Development of Press

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Press in UK

With the publication of Oxford Gazette in

1665 the era of journalism began in UK
Printed twice a week under royal authority
Renamed as London Gazette
Autonomy for Publication
The regulation for printing or Licensing Act
expired in 1694
After the revolution of 1688 journalist were
accorded considerable freedom
The efforts of the political party were to
protect the freedom of the press from the
Royal Authority
18 th Century
First half of the 18th century produced
some great journalists like Samual
Jhonson, Defoe, Steele and so on
Their standards widely followed in
American colonies
Much of the content began to be
contributed by readers
The first daily
The first ‘London Daily’ published in 1702
but only in London city for 150 years
Communication and transports were poor
Heavy taxes and duty for every copy
Taxes on advertisement and paper
From 1860s began the development
The period from 1870 to 1914 –the golden
era for journalism
The First World War again caused the
Modern Press in UK
Two Categories- Papers published in
London and papers published outside the
Nine Newspapers published in London are
called ‘Nationals’ as they are circulated
throughout the country
The other Newspapers are the Scotsman,
he Glasgow Herald, The Manchester
Guardian, The Yorkshire Post
Evening Newspapers
The Evening News, The Star, The
Evening Standard
Present day position
In 19th century Newspapers became family
With the arrival of various newspapers
competition became inevitable
Gradually Groups and chains developed
Ownership of Newspapers
Various legal forms available for press
Private companies, Cooperative societies
and Trust too
In trust the general control is exercised by
the some prominent individuals
Press Council in Britain
It grew for a formal inquiry into press
The demand for Press Council began in
1946 by the union of journalists
Finally it was created in 1963
The properties of the British press resisted
the move
American press
In 1704 the first Newspaper of USA
It was 84 years after the establishment of
the first successful colony in that area
At the time of independence the political
tension stimulated the growth of
In first half of the 18th century the press
New York Sun
In 1833 Benjamin H Day started New York
Sun with a motto , ‘It shines for All’
It revolutionized the circulation of the
newspaper. Earlier news were restricted to
social, commercial and political events
Now disaster, crime, catastrophe, crime
and amusement found due place
By 1837 sun was distributing 30,000
Arrival of Pulitzer
In 1883 Joseph Pulitzer introduced new
Human interest, gossip stories,
sensationalism with better skill and
technical execution
Complete coverage of the news and a
liberal editorial policy
The emergence of middle class, industrial
Immigration increased to New York
Independent thinking of the press
developed due to Pulitzer
Pulitzer has faith in Democratic party
rather than Republican party
The New York Times
The largest Metropolitan in USA
Founded in 1851
Won 98 Pulitzer prize
Known for their liberal stance on political
and social issues
First Trans Atlantic delivery in 1919
The Times website rated as one of the
most popular websites
The Crossword began to appear in 1942
and section in 1946
First International Edition in 1946
The Wall Street Journal
Published by Dow Jones and Company
with Asian and European Editions
Began in 1889
The name comes from the Wall Street in
new York (Financial Hub)
The Newspaper took its modern shape in
1949s during industrial expansion of USA
Gives financial news and considered as
The media baron Rupert Murdoch formally
acquired Dow Jones in 2000
The Washington Times
Founded in 1982
Known for its conservative stance on
political and social issues
Egyptian daily newspaper founded in 1875
Some of eh early writers were Egyptian
Content is controlled by Egyptian Ministry
of Information but opinion section is well
It has pan Arabic-language edition ‘Al
Ahram Al Arabia’ for the readers in the
Arab world
The Guardian
Founded in 1821
Owned by the Guardian Media Group
Editorials generally inclined towards the
Has a reputation ‘as an organ of the
middle class’
Traditionally affiliated with the centrist
liberal party
Ashai Shimbum
Japan’s oldest and largest newspaper
Began its publication in 1879
Several times its liberal position irked the
govt and led to its vandalization
The People Daily-
Organ of the Central Committee of the
Communist Party of China
It has its editions in English, Japanese,
French, Spanish, Russian and Arabic
Established in 1948
Since establishment it has been under
direct control of the party’s top leadership

During Cultural revolution in 70s it was the

only source of information for Chinese and
Often not read for content but for the
Editorials and are authoritative statement
of the Govt
Pakistan’s oldest and widely read
Founded in 1941 by Mohammad Jinha as
mouthpiece of Muslim league
It has a liberal tradition
Reformist in nature
Leading newspaper of the USSR then
Started in 1912
Official voice of Soviet Communism
Closed down in 1991
Restarted in Tabloid style by the same
It voiced Lenin’s argument during the

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