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<Title of Innovative Work>

Sector, Company: <Name of Sector, Company>

Category: <Offerings/ Process/ Business Model >

Some Important pointers to take note of

The presentation should NOT exceed 25-30 slides. (Add Appendices as back-up data. There is no
restriction on the number or size of appendices)

Size of PPT should not exceed 5MB

Check off all criteria and explicitly mention what has been done to cater for each criterion. (If theres
nothing relevant to mention against a criterion please put that in as well)

Usage of technical language & abbreviations has to be contextualised, if not simplified the
terminology needs to be introduced & expanded at the right place

Hygiene checks to be done (Spell checks, grammar, formatting, etc.)

The Presentation Template is for Stage 2 Evaluation. It is totally on the discretion of the MIA
anchors if they want to use it for Stage 1 as well.

Note: Please provide a glossary on industry jargons used in this PPT, E.g. Explain what terms such
as SCADA, PT-CED, mean/stand for.

Mahindra Innovation Awards 2015

Why Innovate?
Inspiration/ Trigger for Innovation

Objective of Work: Describe the necessity and purpose of the project

What is the problem that is being addressed?
Why is it important to solve this problem?
What led you to take the first step?

Mahindra Innovation Awards 2015

Innovation Statement
What we are trying to achieve through the innovation

What is the Innovation Description of the solution

Specific contribution you aimed to make and what solution is employed
How & why is it an Innovation?
Where did the inspiration come from? Was the inspiration organic or an idea
taken from another company?

Mahindra Innovation Awards 2015

Approach / Process followed

How did you innovate Processes, Tools, etc

Mahindra Innovation Awards 2015

Innovative Features/Uniqueness of the Solution

Uniqueness of the solution:

Is the solution unique only to Mahindra or to the industry as well?
How is this problem being addressed in other companies? E.g. Say the

Innovation is a process to improve shop floor efficiencies, what are other

companies in the same space doing to deal with this issue?

Describe the conventional solution i.e what is generally done, and how your
solution is different

Mahindra Innovation Awards 2015

Hurdles/ Challenges/ Risks

Describe significant challenges or difficulties overcome
Describe how risks were managed

Mahindra Innovation Awards 2015

Sustainability of the Innovation

Is this Innovation sustainable in the long-run
What are the changes needed to make it sustainable

Mahindra Innovation Awards 2015

Benefits of the Innovation

What benefit does the work provide on the Triple Bottom Line? Quantify
benefits wherever possible
What is the potential benefit that will arise from this solution - monetary or
otherwise (in a 12 month horizon)

Mahindra Innovation Awards 2015

Describe the key learnings gained in the process of innovating
Describe new skills/ knowledge gained by individuals

Mahindra Innovation Awards 2015


Horizontal Deployment
Can the solution be horizontally deployed across the Mahindra Group
What are the opportunities for Horizontal Deployment?

Mahindra Innovation Awards 2015


Patents Filed For/Obtained (if applicable)

Mahindra Innovation Awards 2015


Partnerships that helped the innovation possible (if any)

If assistance is taken from alliance partners/consultants / distributors/

suppliers/ etc. mention the names and type of assistance

Mahindra Innovation Awards 2015


Voice of Customers
How has the customer reaction been Show customer
recommendation/validation where possible

Mahindra Innovation Awards 2015


Linkage to RISE
Describe how your project links to one or more of the Rise pillars
Accepting no limits
Alternative thinking
Driving positive change

Mahindra Innovation Awards 2015


Linkage to Innovation 3.0 (if applicable)

Describe how your project links to the 5Frameowrk (one or more criterion)
Giving oneself Space (and ambience) for promoting innovation
Self indulgent (and self instigated) Creativity
Simple Innovations achieved the easiest (and most efficient) way
Sans Innovation implemented with and despite constraints
Sustained Experimentation to keep on tinkering for a solution

Mahindra Innovation Awards 2015


Any other information that the innovator(s) would want to provide

Mahindra Innovation Awards 2015



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