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General Report Format


Table of contents
Main text
-Problem statement
-Findings, results and discussion
Appendices (if used)

Cover Page
should contain the title, the
author(s) and the date
depending on whether your
report is for internal or external
use, you can mention your own
organisation and/or the
organisation for whom the report
is written

Table of Contents
indicates the page numbers of
the different sections
to help the reader find specific
information in the report quickly

Abstracts/Executive Summary
a brief summary of the report
is very important because not
everybody has time to read the
whole report
usually includes
the reason why the report was written

the questions which are to be raised

the solutions
the arguments used for the solutions
important conclusions and advice

Main Text
This is where the real content of
the report is presented
It is better to separate the main
text in several sub-sections

By reading the introduction, the
reader should understand
-what exactly the report is all about
-which topics are included, which are not and
-how the information was obtained
-how is the problem being approached?
-why the report was written
-for whom is the report being written?

Problem Statement
This part is about
-what the problem is
-why the problem needs to be
-which information is needed to
be able to solve the problem

a short description of how the
information was obtained
In a research report, or one based
on experiments, this section can be
substantial, while for other types of
the report, it can be much shorter
Its purpose is to enable someone
else to repeat what you have done
and to check that what you have
done is valid

Findings, Results and

Present your results in a logical
sequence, highlighting what is
important and how the data you
obtained have been analysed to
provide the results you discuss
It is sometimes helpful to use
tables, diagrams or graphs to
make your information more
easily understood

Conclusion and
The conclusions should arise
naturally from the evidence that
is presented in the previous
You might also consider further
action that could be taken, and
an analysis of the advantages
and disadvantages of various
courses of action

If information or explanations which
take up a lot of space and attention
are in the text, then they can make
the report difficult to read.
This type of information is often put
in the Annexes.
For example: a literature list
(references to literature used in the
report), detailed explanations,
examples, drawings, maps, list of
abbreviations etc.

good and effective report is a

report which
(i) is self-explaining
(ii) is read
(iii) stimulates some sort of an
action as a result of being read
How can we make a good


presentation style plays

important role in convincing the
readers of the report. So, it is
necessary to follow appropriate
or suitable style to prepare a

Style of Reports

user friendly method / approach

Write concisely (both brief and complete)
Write in easy to read, simple language
-use words which have the precise
meaning you intend to convey. Avoid
words with vague meanings
Make good use of graphics (graphs,
diagrams, pictures, etc.)
Identify what you want to say and repeat
your key message

And more tips


your audience and the

needs of your readers
Emphasise results over activities
Go beyond description; be
Be conscious about the timing

Thank you!

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