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Compositing Assays To The

Chosen Bench Height

2007 Dr. B.C. Paul
{Note The Name MineSight and the Program described are property of
Mintec Inc Tucson, Arizona}

Where Does This All Fit


Raw Assay Data and Topography we

represent our deposit as a series of blocks
We use Interpolation Techniques to
Predict Block Grades and Properties from
Drill Hole Data
A Model that gives average geologic
properties for blocks of earth is a geologic
block model

What Will We Do With It


use our economic data to assign a $

value to each block of ground
We then have a computer routine dig us
the biggest set of blocks that makes us the
largest profit

set of blocks is our ultimate pit

For planning purposes we will decide how to
expand the pit out to those limits

What Do We Have

have a digital representation of our

We have a file that contains all our core
hole assays and their locations

What Will We Do First?


need to composite our drill hole

assays over our bench heights

open pit techniques have little ability to

selectively mine over a bench height
Need our interpolatable data in a similar form to
what we will need (ie our geologic block model)
A File

9 stores drill holes that have been

composited to the height of our mining
bench We will create that File 9

Go to the MineSight Heading and Left

Click to Pull Down the Menu
Left click on

We Will Go to MineSight Compass to

Create a Sample Composites File
Left click the projects
Left Click on Project
File Editor Icon
(the opening yellow

Under File / New I Will Pick a File 9 which

is an unsorted composite file

Add Our Grade Storage Request

Purple Fields show
Reference items that
Minesight will include
By default.
To these I want to add
Cu and Mo
(Note it is also important
To set the minimum
And maximum range
A precision of the data
We will composite)

Now Save It To The Project File

Send it to Eurk9.dat (Or what ever else you name it

4 characters the number 9 and a .dat)

Our Program Proclaims Its Success

A Quick Check of the Files Confirms it is


Now We Have Created a File we will put

something in it with a compositing routine
On the menu tab we
Will ask it to show us
Compositing programs

We will look down the

List and pick bench

It Asks About Areas to Composite

(I can default on most things cause I want to composite

Click the forward

Arrow to move

It Needs to Know What Grades to


I can use pull

Down menus
And pick off
What I want
Cu and Mo in
This case)

Enter and Tell it to Move On

I did tell it to put

Its reports in an
Rpt file (which is
What it did with
Other reports)

Get a Page of Compositing Options That

dont apply to me right now

Move on

Gives Me a Compositing Options Screen

The default is by
Bench height but
Using bench
Height for the
Composite interval
Only works for
Vertical holes
(has a bunch of
Options for handling
Non-vertical holes)

Since our holes are all vertical we will default and move on

Asks if we want to use any special

weighting system for our assay averages
(the default is to just weight by length of the sample)

Thats good for us (since we have no special weight differences)

If it Finds Anything that Seemed Irregular

it will warn you so you can look at the

Lets Admire Our Drill Hole Data (Ok your

probably dying to know what kinds of grades you have)
We will start by
Creating a drill hole
Go to File to pull down
A menu
Select new to pop out
A side menu
Select Drillhole View
A menu with one
Choice pops out
Take it

It Wants You To Give It A Name

It Needs a File to Tell it What Area to

Draw a Picture Of (The natural choice is to pick the
project control file that has our view limits)

Now I Get A Choice of Project Control

Files (of which I only have one)

Note that it is very

Handy to know what
Kind of data is stored
In different file types

a file 10 is a project
Control file

I Can Choose Either to Look at My

Original Assay File or My Composite File

A file 9 is a composite
A file 11 is an assay
(the selection is
Made by left clicking
The appropriate
Radio button)

You Need to Left Click on the Assay and

Survey Files to Use
Once selected
They will turn
Blue and the
Ok button
Turns dark
Meaning it can
Be selected
(when its grayed
Out it is not
Selected ok

It Wants to Know Where to Get Its


The Survey File

Seems a fine choice
To me.

Left Click Ok to
Move on.

It Wants to Know If I Want to Limit What

Can be Displayed
You can make
Things run more
Lean+mean by
Keeping down
Which variables
Can be displayed
But this also limits
Im going to pick

It Wants Me to Select the Holes to Display

I do believe I will pick

An All option

Lets Load Them Up to View

After making my
Selection I will
Direct it to load
The holes
I will then ok or
Apply the

Now I Can See My Drill Holes!!

Id be even more
Excited if I could
See more than
Gray lines.

Lets Enhance that Ugly Gray Display

On the drillhole
View properties
Click Cut-off
This brings up
Some ranges I
Can set color
Graphics for.

Lets Put in Our Cut-Off Grades

Start at the top and

Type in the top of each
Grade range

Use the down arrow

On your keyboard to
Move down to the next

I used 0 to 0.15 waste

.15 to .31 Leach
.31 to .9 Regular Mill
.9 to 5.2 High Grade

Now Highlight Our Grade Range

Click on Properties

Now Pick Set Color by Range

We are going to pick separate colors for each grade interval

Set it to go from Blue for Low Grade to

Red for High

Note We Now See Each Grade of Ore

With A Separate Color

We can
Around in
Our view to
See what
The drillholes
(We could also
Use our
To label holes
And grades)

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