generations back in the history

Decline of Democracy and Rise of Priesthood

Region: Kuru-Panchal, Western part of United Provinces
People: Vedic Aryan
Time: 1500 B.C
144 generations back in the history

The story of suda

Decline in the power of women
Shifting of power from the common people to monarch
Rise of Sychopancy and classes
Distinction between governmen and religion
Emergence of Caste system : Brahmins ,Kshatriyas,traders and
common folks and non aryan community
Beginning of conflict between Kshatriyas and Brahmins
Real power in the hands of priest
Peoples belief in faith and God led to their downfall

Thank you

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