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Aastha 08PGHR01
Bhavuk 08PGHR10
Priyanka 08PGHR29
Ruchika 08PGHR38
Sumit 08PGHR52
Vipin 08PGHR56
• What is leadership
• Effective leadership
1. Provide encouragement
2. Creativity
3. Think globally
4. Charismatic
• Indispensable elements
1. Sphere of influence
2. Vision to solve
3. Inspire the followers
4. Monitor actions
Emotional Intelligence
Lead by Example
Open Communication
Bring Optimism
Inspire and Motivate
Attracting and Retaining Talent
Leadership Style
• Autocratic Leadership Style
• Democratic or Participative Leadership Style
• Laissez Faire Leadership Style
• Transformational Leadership
• Transactional Leadership
• Situational Leadership
• Directing Style
• Coaching Style
• Supporting Style
• Delegating Style
Organizations develop their future leaders from
Business and economic climate is more challenging
Competition is global
Most critical resources
Leadership Development Strategy
Leadership Talent Identification
Creating a Culture of Leadership
Leadership Training
Hay Group Survey
• The annual survey of the Top 20 Best Companies
for Leaders
• Considered a total of 790 companies for the
• 86.1% of respondents feel that the urgency to
develop leaders in their organization has
• The survey identifies seven best practices that are
most effective for leadership development
2007 Top 10 Best Companies for 2006 Top Best Companies For
Leaders Leaders
1 General Electricals General Electricals
2 Procter & Gamble Procter & Gamble
3 Johnson & Johnson Pepsi co
4 Unilever Citigroup
5 Coca Cola Johnson & Johnson
6 Siemens HSBC Holdings
7 Pepsi Co. BASF
8 L’Oreal Home Depot
9 Toyota Motors IBM
10 HP Coca Cola
Best Practices
2007 Best Practices 2006 Best Practices

1. Leadership development opportunities are 1. Having leaders at all levels who focus
made available to managers on creating a work climate that
motivates employees to perform at
their best.
2. Managers are held accountable for 2. Ensuring that the company makes
creating a work climate that motivates leadership development a top priority.
employees to do their best
3. Training and other activities intended to 3. Providing training and coaching to
help leadership teams work together more help intact leadership teams, as well as
effectively (e.g., team coaching, training the individual leaders, work together
programs for intact teams) are provided more effectively.
4. Talent management led by an in-depth 4. Rotational job assignments for high
analysis of the roles that need to be filled potentials.
in the future
5. Leadership training and development 5. External leadership development
opportunities intended to help leaders programs for mid-level managers.
transition into a new roles
6. Working abroad/international experiences 6. Web-based self study leadership
modules for mid-level managers.
7. External hires participating in formal 7. Executive MBA programs for midlevel
orientation programs to prepare them for managers.
leadership positions
Interview 1
Mr. XYZ Operation Manager Process (Orange)
Company – Convergys India Ltd
Work-ex - 5 years in GE, 2 Years in Amex now with
Convergys for last 8 months
Scope: To understand the Leadership Development
in GE and to identify the real life challenges faced by
emerging leaders
Leadership development Program
– GE
Stage 1: GE’s Corporate Entry Leadership
2,000 new hires are brought in from all businesses
to GE’s Crotonville corporate university in New
Attendees learn about GE’s global strategy,
competitors and values
Heavy emphasis is put on understanding aspects
of all of GE’s businesses
Transition to Leadership - GE
Stage2: New Manager Development program
Training revolves around easing the transition
from working individually to leading others and
high-performance teams
Emphasis on developing and facilitating the
change process
Provides opportunities for managers to discuss
problems or solutions with peers
Benchmarking the competition: GE
Stage 3: Classroom Interaction
Managers are divided into their particular area of
expertise and placed into classes led by industry
30% of the participating managers in each class
are from outside that specific field of study
The Final Rungs
Management development courses
Business management courses - targeted for
potential general managers and teaches business
and leadership skills needed to compete in a
global environment
Executive Development - only for potential top
In the final stage of the leadership development
process, Crotonville organizes occasional officer
workshops where approximately 20-30 officers
and the chief executive meet to discuss
unresolved company-wide issues. This represents
the pinnacle of the management development
Challenges faced
Challenges faced at lower level
1. Low Confidence level
2. Lack of proper guidance
3. Lack of ownership
4. Lack of exposure
Challenges faced at managerial level
1. Dependency on support functions like HR
2. Motivation of employee
3. Manage aspirations of employees
4. Legitimate use of power
5. Solving cognitive conflict
Leadership development program in BPO’s
Session 1: In this session Team Leads and Managers are
asked to discuss to work upon their interviewing skills
Session 2: Class is divided into two parts ; one of the team
leaders could be picked up as the boss of each of the
groups, they need to make 6 pictorial representations of
the best practices on the floor and depict them
This session help team leaders and managers to know
what they can do to get better scores and what are there
improvement areas, without pointing fingers to anyone of
Session 3: In this session , team leaders and managers go
through a brainstorming ideas to innovate low cost
incentive plans and each member has to explain his idea
by making presentation and the session concludes with by
ranking the top 3 incentive plans
Session 4: This session a team leader needs to inoculate
leadership qualities within a representative. This would
help the representative to brush his confidence
Session 5: Question and answer
Session 6 : Presentation by training managers
Leadership is about commitment, consensus and
achieving excellence
Effective leaders express dissatisfaction with
statuesque and establish high standards
They must be able to utilize the whole potential
of the organization and must try to build a
learning organization

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