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By: Kevin, Tony and Said

What is Polygamy?

Polygamy is a marriage which

includes more than two partners

Forms of Polygamy

A man married to more than one wife

at a time is called polygyny

A woman married to more than one

husband at a time is called

If a marriage includes multiple

husbands and wives, it is called
group marriage.


Monogamy is a marriage consisting

of only two individuals

In-Class Experiement

Anonymous in-class questionnaire

regarding the topic of Polygamy

The Structure of a Polygamist Relationship

Polygamy vs. Gay Marriage

In 2005, Canada passed the

legislation to allow same-sex

Since then, Mormons polygamists

and some Muslims, as well as some
academic and social commentators
are arguing to alter the definition of

History of Polygamy

Polygamy is a practice that has been

ongoing throughout history and is still
practiced all over the world
Most predominately in countries like Africa and

Mormon communities in America

Dates back to the Old Testament of the

Bible, and was practiced from leading
figures including Abraham, David and

Islam Point of View

Polygamy is conditional on the

observance of several factors and
If the man is not competent enough
to satisfy all of them, then he will not
be eligible to take more than one

What if the woman

doesnt agree or the
man didnt follow the

What if?

There are some men by nature need more than one

wife and their wives have no problem with polygamy?

There are women who have no problem in marrying a

man already having a wife especially if a marriage is
in their interest.

Monogamy is not just a theory and is thoroughly

practiced, so no more men were allowed to cheat on
their wives. Do you think for that group of peoplewho never naturally get satisfied by one wifeMonogamy is a solution and is sufficient?

Conditions and the disadvantages:


allows polygamy on some

condition and here are some of them:


The wife(s) has no objection about polygamy during or

before the marriage contract. And if the husband
disregards that, the wife has the right to raise that to
the Islamic court.


Equitable treatment for all the wives


Number of wives not to exceed four.



The following are the major disadvantages

of polygamy from the Wife Perspective:
Less time with the husband Less attention


Jealousy and unshared love.


Family malfunctioning and Chaos. I.e. less discipline

and guiding


Less money saved or given to the wife and children


Population problems that burden the society


Unfairness and discrimination

Christianity Point of view:

Most people today view polygamy as immoral

while the Bible nowhere explicitly condemns

God may have allowed polygamy:

to protect and provide for the women who could not
find a husband
b) living in a polygamist household was far better than
the alternatives: Slavery, Prostitution, or Starvation
c) polygamy enabled a much faster expansion of
humanity, fulfilling Gods command to be fruitful
and increase in number; multiply on the earth
(Genesis 9:7).

Why did God allow polygamy in the

Old Testament?

There are a few key factors to consider:

First, while there are slightly more Females than

Second, warfare in ancient times was especially

brutal, with an incredibly high rate of fatality.

Third, it was nearly impossible for an unmarried

woman to provide for herself.

Why Monogamy is better.

The Bible says that Gods original

intention was for:
one man to be married to only one woman:

For this reason a man will leave his father

and mother and be united to his wife [not
wives], and they will become one flesh [not
fleshes] (Genesis 2:24).
While Genesis 2:24 is describing what
marriage is, rather than how many people are
involved, the consistent use of the singular
should be noted

Examples of Polygamy

Polygamy in Christianity
Solomon had 300 wives and 700 concubines

Polygamy in Africa
Children a form of wealth

Polygamy in animals
Bottle nose dolphins

Advantages of Polygamy

Greater number of offspring

Passing down genes

Additional income
Economic stability
Sexual companionship

Shared labor burden
Ability to focus on work

Disadvantages of

Harmful effects towards women and

Low self- esteem
Sexual diseases
Behavioural and developmental problems
Low marital satisfaction
May lack ability to seek employment
Incest, sexual assault, statutory rape, and

failure to pay child support crimes

Disadvantages of Polygamy Cont.

Harmful effects towards men

Cause from psychological problems with men

from polygamous families

Ex. alcoholism, abuse, criminaletc

Ratio of available males to females

Inequality between males and females
In marriages with polygyny, men are abusive

to wives

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