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By: - Umesh Moadgil

 What is JIT Manufacturing?

 Where did it come from?

 Advantages of JIT?

 Drawbacks of JIT?
Just-In Time

 JIT- It is a management philosophy

aimed at eliminating manufacturing
wastes by producing only the right
amount at the right place at the right
time .

 JIT- production is based on demand

History of JIT
 Invented in Toyota, Japan.

 Earlier known as ‘Toyota production system’.

 Production based on the elimination of

• just-in-time - items only move through the
production system as and when they are
needed .
 Autonomation: - Human attention
only being needed when a defect is
automatically detected whereupon
the system will stop and not proceed
until the problem has been solved
 In this system inventory (stock) is
regarded as an unnecessary waste
Which things are
considered as wastes?
 Overproduction - waste from producing
more than is needed
 Time spent waiting - waste such as that
associated with a worker being idle
whilst waiting for another worker to pass
him an item he needs (e.g. such as may
occur in a sequential line production
 Transportation- waste associated with
transporting items around a factory.
 Processing time - waste associated with
spending more time than is necessary
processing an item on a machine.
 Inventory - waste associated with
keeping stocks
 Defects - waste associated with
defective items
Advantages of JIT
 Continuous improvement in quality
• organizations are often proactive
• batch sizes are small.
•  Shop floor workers their own inspectors
responsible for the quality of their output.
 Cost is reduced
• Warehousing cost reduces.
• Inventory cost reduces.
 Elimination of waste.
• It was defined earlier.
 Manufacturing time is cut down.
• Demand based production.
• Lot size is small.
 Better supplier relationships.
• quality components (e.g. zero defects)
• long-term contract.
 Defect free output
 Lowers warehousing costs
Drawbacks of JIT
 JIT system may not be able to
manage sudden variations
in demand.
 It may prove expensive to introduce.
 It will change your whole operational
 JIT manufacturing also opens
businesses to a number of risks,
notably those associated with your
supply chain. With no stocks to fall
back on, a minor disruption
in supplies to your business from just
one supplier could force
production to cease at very short
List of Main Companies that
use just in time (JIT)
 Harley Davidson
 Toyota Motor Company
 General Motors
 Ford Motor Company

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