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Presented by Sri Rejeki Urip, from : Tata Cara
Seminar, Rapat, Pidato, Mc dalam Bahasa Inggris
by Abdurrahman Faridi. 2009. UNNES PRESS

How to become a
professional presenter?
relevant and interesting topic
delivery of messages is
consistent and
correct use of language
using sign language
adequate use of media


pay attention to
clear objective
Delivery of messages
appropriate use of time

Moderator is often called pemandu,
because his work is to guide the
course of the seminar, to arrange
the flow of questions and answers
between the speakers and
participants of the seminar.
Moderator should be someone who
speaks clearly, has a good
pronounciation, appropriate grammar,
and knows sufficient vocabulary
relating to the topic being presented.

The Tasks of a moderator

Before the presentation of the papers
presenting him/her self :

Good morning, ladies and

gentlemen, my name is Faisal.
Akbar Faisal and I have a great
honor to be the moderator of this
seminar today.

Reading the presenter's CV

by selecting the
educational background,
the work and activities
related to the topic being

Ladies and gentlemen, in this very special occasion,

I would like to introduce the
speaker/the presenter to you. His name is Mr.
Hasan, Abu Hasan, he is from Semarang, he works
in Regional Development and Planning Board
Central Java Province. Mr. Hasan graduated from
Sydney University, Australia, majoring in Business
Management. Now he is responsible for
administration matters, like business
correspondence, filling system, personnel matters
and finance.
Mr. Hasan also writes some books on Business and
Management matters especially on Human
Resources Development in Central Java.
Mr. Hasan please!
Mr. Hasan, would you please!
Mr. Hasan, the floor is yours!

After the presentation of the

To thank and ask the audience to
give questions or make
Do not forget to ask them to raise
their hands first, to mention their
names and institutions

If the participant forget to mention the

name or institution, the moderator must
quickly stop and say :
Excuse me madam/sir, your name and
your institution please!
Although the moderator knows the name
of the person asking, he should not
mention the name, unless it was known
by all the audience.
Yes please, the gentleman on the left.
Yes please, the lady with the eyeglass.
Yes please, the lady in the blue (dress)

Jika si penanya bicara panjang lebar dan

tidak jelas, moderator berhak meminta
si penanya untuk memperbaiki
pertanyaannya dengan cara:
Excuse me sir / madame, would you
please, rephrase your question?
Bukan :
* Would you please repeat the
Jangan sekali-sekali mengatakan :
Please, repeat, repeat!

Moderator memastikan apakah penanya

sudah puas dengan jawaban penyaji:
Excuse me sir/madame, does that
answer your question?
Excuse me sir/madame, may we go on?
Jangan sekali-sekali menggunakan
Sir/ Madame, is it clear?
Sir/Madame, do you understand?
Sir/Madame are you satisfied?

Second Session


self introduction
the title
the purpose
the length of time
the outline/main part
the questions
polite questions and answers
clarifying a question
avoiding giving an answer
checking the questioners impression

Reference to the
I can see many of you are
well informed

Secretary sering disebut


Sekretaris tidak perlu memperkenalkan

diri, melainkan langsung membaca
ringkasan yang ditulisnya:
Thank you moderator, ladies and
gentlemen, Id like to read the
summary of the presentation as follows
.... While as the results of the questions
and answers session 1 are ....
The result of questions and answers
session 2 are ....
Thank you very much.


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