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5000 BC
- Sumerians
1800 BC
- Hammurabi
400 BC
- Xenophon
separate art
400 BC
- Cyrus
motion study
900 AD
- Alfarabi

- Record Keeping
- Control and written
- Management as a
- Human relations and
-Listed leadership Traits

Although great feats of human such as the

Egyptian pyramids, the Great Wall of China, the
Coliseum in Rome and the Taj Mahal in India all
bear testimony to skilled management in ancient
times, the formal study of management only
began in the 19th century.
One of the early pioneers of the management
theory was Frederick Taylor(1856-1915), a
mechanical engineer who believed that it was
managements task to design jobs properly and to
provide incentives to motivate workers to achieve
higher productivity

The English verb "manage" comes from the Italian

maneggiare (to handle, especially tools), which derives
from the two Latin words manus (hand) and agere (to act).
Management in businesses and organizations is the
function that coordinates the efforts of people to
accomplish goals and objectives by using available
resources efficiently and effectively.
Management includes planning, organizing, staffing,
leading or directing, and controlling an organization to
accomplish the goal or target. Resourcing encompasses the
deployment and manipulation of human resources, financial
resources, technological resources, and natural resources.
Management is also an academic discipline, a social
science whose objective is to study social organization.

Frederick W. Taylor is
known today as the
father of scientific
management. One of
his many
contributions to
modern management
is the common
practice of giving
employees rest breaks
throughout the day

1. Study the way workers perform their tasks, gather all

informational job knowledge that workers possess and
experiment with ways of improving how tasks are
2. Codify the new methods of performing tasks into
written rules and standard operating procedures
3. Carefully select workers who possess skills and abilities
that match the needs of the task, and train them to
perform the task according to the established rules and
4. Established a fair or acceptable level of performance
for a task and then develop a pay system that provides
a reward for performance above acceptable level

The Administrative Approach Across

the Atlantic ocean Jules Henri Fayol
(1841-1925), a fellow engineer and
manager of a group of French mines,
came to the conclusion that
management was an activity
common to all human undertakings home, business, government,
and that all these undertakings
needed five basic administrative
1. Planning
2. Organizing
3. Commanding
4. Coordinating
5. Controlling.
Fayols approach rejected the old
notion that managers are born, not

The Bureaucratic Approach Max Weber

was a German sociologist who
approached management by focusing
on organizational structure, dividing
organizations into hierarchies with clear
lines of authority and control. This
meant that managers were given legal
authority based on their position in the
organizational structure, to enforce
rules and policy
Webers bureaucratic system helped
large organizations to function in a
more stable, organized and systematic
manner. However, by doing away with
personality based or charismatic
leadership, individuality and creativity
is often sacrificed. Bureaucratic leaders
and workers are required to obey rules
and do only what they are told. The
result is that these leaders seldom think
outside the box and therefore find it
very difficult to adapt to changing
environments and new challenges

was a Harvard professor who

proposed that managers should
become more peopleorientated . Conducting
experiments on conditions in the
workplace and incorporating the
well-published findings of the
Hawthorne Studies, Mayo declared
that logical factors were far less
important than emotional factors
in determining productive
efficiency . He concluded that
participation in social groups and
group pressure, as opposed to
organizational structures or
demands from management, had
the strongest impact on worker
productivity .

Although the concept of servant-leadership is

found in the Bible and might even date further
back into antiquity, it was first proposed as a
management approach by Peter Greenleaf (19041990) in his book Servant Leadership . He
explained that becoming a servant-leader
begins with the natural feeling that one wants
to serve followed by the aspiration to lead .

Fredmund Malik defines it as "the transformation of resources

into utility." Management included as one of the factors of
production - along with machines, materials and money
Ghislain Deslandes defines it as a vulnerable force, under
pressure to achieve results and endowed with the triple power of
constraint, imitation and imagination, operating on subjective,
interpersonal, institutional and environmental levels.
Peter Drucker (19092005) saw the basic task of a management
as twofold: marketing and innovation. Nevertheless, innovation
is also linked to marketing (product innovation is a central
strategic marketing issue). Peter Drucker identifies marketing as
a key essence for business success, but management and
marketing are generally understood as two different branches of
business administration knowledge.
Andreas Kaplan specifically defines European Management as a
cross-cultural, societal management approach based on
interdisciplinary principles.

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