Types of Transport

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Transport Across the Cell

maintains homeostasis of cell
membrane is selectively permeable
some things can pass through but others
3 types: active transport, passive
transport, and bulk transport

1. Passive Transport

= no energy reqd
move through membrane due
to differences in concentration
3 different types

1. Diffusion
Movement of molecules from an area of
high concentration to an area of low
concentration across a concentration
Used transport small molecules like CO2
H2O, and O2
Animation: How Diffusion Works

2. Osmosis
Diffusion of water from a region of high
concentration to a region of low
Water can diffuse into or out of a cell, it
depends on the concentration on either side
of the cell membrane
Animation: How Osmosis Works

Water potentials
Water moves from a place with a LESS
NEGATIVE (higher) water potential to a place
with a MORE NEGATIVE (lower) water
The water potential of pure water is 0 (zero).
Solutions have negative water potentials the
more concentrated the solution, the more negative
the water potential.

3 Types of Osmosis
1. Hypotonic
contain a low concentration of
solute relative to another
solution (e.g. the cell's
cell is placed in a hypotonic
solution, the water diffuses
into the cell, causing the cell to
swell and possibly explode.

2. Hypertonic
contain a high concentration
of solute relative to another
solution (e.g. the cell's
when cell is placed in a
hypertonic solution, water
diffuses out of the cell,
causing the cell to shrivel.

3. Isotonic
contain the same
concentration of solute as an
another solution (e.g. the
cell's cytoplasm).
when cell placed in an
isotonic solution, the water
diffuses into and out of the
cell at the same rate.
fluid that surrounds the body
cells is isotonic.


3. Facilitated diffusion

Key features

how glucose/charged ions moves into cells

passive does not require energy
uses carrier proteins
solute molecules combine with carrier
proteins in the membrane.
carrier molecules speed (or facilitate) the
passage of the solute molecules across the

Spot the difference!

2 kinds of proteins involved:

bind to a specific type of diffusing molecule.
have a highly specific hydrophilic region to
which the solute molecule binds.
binding cause the protein to undergo a change
in shape that moves the solute across the
bilayer and release it on the other side

Carrier proteins

Animation: How Facilitated Diffusion Works

Carrier proteins

formed by proteins with a
central pore that is lined
with charged groups.
help the diffusion of
charged particles such as
Ca2+, Na+, K+, HCO3- and
Cl ions.
Some channels are gated
and allow cells to regulate
the flow of ions from one
cell to another.

Ion channel

Factors affecting Rate of

1. Concentration Difference
happens ONLY when a concentration gradient is
present and solute travels ALONG (down) a
concentration gradient
2. Saturation
there are only a limited number of carrier
molecules per unit area of membrane.
rate of movement reaches a max. when all carrier
molecules are fully loaded with solute molecules

2. Active Transport
the transport of molecules or ions
across a membrane by carrier
proteins against a concentration

requires energy
involves carrier proteins in the membrane.
hydrolysis of ATP releases the energy required
for active transport.
Cells involved in active transport have a large
number of mitochondria to provide the ATP

Spot the difference

Sodium-Potassium Pump
ex. of active transport
Exists in most cell
Actively removes sodium
ions from the cell while
actively accumulating
potassium ions into them
from their surroundings
Animation: How the
Sodium Potassium Pump

3. Bulk Transport
used for materials to large to enter via
passive or active transport
vesicles created by folding of cell
membrane onto itself to either engulf or
expel materials
2 types: endocytosis & exocytosis

the transport of large particles into the cell
in vesicles formed by folding in of the cell
surface membrane
3 types:
1. Pinocytosis (cell drinking)
intake of small droplet of
extracellular fluid along
with solute particles
occurs in all cells often

2. Phagocytosis (cell eating)

intake of large droplet of extracellular fluid
including particulate matter (bacteria or
organic matter)
occurs only in specialised cells like amoeba or
macrophages (bacteria fighting immune cells)
Animation: Phagocytosis

3. Receptor-assisted endocytosis
involves intake of specific molecules that
attach to special protiens in cell membrane
that serve as receptors
have a unique shape that fit only to one
specific molecule
ex. animal cells use this to bring cholesterol
into cell

the reverse process and is used to secrete
proteins, e.g digestive enzymes, out of the cells.
vesicle forms inside cell moves to membrane
and empties contents outside of cell
ex. pancreas secretes insulin

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