Food Scarcity

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Watch a video regarding relationship between food

scarcity and world market

Discuss Traditional Causes of Food Scarcity
Food Scarcity a la the economy
Wall Street
IMF and World Bank
Food Aid Relief

Causes of Food Scarcity

Population growth
Developing world will increase consumption
Competition for agricultural land
Climate change or Natural Disasters
Poor Infrastructure

The world

produces 1
times enough
food to feed every

agriculture can
sustain up to 10
billion people
expected peak

Food Scarcity a la Wall Street

Began in 1991 when Goldman Sachs created the

Goldman Sachs Commodity Index Fund (GSCI)

Tradable index which lumps together basic agricultural goods with

oil, gas. And metals

Turns basic necessities to life into a speculative asset to be
hoarded and traded by financial firms seeking to buy low and sell

Food Scarcity a la Wall Street

Consequences of buying and selling commodities
Speculative profit, not demand for food drives food prices
Holding Commodities
By refusing to sell futures they create a virtual scarcity of food

Commodity Futures Modernization Act (2000)

Allows investors to trade commodity futures contracts with
No position limits
The highest number of options or futures contracts an investor is allowed to hold on
one underlying security.

No disclosure requirements
Do not have to public report holdings

No regulatory oversight

Food Scarcity a la Wall Street

Mozambique (2010)
Food riots caused by high wheat prices
UN Food and Agricultural Organization estimates 3rd highest wheat yield
High prices caused by speculation on the market

Food Scarcity a la the IMF/World Bank

Competition on the global market, regulation, and loan

requirements force countries to engage in economic


Developing countries cannot compete with industrialized

Jamaica & Haiti

Food Scarcity a la Aid Relief

The Alliance for a Green Revolution
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Rockefeller Foundation
Mission: To achieve a food secure and prosperous Africa

a publicly traded American multinational agricultural biotechnology

corporation headquartered in Creve Coeur, Missouri

Gives free genetically modified seed to farmers in Africa
Produces better yields and more resilient
Only free the first year
More soil intensive

Gates Foundation purchased $23.1 million in Monsanto Stock in 2010

Food scarcity a myth?
Economic considerations impact food scarcity

Read: Ross, Michael L. 2008. Blood Barrels: Why Oil

Wealth Fuels Conflict. Foreign Affairs. (May/June).

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