How We Wonder What You Are

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Our Universe

How we wonder what you are

Our observed universe

Zoom in


Earth rise: our home in perspective

Alam Semesta Kita

Apa yang dipelajari?
Ukuran dan bentuknya
Di mana kita
Sejarahnya dan sejarah kita, masa depan
Agar muncul apresiasi (pemberian makna?) terhadap kehidupan
dan seluruh alam semesta ini.
Dalam prosesnya: muncul apresiasi terhadap segala usaha
manusia, menggunakan pikiran dan nuraninya, untuk
memahami apa yang sesungguhnya melampaui batas fisiknya.
Bagaimana caranya?


Menurut Einstein
Teori Relativitas Umum

Bentuknya bergantung pada

banyak dan jenis isi alam
Ukurannya dinamis

Standard Cosmology

Cosmological Principle (Principle of Mediocrity):

-Homogeneous and Isotropic on largest scale
-We do not occupy special point in the universe
Robertson-Walker geometrical description
(2) Gravity predominates on large scale
(3) General Relativity
(1) + (2) + (3) : Friedmann-Lematre dynamical model

Universe expands and cools
Initial singularity at finite time in the past
- Galaxy recessional motion
- Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
- Abundance of primordial elements
- Large scale structure formation

In agreement with Hubble

Galaxies are receding


Speed = Ho x distance
But we are not at the centre !
(Cosmological Principle)

The universe is expanding

But how fast ?

Back to square one:
- measure distance
- counting galaxies
- weighing galaxies

Use Friedmann model (assumed values of

Look for independent methods (known

Measuring distance
using Supernovae Type Ia

Supernovae Type Ia
intrinsic property understood

Hubble diagram
accelerating universe ?

Independent method
Illustration on age determination
(cf. model: age proportional to 1/Ho)

Abundance of primordial elements

Counting galaxies
APM. Maddox et al

Weighing galaxies
dark matter found

Weighing cluster of galaxies

X-ray from hot gas

Gravitational lensing (all mass)

Looking through the lens (darkly)

Honest-to-God mass probe

Strong lensing effect

Kneib et al

The very large scale

Cosmic Microwave Background

(very !) old tunes
First generation of photons managed to liberate from
scattering by matter
Last scattering surface (400 thousand years after the
Big Bang)
Very redshifted: now detected at (2.7 0.00001) K

But life is complicated

Galaxy cannibalism exist

History of the universe

albeit sketchy

All in all
from quantum fluctuations to galaxies ?

Supernovae, CMB, and Galaxies

Suggestion: flat universe with little contribution from
known matter, and large contribution from unknown

Early Universe
Haven of speculations

Neil Turoks

Current and future missions

WMAP: measure CMB temperature distributions

Planck: measure CMB temperature distribution and polarization
(due to gravitational wave during inflation)
SNAP: measure distance to very distant supernovae

So, where are we?

Still lots to uncover

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