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Adult Bible Study Guide

Jan Feb Mar 2016

powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz


Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide

An Appeal

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says designed by claro ruiz vicente.



David Tasker, Principal Contributor

Rebellion and Redemption

Our Goal

Jesus has won the decisive

The challenge has always been
where we place our loyalties.
The controversy still rages and
the deceptions are everpresent.
Our prayer, then, is that this
quarters lessons will reveal

Rebellion and Redemption

1 Crisis in Heaven
2 Crisis in Eden
3 Global Rebellion and the Patriarchs
4 Conflict and Crisis: The Judges
5 The Controversy Continues
6 Victory in the Wilderness
7 Jesus Teachings and the Great
8 Comrades in Arms
9 The Great Controversy and the Early
10 Paul and the Rebellion
11 Peter on the Great Controversy

Rebellion and
and Redemption
Lesson 6,
6, February
February 6

Victory in the


Victory in the Wilderness

Key Text

Luke 19:10 NKJV

For the Son of Man has

to seek and to save that
was lost.

Victory in the Wilderness

Quick Look

1. Coming to Conquer
2. On the Ground
(Deuteronomy 8:3)
3. In High Places
(Deuteronomy 6:16;
10-13 )

Victory in the Wilderness

Initial Words

We look at the temptations in

the wilderness as, perhaps
never before
so clearly revealed in the
Bible, the great controversy
between Christ
and Satan as it is openly
battled out between them.
Having failed to kill Jesus after

Victory in the Wilderness

1. Coming to Conquer

Matthew 1:21-23 NKJV

And you shall call His name

for He will save His people
their sins. So all this was
done that
it might be fulfilled...: Behold,
the virgin shall be with child,

1. Coming to Conquer
Immanuel to the Rescue

Why did Jesus come to this

to be with us?
1. To restore the dominion that
Adam lost (Rom. 5:12,
2. To bring judgment and to
destroy the works of the devil
(John 9:39,
1 John

1. Coming to Conquer
Immanuel to the Rescue

3. To seek and to save the lost

(Luke 19:10) and to take away
their sins (John 1:29).
4. Jesus came to show us what
is like, to reveal to
usand to the onlooking
universewhat His true
character really is (John 14:9).

1. Coming to Conquer
Jesus Baptism

It was a salvation event. The

explanation of what John was
doing is a quotation from
Isaiah, describing the way God
would prepare a road for the
exiles to return to the
Promised Land (Isaiah 40:3-5).
Jeremiah explains the reason
for making that special road:

1. Coming to Conquer
Jesus Baptism

vulnerablethe blind, the

lame, the pregnant, mothers
with toddlersand for all
others who desired to return to
the Promised Land to be able
to do so (Jeremiah 31:79).
It came in a way that most of
them didnt expect because
they didnt understand the

Victory in the Wilderness

2. On the Ground

Deuteronomy 8:3 NKJV

So He humbled you, allowed

to hunger, and fed you with
manna which you did not
know nor did you fathers
know, that He might make
you know that man shall not
live by bread alone; but man

2. On the Ground
Stones Into Bread

When Jesus was led into the

wilder-ness to be tempted, He
was led by the Spirit of God.
He did not invite temp-tation.
He went to the wilderness to
be alone, to contemplate His
mission and work.
By fasting and prayer He was
to brace Himself for the blood-

2. On the Ground
Stones Into Bread

There are parallels between

Jesus temptations and the
experience of
the Israelites in their Exodus.
After coming through water,
Jesus went into the desert,
where He ate nothing and was
tested for 40 days. The
Israelites passed through water

2. On the Ground
Stones Into Bread

Zechariah 3 records the high

priest as he stood before God
in vision, some-one appeared
at his right hand, none other
than the accuser, pretending
to be a trusted friend. The
same thing happened to Jesus.
The one who came to help
said, If You are the Son of

Victory in the Wilderness

3. In High Places

Deuteronomy 6:16; 10-13 NKJV

You shall not tempt the Lord

your God.... ... When the Lord
your God brings you into the
land which He
swore to your fathers...then
beware, lest you forget the Lord
who brought you out of the
Land of Egypt....

3. In High Places
Another Temptation

By placing a priority on
faithfulness to God, instead of
giving in to appetite, Jesus
recovered the ground that
Adam lost at the tree of
knowledge of good and evil.
Jesus had to be subjected to
two more temptations.
The second temptation

3. In High Places
Another Temptation

Jesus was not interested in

cheap theatrics. His trust in
God was genuine, not
something contrived to
impress others. Jesus
complete trust in His Father
was manifested in His leaving
heaven and becoming a
human being, suffering the

3. In High Places
Devil Worship

The Bible uses the theme of

going up to the top of a very
high mountain to view nations.
There is prophetic vision
attached to this scenario.
From a mountaintop, Moses
sees the Promised Land and
John later sees the future New
Jerusalem. Jesus sees more

3. In High Places
Devil Worship

Notice that Satan shows off

everything in its best light. He
shows the riches and the
glamour, not the crime,
suffering, and injustice.
This test focused on loyalty.
Who should the human race
give ultimate loyalty to? In
Eden, when Adam and Eve

3. In High Places
Devil Worship

Notice that Jesus, like Joseph

with Potiphars wife, did not
permit evil
to stay near Him.
Jesus commanded Satan to go
away. Joseph could not do that,
so he removed himself from
scene of potential evil (Gen.

Victory in the Wilderness

Final Words

Poet T. S. Eliot wrote: The

world turns and the world
changes / But one thing does
not change. /... / The perpetual
struggle of Good and Evil.
German atheist Friedrich
Nietzsche, wrote: Let us
conclude. The two opposing
values good and bad, good

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