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Digital Media Studio


Technical Research
Progress Presentation

Roshan Patel

Tanya Marriot,
Karen Curley,
Struan Ashby.
Theoretical Research

• Annette Noontil, correlates the eyes with the pituitary gland in the brain– relates to psychology
Examples: Bags under your eyes, Cataracts, Red Eye Lids, Eye Turning Outwards, Muscular Degeneration, Blinking too much and
Its quiet funny because she gives “lesson” on how to combat the problem, like for muscular Degeneration she says “reconnect to
the central focus of life” . Because muscular degeneration shows you’ve Loss of the central theme of life. Not seeing the point of
living. “Spacing out is what life’s about.”
So maybe you can sense that when seeing the person of character.

• Eyes Body Language

This page looked at all of the different main eye motions too.

• Eye Reading from Psychologist World

• Eliot Hoppe Communication Skills for Business Development – Sales and Advertising Eyes
This was quiet interesting because eyes are on many bill boards and magazines, and many of us may not have even noticed that
the eyes have been changed on them. They largen the pupils so that the person looks as if they are interested in you, connecting
with you, and subsequently subconsciously you can feel that connection because of how your brain read those eyes.
Looked at peoples emotions
Current movies – Bad Examples
Good Examples
Rules that have been applied to eyes in Animation
Eye tutorials
Building Eye Region

Experiment with Skin

Can you tell the Emotions?

Eye movement, emotion and poses

• Recorded emotions to analyse

Great example of eye movement

Illustrative Characters

• It is easier with illustrative characters to model correct emotions because their facials are
designed to be exaggerated, and thus more can pass. You won’t get thrown off the movie/story.
And you still will have the feeling of the character being real.

Software Research
• The latest software in eye animations for animating the eye
From here

• I am going to get better reference images & videos. Take images of people’s expressions in
relation to experiences, so that their facials will be real.
• I have found out that top animators for many years used to follow a “model” principle in creating
facials on characters, they were too scared to try anything different. Until the revolutionary
Gollum. One of Gollum's creators actually applied different principles to Gollum when animating
his face, which deepened the expressions more. So I am going to find out what these methods
were. Also now Weta uses mo-cap mask apparatus this would be a dream to try out.
• I have a few more books by Dr Paul Ekman who is a psychologist and has published books on
facials expressions, as well as released softwares. And also books on Illustrative characters.
• I am going to create more models from scratch this time really modelling the eye region properly,
and the Eye! Eyeciting!! Also texture them properly, applying better emotions with lighting etc &
develop from there to . . . .

Create CG Eyes that can Tell a Story!

My online Workbook


Thank you for your time,


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