Method Study

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1. Improvement of processes and procedures

2. Improvement in the design of plant and
3. Improvement of layout
4. Improvement in the use of men, materials and
5. Economy in human effort and reduction of
unnecessary fatigue
6. Improvement in safety standards
7. Development of better working environment.
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The questioning technique is the means by

which the critical examination is conducted,
each activity being subjected in turn to a
systematic and progressive series of
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the PURPOSE for which
the PLACE at which
the SEQUENCE in which
the PERSON by whom
the MEANS by which
With a view to REARRANGING those activities
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The secondary questions cover the second
stage of the questioning technique, during
which the answers to the primary questions
are subjected to further query to determine
whether possible alternatives of place,
sequence, persons and means are
practicable and preferred as a means of
improvement upon the existing method.
'(' ? what is done?
why is it done?
what else might be done?
what should be done?

'*0# : where is it done?

Why is it done there?
Where else might it is done?
Where should it be done?
 , )# : When is it done?
Why is it done?
When might it be done?
When should it be done?
' ()? who does it?
Why does that person do it?
Who else might do it?
Who should do it?
| 0)? How is it done?
Why is it done that way?
How else might it be done?
How should it be done ?
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1. Relative costs in material, labor and overheads of the
two methods, and savings expected.
2. The cost of installing the new method, including the
cost of new equipment and of re-laying out shops or
working areas
3. Executive actions required to implement the new method.

1. The tools and equipment to be used
2. A description of the method
3. A diagram of the work place layout, jigs/fixtures etc
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1. Gaining acceptance of the change by the

2. Gaining acceptance of the change by the
3. Maintaining close contact with the
progress of the job until satisfied that it
is running as intended
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1. The two hands should begin and complete their
movements at the same time
2. Motion of the arms shall be symmetrical and in
opposite directions and should be made
3. Hands and body motions should be made at the lowest
classification at which it is possible to do the work
4. Rhythm is essential to the smooth and automatic
performance of a repetitive operation.
5. Work should be arranged so that eye movements are
confined to a comfortable area, without the need for
frequent changes of focus.
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1.Definite and fixed stations should be provided for all tools and
2.Gravity feed, bins and containers should be used to deliver the
materials as close to the point of use as possible.
3.Tools, materials and controls should be located within the
maximum working area.
4.Materials and tools should be arranged to permit the best
sequence of motion.
5.Provision should be made for adequate lighting.
6.The colour of the workplace should contrast with that of the
workplace to reduce eye fatigue.

 The hands should be relieved of all work of 'holding¶ the

workpiece where this can be done by fixture etc.
 Two or more tools should be combined wherever possible
 Levers, cross bars and handwheels should be so placed that
the operative can use them with the least change in body
position and the greatest mechanical advantage.
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1. To find ineffective time in a process

2. To set standard for output level
3. To evaluate worker's performance
4. To plan work force needs.
5. To determine available capacity
6. To compare work methods
7. To facilitate operations scheduling
8. To establish wage incentive schemes
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1. Stop-watch time study

2. Work sampling
3. Predetermined time standards(PTS)
4. Standard Data
Amount of work that can be produced by a
qualified employee when working at normal pace
and effectively utilizing his time where work is
not restricted by process limitations.

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Work measurement is the application of

techniques designed to establish the time for a
qualified worker to carry out a specific job at a
defined level of performance.
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A qualified worker is one who is accepted
as having the necessary physical attributes,
who possess the required intelligence and
education and who has acquired the
necessary skill and knowledge to carry out
the work in hand to satisfactory standards of
safety, quantity and quality
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Rating is the assessment of the worker's rate
of working relative to the observers' concept
of the rate corresponding to standard pace.
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It is the rate of output which qualified

workers will naturally achieve without over-
exertion as an average over the working day
or shift, provided that they know and adhere
to the specified method and provided that
they are motivated to apply themselves to
their work.

1. Obtaining and recording all available information about the job,

operator and the surrounding conditions likely to affect the
execution of the work
2. Recording the complete description of the method, breaking down
the operation into 'elements¶
3. Measuring with a stopwatch and recording the time taken by the
operator to perform each 'element' of the operation.
4. Assessing the rating
5. Extending observed time to 'basic times¶
6. Determining the allowances to be made over and above the basic
time for the operation
7. Determining the 'standard time' for the operation.
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1. Variation in the quality of materials used
2. Changes in the operating efficiency of the equipment
3. Changes in climatic and surrounding conditions of operation.
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a. Acceptable variations in the quality of the product
b. Variations due to his ability
c. Variations due to his attitude
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