Media Task 10 - Film Pitch Presentation

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Film Pitch


GCSE Media- Individual portfolio.

Title: Playtime

Film Facts

Genre: Horror
Director: James Wan (Known for Saw/Insidious/The conjuring/Paranormal activity
Producer: Jason Blum (Known for Insidious/Ouija/The Purge etc. CEO for
Blumhouse Productions.)
Movie House: Blumhouse Productions

James Wan

Jason Blum

Main Characters
Protagonist: Grace Nielson

-Female (Would appeal more to a female audience)

-17 (My target audience for the film ranges from 15 year olds to younger adults.)
-Brown Hair
-55 (Around the average height for a 17 year old female)

Love Interest (Stereotypical in films): Jackson Reilly

-18 (In the same age range as the protagonist)
-Brown hair (Stereotypical tall, dark and handsome)
-59 (In a lot of films the male love interest is generally taller than the female)

Protagonists mother: Cathy Nielson

-35 (Had Grace at 18 - Important to the relationship between them)
-Blonde Hair
- 56

Others Teenagers
Protagonists best friend: Charlotte Drake

-Female (Stereotypically, females are friends with each other than being friends
with males.)
-17 (Same as the protagonist)
-Red hair

Love interests best friend/ Charlottes boyfriend: Tyler Scott

-18 (Same as his best friend, a little bit older than his girlfriend)
-Blonde hair
-54 (Opposite as tall, dark and handsome like Jackson)

The setting I have chosen for my horror film is a house. A lot of horror films
has a house as the setting (normally one the characters has just moved into.)
These are some of the reasons why I am using a new house as the main
-The protagonist has just moved into it so they arent familiar with it (makes the
character more vulnerable when they are in danger.)
-I can interpret the stereotypical haunted house in my film.
-There is normally a story behind the house (or a part of the house/object in the
house) that can be included in my film.

Short plot summary

Grace and her mother, Cathy move to a new house in a small town in the
summer holidays. Grace meets Charlotte and her boyfriend Tyler in the
town a few days after moving in and hangs out with them. She is then
introduced to Jackson (love interest.) Grace and her mum finish clearing
up the house and un-packing. Grace finds a china doll in the attic with a
tag round its tag reading Play with me (hence the title Playtime.) Grace
puts the doll in the bin instead.
Jackson tells Grace about the history of the house and how everyone who
has lived there has mysteriously disappeared. Throughout the film Grace
has dreams involving the doll and someone she knows (her mum, then
Tyler, then then Charlotte) and when she wakes up that person is none to
be seen. Her and Jackson then have to defeat the doll. The film is left on a
cling hanger and leaves the audience wondering if Grace and Jackson

Star names


Release date
Film logos/website

Flat plans for

my Teaser
The font of the title,
star names and
website name for both
of these teaser posters
will be the font
example, PLAYTIME)
as it looks a lot hand
writing which links to
the tag on the dolls
hand in my film.

This poster meets genre conventions by the

colour of the poster being black because its
dark like the theme. The colour of the title
would be red (linking to the blood/horror
theme) which would give the audience some
insight of the genre. The rest of the font would
be white (to make the title stand out more.)

Movie Title
Star names

Release date

Film logos and


The colour of the title, star names,

Release date and film logos/website
would be black (linking to the
dark/horror theme) which meets genre
conventions. The blood on the knife is
used as a genre convention and to stand
out to the rest of the poster.


Flat plans for

my Main

The font of the title,

star names and
website name for both
names of these teaser posters
will be the font
example, PLAYTIME)
as it looks a lot hand
Credit block
writing which links to
the tag on the dolls
hand in my film.
Logos and website

This poster meets genre conventions by the colour of the

poster being black because its dark like the theme. The
colour of the title would be red (linking to the
blood/horror theme) which would give the audience
some insight of the genre. The rest of the font would be
white (to make the title stand out more.) Also having the
villain as well as the star on the poster meets the genre

Credit block

Movie title



Logos and website

The colour of the title would be
black (linking to the dark/horror
theme) which meets genre
conventions. Also having the
villain as well as the stars on the
poster meets the genre

Distribution of my movie
I intend to distribute my movie in the big cinema. My
intended audience is teens/young adults, mainly females
(due to the protagonist) ,but the horror genre can appeal to
lots of groups of people. Places other than the UK (especially
America) have a big/ varied audience for horror movies so I
wouldnt have my movie only in local cinemas. People like to
watch horror movies in the cinema as its the right sort of
atmosphere (its dark, the speakers used are amazing for loud
jump scare noises generally used in horror movies.

Thank You for listening to my Film Pitch


By Abby Moynagh

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