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Capacity Management

@2016 IBM Confidential

Deepika Dania
Jan 2016

By Deepika

ITIL History

In the late 1980s, the British govt. asked the Central

Computer and
Telecommunications Agency (CCTA) to structure the IT
of the British government agencies.

This resulted in the IT Infrastructure Library, a library of

describing best practices in IT management, and a detailed
for the implementation of these best practices.

The aims of the CCTA in developing the IT Infrastructure

Library were:

to facilitate the quality management of IT services.

increase the efficiency with which the corporate objectives are


efficiency, increase effectiveness, and reduce risks.
to provide codes of practice in support of total quality.

By Deepika

What is ITIL?

ITIL is a compilation of best practices in IT Service

Management, developed by the OGC (Office of Govt. Commerce)
and supported by publications, qualifications and an
international user group.

ITIL defines the organizational structure and skill requirements

of an information technology organization and a set of standard
operational management procedures to allow the organization
to manage an IT operation and associated IT infrastructure.

ITIL does not set in stone every action you should do on a dayto-day basis as that is something which differs from
organization to organization. Instead, it allows the IT
Infrastructure Library to be utilized within organizations with
existing methods and activities in Service Management.

IT Service Management is concerned with delivering and

supporting IT services that are appropriate to the business
requirements of the organization.

@2016 IBM Confidential

By Deepika

The ITIL Framework

ITIL comprises of seven distinct books:
Service Support

describes the processes associated with the day-to day support and
maintenance activities associated with the provision of IT services

Service Delivery

covers the processes required for the planning and delivery of quality IT
services and looks at the longer term processes associate with
improving the quality of IT services delivered

ICT (Information & Communications Technology) Infrastructure

covers all aspects of ICT Infrastructure Management from identification
of business requirements through the tendering process, to the testing,
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installation, deployment, and ongoing operation and optimization of the
ICT components and IT services

By Deepika

The ITIL Framework

Planning to implement Service Management

examines the issues and tasks involved in planning, implementing and

improving Service Management processes within an organization. It
also addresses the issues associated with addressing Cultural and
Organizational Change, the development of a vision and strategy and
the most appropriate method of approach

Application Management

describes how to manage applications from the initial business need,

through all stages in the application lifecycle, up to and including
retirement. It places emphasis on ensuring that IT projects and
strategies are tightly aligned with those of the business throughout the
application lifecycle, to ensure that the business obtains best value
from its investment. Thus in Application management the application
team translates the requirements into a technical solution.

@2016 IBM Confidential

By Deepika

The ITIL Framework

The Business Perspective

provides advice and guidance to help IT personnel to understand how

they can contribute to the business objectives and how their roles and
services can be better aligned and exploited to maximize that
contribution. Thus Business Perspective help IT to:

Establish effective relationship between Business and IT

Aligning the delivery of services with business practices and

ensuring quality service is delivered

Understanding how the Information Systems can add value within

the business value chain

Security Management

details the process of planning and managing a defined level of security

for information and IT services, including all aspects associated with
reaction to security Incidents. It also includes the assessment and
management of risks, and the implementation of cost justifiable

@2016 IBM Confidential

By Deepika

ITIL Framework
Service Desk
Configuration Management
Incident Management
Problem Management
Change Management
Release Management

Guidance on
integrating the
business perspective
into every aspect of
service management

Service Level Management

Availability Management
Capacity Management
Financial Management for IT
IT Services Continuity Management

Design and Plan

Technical Support
IT Infrastructure Security
Security setup from the IT
manager's point of view

What is the vision?

Where are we now?
Where do we want to be?
How do we check our milestones?
How do we keep momentum?
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Manage the Business Value

Align Service Delivery with Business Strategy
Drivers and Organizational Capability
Application Lifecycle Management
Organization Roles and Functions
Control Methods and Techniques

By Deepika

ITIL Framework (cont..)

The two most commonly used disciplines are Service Support and Service

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By Deepika

Service Delivery

Capacity Management

Availability Management

Service Level Management

IT Service Continuity Management

Financial Management for IT Services

@2016 IBM Confidential

By Deepika

The Service Delivery set

Capacity Management

Availability Management

Ensure that capacity and performance aspects of the business

requirements are provided timely and cost effectively

Optimize the capability of the IT Infrastructure and supporting

organization to deliver a cost effective and sustained level of
availability to satisfy business objectives

Service Level Management

Maintain and improve IT service quality through a constant cycle of

monitoring, reporting and reviewing IT service achievements

@2016 IBM Confidential

By Deepika

The Service Delivery set (contd..)

IT Service Continuity Management

Ensuring that the required IT technical and service facilities can be

recovered within the time scales required by Business Continuity

Financial Management for IT Services

Provide cost effective management of IT assets and resources used

in providing IT services

@2016 IBM Confidential

By Deepika

What is Capacity ??

@2016 IBM Confidential

By Deepika

Capacitymeans how much something can hold

@2016 IBM Confidential

By Deepika

Capacity Planning
Capacity planning is a process to predict the types,
quantities, and timing of critical resource capacities
that are needed within an infrastructure to meet
accurately forecasted workloads.
Three basic steps for capacity planning include:

@2016 IBM Confidential

By Deepika

Capacity Management Objective

According to ITIL , Capacity Management is defined as a discipline that ensures IT

infrastructure is provided at the right time, in right volume and at the right price ,
ensuring, at the same time, that IT is used in the most efficient manner.

The objective of Capacity Management is to ensure the optimum use of IT resources for
the performance agreed upon with the client

Capacity Management is needed to support the optimum and cost-effective provision of

IT services by helping organizations to match their IT resources to the current and
future demands of their business

The main tasks of Capacity Management are :

Match capacity and demand by increasing or managing
available capacity
Ensure that existing capacity is used in an optimum

@2016 IBM Confidential

By Deepika

Types of Capacity Management

Business Capacity Management
Ensures that future business IT requirements are considered, prioritized and implemented. Analysis of data on
current use of resources and business projections is used to understand, forecast and model future needs.
Trend, forecast, model, prototype and document future business requirements
This process is linked to the demand that comes from the business and ensuring that the supply is in place when the
business needs it
Service Capacity Management
Service Capacity Management is helpful to prevent investing in areas that are unnecessary, while giving more value to
those that are actually needed.
Monitor, analyze, tune and report on service performance, establish baselines and profiles of use service, manage demand
for services
Service capacity management involves monitoring end-to-end service capacity against the agreed SLA. Intend to report
breaches if they are any and forecast possible issues by analyzing the changes going into a service
Resource Capacity Management
Components/Resources are individual infrastructure elements of IT service, like hard disks, network bandwidth, processors,
workstations, network connections, etc. One of the prime objectives of component capacity management is monitoring
components to ensure that sufficient capacity is on hand to perform the respective functions optimally
Focuses on managing the IT infrastructure components that support a particular IT service. Constant monitoring, measuring
and testing lead to continuous improvement and adequate allocation of resources, based on business needs.

@2016 IBM Confidential

By Deepika

Objectives of Capacity Management

@2016 IBM Confidential

By Deepika

Measuring Capacity with Metrics

Metric is Number
of Passengers

Metric is
Number of logs

@2016 IBM Confidential

By Deepika

Metrics in Capacity Management

A metric is a standard definition of any measurable quantity, and a
Capacity metric is a standard definition of a measurable quantity that
indicates some aspect of Capacity.

Resource Capacity Metrics :

Response Time

@2016 IBM Confidential

By Deepika

Metrics in Capacity Management (cont..)

Workload Capacity Metrics :
Port Availability

Mb/s, Gb/s

Capacity (GB, TB)

Database & Infrastructure Services

Transaction Rates
Peak Transactions / Second

@2016 IBM Confidential

By Deepika

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

A KPI is a specific metric that your organization or your department has identified as one
that closely tracks or predicts performance. Examples of Key Process Performance
Indicators (KPIs) are shown in the list below. Each one is mapped to a Critical Success
Factor (CSF).
Few KPIs for Capacity Management are summarized below:

Providing Accurate IT Forecasts

Total dollars in unplanned capacity expenditures

Total dollars in unused capacity expenditures

Percent of capacity forecasts that were accurate

Number of inaccurate business forecast inputs provided

Providing Appropriate IT Capacity To Meet Business Needs

Number of incidents related to capacity/performance issues

Number of SLA performance targets missed due to capacity

@2016 IBM Confidential

By Deepika

Forecasting, Modelling and Benchmarking

In Forecasting methods accumulated historical data

is used to predict the capacity needs for future
months or years.
The more complex the IT infrastructure, the more
difficult it is to forecast future capacity needs. This
makes it essential to use models and simulations of
possible scenarios for future developments so as to
ensure hardware and applications are properly

Considering the cost, scope and criticality we can opt

A simple analysis of trends which allows the process
load on the IT infrastructure to be assessed and the
current capacity scaled accordingly.
modelling and simulating various different scenarios
in order to make load forecasts and predict the
response of the IT infrastructure.
Benchmarking real prototypes to ensure the capacity
@2016 IBM Confidential
and performance of the future infrastructure.

By Deepika

Capacity Management Process Roles &

Role : Capacity Manager
Capacity Manager has responsibility for ensuring that the aims of Capacity
Management are met. This includes such tasks as:
Ensuring that there is adequate IT capacity to meet required levels of service,
and that senior IT management is correctly advised on how to match capacity
and demand and to ensure that use of existing capacity is optimized
Understanding the current usage of the infrastructure and IT services, and the
maximum capacity of each component
Being familiar with potential future demand for IT services and assessing this
on performance service levels
Forecasting future capacity requirements based on business plans, usage
trends, sizing of new services, etc.
Raising incidents and problems when breaches of capacity or performance
thresholds are detected, and assisting with the investigation and diagnosis of
capacity-related incidents and problems
Identifying and initiating any tuning to be carried out to optimize and improve
capacity or performance
By Deepika
@2016 IBM Confidential
Ensuring that all changes are assessed for their impact on capacity and
performance and attending CAB meetings when appropriate

Responsibilities of Capacity Manager(cont..)

When analysis is required, initiates the requests to the

appropriate infrastructure teams, receives and analyzes
the results, and creates the various reports.

Producing regular management reports that include

current usage of resources, trends and forecasts

Recommending tuning of services and systems, and

making recommendations to IT management on the design
and use of systems to help ensure optimum use of all
hardware and operating system software resources

Acting as a focal point for all capacity and performance


@2016 IBM Confidential

By Deepika

Responsibilities of Capacity Manager(cont..)

Role : Capacity Analyst

The Capacity Analyst performs or directs many of the dayto-day and strategic capacity activities on behalf of the
Capacity Manager.

Whereas the Capacity Manager is accountable for most

capacity-related activities, the Capacity Analyst is
responsible for the gathering and analyzing of data for a
specific service support area (e.g. Network), and then
forwarding the information to the Capacity Manager, who
will provide the holistic view for an entire service.

Possesses a comprehensive knowledge of the service

delivery infrastructure and the capacity impacts of those
infrastructure components on the service as a whole.
@2016 IBM Confidential

By Deepika

Capacity Management - Benefits

The benefits of Capacity Management are :
Reduced risk of performance problems and failure
Cost savings
Both achievable through:
Planned buying
Deferring expenditure until really needed (but in a controlled
Matching capacity to business need
Ensures that systems have sufficient capacity to run the
applications required by the business for the foreseeable future

Assurance that IT resources are planned and scheduled to match

the current and future needs of the business

@2016 IBM Confidential

By Deepika

Capacity Management - Benefits

Provision of a Capacity Plan that outlines the IT resources
and funding (and cost justification) needed to support
the business
Reduction in Capacity-related Incidents through preempting performance issues
Implementation of corrective actions for capacity-related
Methods for the tuning and optimizing of the
performance of IT Services and Configuration Items
A structure for planning upgrades and enhancements and
estimating future requirements by trend analysis of
current Configuration Item utilization and modeling
changes in IT Services
Financial benefits through avoidance of 'panic' buying.
@2016 IBM Confidential

By Deepika

Team Inputs to Plan PCM Sessions??

@2016 IBM Confidential

By Deepika

Thank You

@2016 IBM Confidential

By Deepika

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