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Community Organizing Participatory

Action Research (COPAR)

Middle ground where healthcare
worker and the people need to attain
community organization.
A liberal freedom of the community
where the people are allowed to
participate in the overall health care
status of their community.

Transformation force that enables the

individual, families and communities
to be responsible for their own
Phenomenon of interest goals and
objectives at the health care workers
and the people in their way to health

Phases of COPAR Process

1. Pre-entry phase
The initial phase of the organizing
process where the community
organizer looks for communities to
serve or help. It is the most complex
phase in terms of actual outputs,
activities and strategies, and time
spent for it.

Recommended activity:
State the objectives, and realization of COPAR
Laying out the site criteria
Site selection
Meeting and courtesy call to the local government
unit of the selected site.
Courtesy call to the barangay level
Meeting with the will be foster parents of the
healthcare students.
Setting the target date of immersion, exposure
and departure.

2. Entry Phase (Immersion)

immersion phase as the activity
done here includes the sensitization
of the people in the critical events in
their life, motivating them to share
their dreams and ideas on how to
manage their concerns and
eventually mobilizing them to make
collective action on these. This phase
signals the actual entry of the
community worker/ organizer into the

Recommended activity:
Courtesy call to mayor, or the local government
leaders of the selected site
Courtesy call to the barangay level
Meeting with the foster parents
Appreciating the environment
Meeting with the community officials and resident
General assembly
Preparation of survey forms
Actual survey
Analysis of the data gathered

3. Organization-Building
The formation of more formal
structures and the inclusion of more
formal procedures of planning,
implementing and evaluating
community wide activities. Organized
leaders or groups are being given
trainings (formal/informal) to develop
their ASK (attitude, skills and
knowledge) in managing their own
concerns or programs.

Recommended activities:
Meeting with officials
Identify problems
Spreading awareness and soliciting solution or
Analysis with the presented solution
Planning of the activity
Organizing the people to build their own
Registration of the organization (legality purpose)
Implementation of the said activity

4. Strengthening and sustenance

Community organization has already
been established and the and the
community wide undertaking.
Different committees set-up in the
organization-building phase are
already projected to be functioning
by way of planning. Implementing
and evaluating their own programs,
with the over all guidance from the
community-wide organization.

Recommended activities:
Meeting with the organizational leaders
Evaluation of the program
Re-implementation of the program (for unmet
Education and training
Networking and training
Conduct of mobilization on health and
development concerns
Implementation of livelihood projects
Developing secondary leaders

5. Phase out
Healthcare workers leave the
community to stand alone. This phase
should be stated during the entry
phase so that the people will be ready
for this phase. The organizations built
should be ready to sustain the rest of
the community itself because the real
evaluation will be done by the
residents of the community itself.

Recommended activities:
Leaving the immersion site

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