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Life is a Vapor
• Lets Read Psalm 39:5
– FYI: Selah is a word in Hebrew
that means “think about it” or
“reflect on it”

• God has given us a very relatively

short time to get to work on his
• Many of us do not even know that
plan yet
• Many of us choose to ignore the
shortness of life
• Many of us choose to ignore the
plan of God
Life is brief, but it is not easy…
• And you have to give
explanations about what you did
with the little time you got in
earth ( La parabola de los
Talentos, Matthew 25: 14-30)

• So if your life is just a vapor or a

breath, why are we behaving so
pretentiously, like we have all the
time in the universe to become
better, to get an education , and to
get close to God. ( La excusa de
“no estoy preparado)
La Gran Comision
Read Matthew 28:18-20
• Jesus Christ was talking to a whole bunch of Jewish people, he could have
easily said “Make disciples of YOUR nation” but He did say ALL nations”
• We Also see this happening in Acts 1:8
• So, there you have it:

Let’s go &
Our life is short Evangelize
as a breath… all nations!
The Problem
• The problem starts when you
realize that all people are different
• There is barrier of culture,
language, costumes, traditions,
etc. That make this challenge
even harder and harder
• This is one of the obstacles were
most young Christian,
missionaries and believers in
general find great dissapointments
in their faith.
The Solution
• To try to change something, you have to immerse and try to get as close as
you can
• You can evangelize from a “pulpit” and not come down to talk to the
people below
• There is an investment to be made… learn about our surroundings so you
can conquer like the apostle Paul said
(1 Corinthians 9:22-23)

“The Great Commission is a serious business, and it calls for individuals who
are wiling to take it seriously, those who recognize that their life is a
“vapor”… Those who DECIDE to LEARN about those peoples who might
be a burden to disciple and COMMIT to that learning” – Adam Thomason,
Red Revolution
A Commandment
• Let’s read Matthew 28:18
• Jesus was not asking people, or suggesting people to go and
• He was commanding, because He is in charge
Being a Disciple
• You can be a disciple of
almost about anything,
discipleship means to learn
• But to be a disciple of Christ
you have to imitate what he
did for us
• He did poured himself into
his disciples like pouring
water from a vessel into a
Fellowship - Companerismo

• For the disciples Fellowship does not involve only eating, relaxing, doing
ministry, praying for each other, traveling, etc
• They had to be immersed in the life of others
Effort for Fellowship
• The process of fellowship
does not happen over night,
look at Paul… all the
relationships he maintained
with churches when he was
• Lots of effort was put from
his side to maintain this
Teach them Everything
• Matthew 28:20
• He wanted us to share with
everybody the unbiased,
unblemished, pure version
of what he taught.
• You can not add, or
substract, you have to say
the truth
4 Things when going out…
• Recognize your authority
• To have love/ compassion
for the people of the world
• To not make exceptions
when evangelizing
• Baptize new converts while
doing all He said
The way you live your life
among other Christians is all
you need to train to become
part of the change
Lets ask some questions
• Who here feels attracted by other cultures and
• What do you like about those cultures?
• If you have a friend who is from that culture,
have you tried to share the gospel with them?
• What was the major obstacle for sahring the
Think outside the Box
• Inward thinking is in our DNA:
– Adam and Eve, selfishness was
the temptation
– Up until the stoning of Stephen,
the church was made up of Jews
• Then something happened
– Read Acts 8:1
• It took violent persecution for
them to break out and start
• What is it going to take for you?
To take Home…
• Your life is a breath, a vapor…
• We have very little time to come and do what
is needed – the great commission
• What are we waiting for?

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