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ISO 26000 The Environment

and Fair Operating Practices

Presented by: Cameron K. Wang


The Environment

Environmental Issues

Fair Operating Practices

Fair Operating Practices Issues

The Environment - Principles

Environmental Responsibility
Precautionary Approach
Environmental Risk Management
Polluter Pays

The Environment Considerations

Life Cycle Approach

Environmental Impact Assessment

Cleaner Production and Eco-Efficiency

Product-Service System Approach

Use of Environmentally Sound Technologies and


Sustainable Procurement

Learning and Awareness Raising

Environmental Issues

Prevention of Pollution

Use of Sustainable Resources

Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

Protection of the Environment, Biodiversity,

and Restoration of Natural Habitats

Fair Operating Practices



Responsible Political Involvement

Fair Competition

Promoting Social Responsibility in the Value


Respect for Property Rights


Identify the risks of corruption and implement

policies to prevent and counter corruption

Raise awareness to its sphere of influence

Bring violations to the attention of the

appropriate law enforcement

Responsible Political

Train employees regarding political

involvement and contributions, how to deal
with conflicts in interest

Prohibit the use of misinformation,

misrepresentation, threats, and/or compulsion

Establish guidelines and policies to manage

the activities of the people

Fair Competition

Conduct activities in a manner consistent with

competition laws and regulations

Support anti-trust and anti-dumping practices

Establish procedures to prevent anti-competitive


Be mindful of social conditions, i.e. poverty, and

do not use it to gain unfair competitive

Promoting Social
Responsibility in the Value

Integrate ethical, social, environmental and

gender equality criteria

Actively participate in raising awareness of

organizations that have strong social

Carry out appropriate due diligence and

monitoring of the organizations with a view of
preventing compromise in social responsibility

Respect for Property


Implement policies and practices that

promote respect for property rights and
traditional knowledge

Do not engage in activities that violate

property rights

Pay fair compensation for property

Consider the expectations of the society

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