2nd Law of Thermodynamics

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Angelo Advincula
John Glendle Angue
Ross Patrick Ramos
Bryan Allen Roll
Glen Paul Torralba

The laws of thermodynamics describe the
relationships between thermal energy, or heat, and
other forms of energy, and how energy affects
matter. The First Law of Thermodynamics states that
energy cannot be created or destroyed; the
totalquantityof energy in the universe stays the
same. The Second Law of Thermodynamics is about
thequalityof energy. It states that as energy is
transferred or transformed, more and more of it is
wasted. The Second Law also states that there is a
natural tendency of any isolated system to
degenerate into a more disordered state.

Saibal Mitra, a professor of physics at Missouri State

University, finds the Second Law to be the most interesting of
the four laws of thermodynamics. There are a number of
ways to state the Second Law," he said. "At a very
microscopic level, it simply says that if you have a system
that is isolated, any natural process in that system
progresses in the direction of increasing disorder, or entropy,
of the system.
Mitra explained that all processes result in an increase in
entropy. Even when order is increased in a specific location,
for example by the self-assembly of molecules to form a
living organism, when you take the entire system including
the environment into account, there is always a net increase
in entropy. In another example, crystals can form from a salt
solution as the water is evaporated. Crystals are more
orderly than salt molecules in solution; however, vaporized
water is much more disorderly than liquid water. The process
taken as a whole results in a net increase in disorder.


Most important use of second law is to

determine direction of a process. First law of
thermodynamics tells the user only about
energy transfer, it does not specify in which
direction energy transfer will happen for a
given condition. Consider following examples.
According to first law hot tea can gain heat,
mass can go up and mixed gas can become
unmixed spontaneously. It is 2nd law of
thermodynamics which comes in between and
tells in which direction a process is possible

Maximum Possible Thermal Efficiency

Another main use of 2nd law is in determining maximum possible thermal
efficiency of a given system. 2nd law of thermodynamics puts a limit for
maximum performance a system can achieve. For example you can find whats
the maximum thermal efficiency possible for a car engine or refrigerator just by
knowing its heat interaction temperatures.

Concept of Carnot Engine

When heat interactions are happening at
uniform temperature and irrevesibilities in
cycle are zero, such cycle will give maximum
possible thermal efficiency.This cycle is known
as Carnot cycle. In this aspect the power cycle
we just discussed above is an example of
Carnot cycle. So thermal efficiency of such a
cycle can be written as

Second Law for a Process - Concept of Entropy

If you want to apply 2nd law for a process
the statements derived above which are for
cycles are not useful. Consider following cyclic
processes, 1st cycle passes through paths A &
B and 2nd cycle passes through paths A & C.

Does Entropy Mean Disorder?

The discussions we have done so far were
in macroscopic point of view. But there exists
a whole different field of thermodynamics
where things are viewed microscopically,
Boltzmanrelationis considered to be one of
thermodynamics, at the same time it is one of
the most controversial too. According to this
entropy, S and thermodynamic probability, w
are related by the relation

The term thermodynamic probability, w

deserves special attention. It represents total
number of possible microscopic states
available to a system, it often referred to as
disorder of the system. So according to
Boltzman relation as disorder of the system
increases entropy increases, or if during a
process disorder of the universe increases
that process is spontaneous .But always
remember statistical thermodynamics is not
free of controversies, especiallyBoltzman
relation. For an engineer thermodynamics in
classical point of view is enough for his needs.


1. A heat engine absorbs 360 J of thermal energy and

performs 25 J of work in each cycle.
Find (a) the efficiency of the engine .
e = 25 J / 360 J
e = 0.069
e = 6.9%
and (b) the thermal energy expelled in each cycle.
1 - [Qc/Qh] = e = 0.069
Qc/Qh= 1 - 0.069
Qc/Qh= 0.931
Qc= (360 J) (0.931)
Qc= 335 J

2. A heat engine performs 200 J of work in each cycle and

has an efficiency of 30%. For each cycle, how much
thermal energy is
(a) absorbed and

Qh= W/e
Qh= 200 J/0.30
Qh= 667 J
(b) expelled?
1 - [Qc/Qh] = e = 0.30
Qc/Qh= 1 - 0.30
Qc/Qh= 0.70
Qc= Qh(0.70)
Qc= (667 J) (0.70)
Qc= 467 J

3. A particular engine has a power output of 5.0 kW and an

efficiency of 25%. If the engine expels 8 000 J of thermal energy in each
cycle, find
(a) the heat absorbed in each cycle and
1 - [Qc/Qh] = e = 0.25
Qc/Qh= 1 - 0.25
Qc/Qh= 0.75
Qh= Qc/0.75
Qh= 8 000 J/0.75
Qh= 10 667 J
(b) the time for each cycle.
W = Qh- Qc
W = 10 667 J - 8 000 J
W = 2 667 J = 2.667 kJ
P = W / t
t = 2.667 kJ/5.0 kW
t = 0.533 s

4. An engine absorbs 1 600 J from a hot reservoir and expels

1000 J to a cold reservoir in each cycle.
(a) What is the efficiency of the engine?
e = 1 - [ 1 000 J/1 600 J]
e = 1 - 0.625
e = 0.375
e = 37.5%
(b) What is the power output of the engine if each cycle lasts for 0.30
For each cycle,
W = Qh- Qc
W = 1 600 J - 1 000 J
W = 600 J
Then the power is
P = W / t
P = 600 J / 0.30 s
P = 2 000 W = 2 kW

5. A heat engine operates between two reservoirs at 20 oC

and 300oC. What is the maximum efficiency possible for
this engine?
From our study of Carnot engines, we know the maximum
efficiency is
Remember, of course, these temperatures must be
measured in kelvins,
Tc= 20oC = 293 K
Th= 300oC = 573 K
e = 1 - [ 293 K/573 K]
e = 1 - 0.511
e = 0.489
e = 48.9%

6. A power plant has been proposed that would make use

of the temperature gradient in the ocean. The system is
to operate between 20oC (surface water temperature)
and 5oC (water temperature at a depth of about 1 km).
(a) What is the maximum efficiency of such a system?
The maximum possible efficiency is the Carnot efficiency,
Tc= 5oC = 278 K
Th= 20oC = 293 K
e = 1 - [ 278 K/293 K]
e = 1 - 0.949
e = 0.051
e = 5.1%

(b) If the power output of the plant is 75 MW, how

much thermal energy is absorbed per hour?
First, how muchworkis done per hour?
P = W/ t
W = P t
W = (75 MW) (1 hr)
W = (75 x 106W) [(J/s)/W] (1 hr) [3 600 s/hr]
W = 2.7 x 1012J
Now, how much heat is necessary to provide that
much output work?
Qh= W/e
Qh= (2.7 x 1012J) / 0.051
Qh= 5.3 x 1013J

Steam enters a turbine at 800oC and is
at 120oC. What is the maximum
efficiency of this turbine?
Tc= 120oC = 393 K
Th= 800oC = 1073 K
e = 1 - [ 393 K/1073 K]
e = 1 - 0.366
e = 0.634
e = 63.4%

What is the change in entropy when 1
mole of silver (108g) is melted at 961oC?
How much heat is required to melt 108 g of
Q = (0.108 kg) (8.82 x 104J/kg)
Q = 9.53 x 103J
S = Q/T
T = (273 + 961) K
T = 1234 K
S = (9.53 x 103J)/(1234 K)
S = 7.72 J/K

the change in entropy of 250 g of water
heated slowly from 20oC to 80oC.
(Hint: Note that dQ = m c dT).
This heat is added at different temperatures,
so we must take an integral,

dQ = m c dT

10. An ice tray contains 500 g of water at 0 oC.

Calculate the change in entropy of the water as it
freezes completely and slowly at 0 oC.
How much heat is required tofreeze500 g of
water at 0oC?
Q = m Lf
Q = (0.500 kg) (3.33 x 105J/kg)
Q = 1.67 x 105J
S = Q/T
S = (1.67 x 105J)/273 K
S = 610 J/K


Heat Engines
Aheat engineis a cyclic device that takes

convertssomeof it to work , and rejects the
rest of it to acold reservoirso that at the
end of a cycle it is in the same state (and has
the same internal energy) with which it began.
The net work done per cycle is (recall) the
area inside the curve.
Theefficiencyof a heat engine is defined to

Refrigerators (and Heat Pumps)

Arefrigeratoris basically a cyclic heat
engine run backwards. In a cycle it takes heat
in from a cold reservoir, does work on it, and
rejects a heat to a hot reservoir. Its net effect
is thus to make the cold reservoir colder
(refrigeration) by removing heat from inside it
to the warmer warm reservoir (warming it still
further, e.g. as a heat pump). Both of these
functions have practical applications - cooling
our homes in summer, heating our homes in
Thecoefficient of performanceof a
refrigerator is defined to be

Clausius Statement of the Second Law of

It is impossible to construct a cyclic refrigerator whose

sole effect is the transfer of energy from a cold reservoir

to a warm reservoir without the input of energy by work.
bf Reversible Processes Reversible processes are ones
where no friction or turbulence or dissipative forces are
present that represent an additional source of energy
loss or gain for a given system. For the purposes of this
book, both adiabatic and isothermal processes are
reversible. Irreversible processes include the transfer of
heat energy from a hot to a cold reservoir in general heat engines and refrigerators can be constructed
whose steps in a cycle are all reversible, but the overall
effect of transferring heat one way or the other is

Carnot Engine
reversible cycle, and a Carnot Cycle-based
heat engine is one that does not dissipate any
energy internally and uses only reversible
steps.Carnot's Theoremstates that no real
heat engine operating between a hot reservoir
at temperature and a cold reservoir at
temperature can be more efficient than a
Carnot engine operating between those two

Entropy is a measure of disorder. The
change in entropy of a system can be
evaluated by integrating:

separated equilibrium states (the weasel
language is necessary because temperature
should be constant in equilibrium, but systems
in equilibrium have constant entropy). Thus:

End .

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