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Food Sanitation Program

The NEHAP defined

food safety as the
assurance that food
will not cause any
harm to the consumer
when its prepared and
eaten according to its
intended use.

The food establishment must have sanitary

permits from the city or municipality that
has the jurisdiction over the business.

The implementing
rules states that no
person shall be
employed in any food
establishment without
health certificate.
No person should be
allowed to work on
food handling if
afflicted with
communicable disease.

The food preparation and storage rooms

should never be used or be directly connected
to a sleeping apartment or a toilet.

No animals can be kept in the food areas

It shall be the duty of

the sanitation
inspector to perform
an inspection and
evaluation of the
compliance of food
establishment to the
set standards.

All food handlers must maintain an updated

health certificate .


Food Establishment shall be appraised as to the

following sanitary conditions.
Inspection/approval of all food sources, containers,
Compliance to Sanitary Permit requirements for all
food establishments.
Provision of updated Health Certificate for Food
DOHs Administrative Order no. 1- 2006 requires all
laboratories to use Formalin Ether Concentration
Technique (FECT) instead of the direct fecal smear in
the analysis of stools of food handlers.
Destruction or banning of food unfit for human
Training of food handlers and operators on food

Food establishments shall be rated and

classified as follows:
Class A Excellent
Class B Very Satisfactory
Class C Satisfactory
Household food sanitation are to be promoted
and monitored and food hygiene education to be
intensified through health education.


These four rights in food safety involve the chain

in food processing from the source in the market
until food reaches the table.

1. Right Source:
Always buy fresh meat, fish, fruits & vegetables.
Always look at the expiry dates of processed foods and avoid buying the expired ones.
Avoid buying canned foods with dents, bulges deformation, broken seals, and improper seams
Use water only from clean and safe sources.
When it doubt on the water source, boil water for at least 2 minutes (running boiling)

2. Right Preparation:
Avoid contact between raw foods and cooked
Always buy pasteurized milk and fruit juices.
Wash vegetables well if to be eaten raw such
as lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes & carrots
Always wash hands and kitchen utensils before
and after preparing food.
Sweep kitchen floors to remove food droppings
to prevent the harbor of rats & insects.

3. Right Cooking:
Cook food thoroughly and ensure that the temperature on all parts of the foods should reach
70centigrade .
Eat cooked food immediately.
Wash hands thoroughly before and after eating.

4. Right Storage:
All cooked foods should be left at room temperature for not
more than 2 hours to prevent multiplication of bacteria.
Store cooked foods carefully. Be sure to use tightly sealed
containers for storing food.
Be sure to store food under hot conditions (at least or above
60 centigrade) or in cold conditions (below or equal to 10
Always wash hands and kitchen utensils before and after
preparing food.
Sweep kitchen foors to remove food droppings to prevent
the harbor of rats & insects.

Food for infants should

always be freshly
prepared and not be
stored at all.

Do not overburden the refrigerator by filling it

with too large quantities of warm food

Reheat stored food before eating. Food

should be reheated to at least 70
Rule in Food Safety:
When in Doubt, throw it out!


Reported by: Remedios L Bandong

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