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Human Resource

Prof. Parul Singh

Fortune Institute

Parul Singh Class 1


Sessions Topics
1-2 Fundamentals of HRM
 Why is HRM Important?
 How did it grow?
3-4 Managing Human Resources Today
 What Is Human Resource Management?
 The Changing Environment and Duties of HR Management
 Strategic HRM and HR Scorecard
5-8 Recruitment and Placement
 What is Job Analysis?
 Recruitment and Selection Process
 HR Planning and Forecasting
 Interviewing Candidates
9-10 Testing and Selecting Employees
 The Basics of Testing and Selecting Employees
 Using Tests at Work
 Interviewing Prospective Employees
 Using Other Selection Techniques

Parul Singh Class 1

11-12 Training and Developing Employees
Orienting Employees
The Training Process
Training Techniques
Managerial Development and Training
Evaluating the Training and Development Effort
13-14 Performance Management and Appraisal
Basic Concepts in Performance Management
An introduction to Appraising Performance
Basic Appraisal Methods
The Appraisal Feedback Interview
Toward More Effective Appraisals
Performance and Career Management
15-16 Compensating Employees
What Determines How Much You pay?
How Employers Establish Pay Rates
Current Trends in Compensation
Incentive Plans
Employee Benefits
17 Technology and HRM
In what ways does technology affect HRM practices?
Parul Singh  Legal concern Class 1

HR in Mergers and Acquisitions

18 Key to Success of M&A
Skills and Competencies of HR Professionals

Managing HR Globally
19-20 HR and the International Business
Improving International Assignments Through Selection
Training and Maintaining International Employees

21-24 Presentations

Parul Singh Class 1


Course Outline

Attendance and Class Participation 10%

Quizzes 20%
Assignment 10%
Presentation 20%
End term Exam 40%

Parul Singh Class 1


The Management Process


Controlling Organizing

Leading Staffing

Parul Singh Class 1


Management Functions
 Planning - defining goals, establishing strategies for
achieving those goals, and developing plans to integrate and
coordinate activities
 Organizing - determining what tasks are to be done, who is
to do them, how the tasks are to be grouped, who reports to
whom, and where decisions are made
 Staffing - HRM
 Leading - directing and motivating all involved parties and
dealing with employee behavior issues
 Controlling - monitoring activities to ensure that they are
going as planned

Parul Singh Class 1


n HRM Function
it io

Human Resource Management is the process

of acquiring, training, appraising, and
compensating employees and attending to
their labor relations, health and safety, and
fairness concerns.

Parul Singh Class 1


HRM People Functions

 Job analyses  Performance
 Labor needs  Communicate
 Recruit  Train and develop
 Select candidates  Employee commitment
 Orient and train  Equal opportunity
 Wages and salaries  Health and safety
 Incentives and benefits  Grievances/labor

Parul Singh Class 1


HRM is Important to all Managers.

Don’t Let These Happen to You!

 The wrong person

 High turnover
 Poor results
 Useless interviews
 Court actions
 Safety citations
 Salaries appear unfair
 Poor training
 Unfair labor practices

Parul Singh Class 1


HRM – It’s All About Results

“For many years it has been said that capital is

the bottleneck for a developing industry. I don’t
think this any longer holds true. I think it’s the
work force and a company’s inability to recruit
and maintain a good work force that does
constitute the bottleneck…”

Parul Singh Class 1


Basic HR Concepts
 The bottom line of managing:
Getting results
 HR creates value by engaging
in activities that produce the
employee behaviors that the
company needs to achieve
its strategic goals.

Parul Singh Class 1


Human Resource
Management Process

Parul Singh Class 1


Line and Staff Aspects of

it i
fi n

 Authority
 Making decisions
 Directing work
 Giving orders
 Line Managers
 Issuing orders
 Accomplishing goals
 Staff Managers
 Assisting and advising line managers

Parul Singh Class 1


Line Manager’s HRM Jobs

 The right person  Policies and

 Orientation procedures
 Training  Labor costs
 Performance  Development
 Creativity  Morale
 Working  Protecting

Parul Singh Class 1


HR Department

Parul Singh Class 1


Changing Environment of HR
Globalization Trends

Technological Trends
Changes and Trends
in Human Resource
Trends in the Nature of Work

Workforce Demographic Trends

Parul Singh Class 1



 More globalisation means more competition,

and more competition means more pressure to
be “world class” – to lower costs, to make
employees more productive and to do things
better and less expensively.
 Formulating selection, training and
compensation policies for expatriate

Parul Singh Class 1


Technological Advances and the

Nature of Work

 Technology mandates and enables companies to be

more competitive
 HR faces the challenge of quickly applying
technology to the task of improving its own
 Knowledge intensive jobs in industries such as
aerospace, computers, telecommunications, and
biotechnology are replacing factory jobs in steel, auto,
rubber and textiles
 More productivity with fewer employees.

Parul Singh Class 1


Exporting Jobs

 Competitive pressures and the search

for greater efficiencies are prompting
more employers to export jobs abroad.
 Technology has facilitated the move of
jobs offshore.
 Call centers in India allow for: 24 hours,
cheaper labor, standardized, efficient

Parul Singh Class 1


The Workforce Itself is

 More women, minorities, and older employees
are joining the workforce
 Workforce diversification offers increasing
opportunities including: a wide range of skills
and talents (languages), different points of
view, different life experiences
 There is a celebration of differences
 The challenge lies in the widening range of
employee needs (benefits range is much
wider so may be flexi-time would be adopted)
Parul Singh Class 1

Measuring HR’s Contribution

 Strategy
 The company’s long-term plan for how it will
balance its internal strengths and weaknesses with
its external opportunities and threats to maintain a
competitive advantage.
 HR managers today are more involved in partnering with
their top managers in both designing and implementing
their companies’ strategies.
 Top management wants to see, precisely, how the
HR manager’s plans will make the company more
Parul Singh Class 1

The New HR Manager

 New Proficiencies
 HR proficiencies
 Business proficiencies
 Leadership proficiencies
 Learning proficiencies
 The need to know the employment laws
 Equal employment laws
 Occupational safety and health laws
 Labor laws

Parul Singh Class 1


Evolution and Challenges Faced in


Parul Singh Class 1


HRM in India
In the 1970s and 1980s typical HRM functions in organization included:
• Personnel and administration
• Industrial relations
• Labor welfare
Up to the mid-80s human resource management in Indian
organizations grew through various phases under the influence of the
following factors:
• A philanthropic viewpoint about doing good for workers
• A legislative framework
• Government policies
• Trade unions
• Emerging trends/concepts in management
• Changes in the economy

Parul Singh Class 1


Management Challenges
for Indian CEOs
A study among Indian CEOs identified the following
 Creating a high-performance culture
 Retaining talent
 Recruiting
 Moving from a patriarchic and hierarchical management style
to a more team-based, informal organizational culture
 Linking training with performance
 Compensating knowledge workers
 Building interpersonal relationships/managing conflict
 Going global

Parul Singh Class 1


Shift to Human Resource

Development Orientation

 The 1980s saw the large-scale introduction

of the developmental concept in Indian
 Udai Pareek and T. V. Rao, faculty of IIM
Ahmedabad, introduced the human resource
development (HRD) concept in India

Parul Singh Class 1


Total Human Resource

 Opening up of the Indian economy created a demand
for talent and the traditional organizations (both in
public and private sectors) became talent sources.
 Development of the Information Technology sector
mobilized a vast pool of technically trained people.
 Massive staffing requirements saw recruitment evolving
as very specialized function, separate from but closely
interlinked with the other HRM functions.
 Arrival of the “knowledge worker”—well-skilled,
individualistic, and ambitious about career caused
attrition to become common.
Parul Singh Class 1

Total Human Resource

Management (Contd.)
 Introduction of IT-supported solution,
particularly ERP-based human resource
information systems
 Introduction of innovative HR practices.
 Rise of IT-enabled services (ITES), gave
employment opportunities to the young
English speaking, educated population.
 HRM function assumed a strategic role in
Indian organizations, responding to business
requirements in an appropriate way.
Parul Singh Class 1

Thank You

Parul Singh Class 1

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