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Transportations Problems and


all of us needs to go to his
work, university , school ,
.etc so we need the
transportation in the life its
take into from the most
important section in the
country. So every on can
suffer of the problems of the


take in consideration previous

reports and we had met with some
experts and collect information
form different sources for
example internet some books we
analyze the collected data and
take some figures and tables from
different references ,after, that we
put plan to know every one what
he shall do

some problems
Congestion has become one of the most
essential aspects of modern life in large
cities. The
dimension of the problem can be seen by
simply considering that one third of all
vehicles suffer of the congestion ,
where the speeds vehicles decreased to
the half of the
free flow values. Congestion happens
when transport demand exceeds
transport supply in a
specific section of the transport system.
Under such conditions each vehicle

Rotaries in Egypt

In China

Beside road congestion, parking is also
form of urban congestion, but its impact
are different. It has a significant mark
land use, as it takes large of
number of space. In largely cardependent cities, this can be very
constraining as each economic entity
has to provide an amount of parking
space proportional to its level of

Therefore, parking has become a
land use that greatly amplified
the demand for space in a largely
inactive way . Land use planning
rarely mention parking congestion
and requirements, showing that
the issue has often been ignored
and reduce by
urban planners

pollution and noise


and communist are

increasingly concerned with
environmental and sustainability
case Pollution has become a
considerable problem for many
urban areas, as it negatively
affects goodness of life and the
health of the residents..

pollution and noise


the inveterate effects of

human exposure to traffic related
pollution have not been sure, the
acute health effects of shoo term
show have been openly
demonstrated [2]. In addition to
air pollution, the qualify life in
cities is also negatively
influenced by noise

Intelligent transportation system

Intelligent transportation systems are projects that aim
to connect modern communication and information
technology to transportation management systems in
order to improved vehicle life, efficiency, safety, and
traffic in cities.

Intelligent transport technologies:

intelligent transport systems have different types of
systems for management systems:
Wireless communications:
ITS used radio modem communication on UHF and VHF
frequencies at short communication and long

computational technologies:
A typical vehicle in the early 2000s would have
between 20 and 100 individual
networkedmicrocontroller/programmable logic
controller modules with non-real-time operating

The newembedded systems platformallow for more

Advancedsoftware applicationsto be implemented,
including model-basedprocess control andartificial

Vehicle Re-Identification:
In this technique, a unique serial number for a device
in the vehicle is detected at one location and then
detected again (re-identified) further down the road.
Travel times and speed are calculated by comparing the
time at which a specific device is detected by pairs of
This can be done using the MAC (Machine Access
Control) addresses from Bluetooth devices.

Sensing technologies:
Inductive loop detection:
Inductive loopscan be placed in a roadbed to detect
vehicles as they pass through the loop's magnetic
The simplest detectors simply count the number of
vehicles during a unit of time that pass over the loop,
while more complex sensors measure the speed,
length, and weight of vehicles and the distance
between them.

Video vehicle detection:

Video from black-and-white or color cameras is fed
intoprocessorsthat analyze the changing
characteristics of the video image as vehicles pass.

Most video detection systems require some initial

configuration to "teach" the processor the baseline
background image.
The typical output from a video detection system is
lane-by-lane vehicle speeds, counts, and lane
occupancy readings. Some systems provide additional
outputs including gap, headway, stopped-vehicle
detection, and wrong-way vehicle alarms

Mohammad Mohsen & Waleed



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