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Whittlesford village is served by South

Cambridgeshire District Council and
Cambridgeshire County Council

Your district
and county
councillor is

Here are some of the

main things that the
county and district
councils do that
affect our village

The District Council

Looks after the environment
Sweeps the streets
Clears away fly tipping rubbish
Checks food safety and hygiene in
cafes and restaurants
Can deal with complaints about noise
and other types of pollution e.g. lighting
Empties our bins and recycles waste

The District Council

deals with planning
It decides planning applications
Individual house ones
Major sites, such as Welchs
transport on the A505
Knights Orchard, off Station
Whole towns, such as
And it also decides how many
houses should be built, and
where, under the LOCAL PLAN

The District Council

deals with planning
Enforcement - too tall
hedges, breaches of
planning permission,
trees at risk of being
cut down, sites left
derelict or untidy
Travellers & unlawful

The District Council

deals with housing
Sheltered housing:
Lettice Martin Croft in
Whittlesford is one of the largest
in the district
Affordable housing
Some built as part of larger
developments, and some on
Green Belt land as at Newton Rd
The council houses people in
The council has a programme for
putting solar panels on its
properties to reduce heating bills

between the
district & the
For example, some
planning decisions,
such as the bid to
build a solar farm
along the path
between Whittlesford
& Thriplow, are
decided by the
district, and some,
such as the bid for
an elongated
chimney at Vetspeed
along the A505, are

between the
district & the
For example, the district
supports exercise
classes, and gives
grants for healthy living,
like these goalposts for
Whittlesford Warriors.
The County deals with
public health issues such
as helping people to
stop smoking, and also
helping elderly people
needing care after being
discharged from

The County Council doesnt

just look after the roads
it deals with issues such as education,
transport plans, social care, streetlights,
mental health, public health, services for
young people, fire services, libraries &

The Countys
Major road building and
strategic planning
Road safety
Public transport
Road repairs such as
potholes, lining
Drains and ditches
Cycleways & footpaths

Highways safety
Parish Council
has had
successful bids
to the County
Council for road
in the village in
recent years,
under the Minor

A major issue
is the A505
The A505 is the
busiest nondualled A road in
the county. It is
already congested
at peak times. It
connects a lot of
new bio-tech sites
in the area, so it
will get busier.

Schools and
school admissions
The County decides
school numbers and
Schools in this area
are filling up or full
Working with local
schools, county
officers and our MP
Heidi Allen to find
the answer

Both councils do
many other things
Whittlesford is now
linked up for superfast
broadband, part of a
county initiative
If you want to vote, its
the district council that
arranges registration
Sometimes it isn't clear
which one does what
If I can help, just ask me
and I will

Contact me on

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