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Object of the act

Provisions for investigation and
settlement of industrial disputes
and for certain other purposes.

Important clarifications
1.Industry-has attained wider meaning then defined except for
domestic employment, covers from barber shops to big steel
Sec 2(j) committee joint committee with equal numbers of
employers and employees representative for discussion of certain
common problems.
3.conciliation-is an attempt by a third party in helping to settle the
4.Adjudication-labour court, industrial tribunal or national tribunal
to hear and decide the dispute.

Power of labour court to give appropriate

labour court/industrial tribunal can modify the
punishment of dismissal or discharge of work man and
give appropriate including reinstatement.
Sec .11a

Right of a work man during

pendency of proceeding in high
employer to pay last drawn wages
to reinstated work man when
proceeding challenging the award
of his reinstatement are pending in
the higher courts.

Persons bound by settlement

1. when in the course of conciliation
proceeding etc. All persons working
or joining subsequently.
2.otherwise than in coerce of
settlement upon the parties to the
Sec. 18

Period of operation of the

settlements and awards
A settlement for a period as
agreed by the parties
Period of six months on signing of
An award for one year after its
Sec. 19

Lay off and payment of compensations

condition for laying off
Failure, refuse or inability of an employer to
proviod work due to
Shortage of coal
Power or raw material, accumulation af stocks,
Breakdown of machineries,
Natural calamities,
Sec. 2(kk)k

Notice of change
21 days by an employer to workmen
about changing conditions of service
as provided to schedule.
Sec. 9a

Prior permission for lay off

Prior permission by

When there are more

than 100 workman
during preceding 12
sec 25 -m

When there are more

than 100 (up 300 or
more workmen during
proced1 2month
3month notice or
wages there to
Form qa
Compensation at
15days wages sec 25n

Prohibition of strikes & lock outs

Without giving to the employer notice of strike, as hereand after
provided, within 6 weeks before striking
Within 14 days of giving such notice
before the expiry of all the date of strike specified in any such notice
as aforesaid
During the pendency of any conciliation proceeding before a
conciliation officer & 7 days after the conclusion of such proceeding
During the pendency of the conciliation proceedings before a board &
7days after the conclusion of such proceedings
During the pendency of the arbitration proceedings before an arbitrator
& 2months after the conclusion of such proceedings , where an
notification as been issued under sub sec {3a} of sec 10a
During any period in which settlement or award in operation in respect
any of matter covered by the settlement or award

One percent of the total no workmen

employed therein sub to a minimum
no of 5 & maximum of 100 workmen

Lay off compensation

Payment of wages except for
intervening weekly holiday
compensation 50% of total or basic
wages & DA period of lay of up to
maximum 44 days in a year.


Emplyees state insurance act & the

Applicability of the act & scheme
Is extended in area wise ton factories using
power & employing 10or more persons &
to non-power using manufacturing units &
establishment employing 20 or more
persons up to RS 10,000 per month w,e,f, .
1.10.2006. it as also been extended upon
shops, hotels , restaurant ,roads, motors,
transport undertaking, equipment
maintained staff in the hospitals.

Coverage of employees
Drawing wages { w,e,f.1-5-2010}
Up to RS ,15,000 per month
engaged either directly or thru
contractor .

Rate of contribution of the


The ESI scheme today

As on 31.3.2009.
state /union territories covered 29
No of implimented centres 783
No. of employers coverd 1.25crore
No.of insured persons 1.29crore
No of benificiaries 5crore
No.of ESI hospital 145.

Manner & Time limit for making

payment of contribution
The total amt of contribution
{ employees share &employers
share } is to be deposited with the
authorised bank through on challen
in the prescribed form in
quadruplicate on or before 21st of
month following the calender month
in which the wages fall due.

Benefits to the employees under the

Medical,sicknees,extended sicknees
for certain diseases,enanced
sickness,oldage care dependence
matemity besides funeral
expences,rehabilitation allowance
medical benefit to insured person &
is or her spous, medical bonus
&physical Aids.

Wages for ESI contribubition

To be deemed wages
Basic pay
Dearnees allowance
City compensatory allowances
Overtime wages [but not to be taken into account for determining the coverage of
an employee
Payment for day rest
Production incentive
Bonus other than statutory bonous
Night shift allowance
Heat gas & dust allowance
Payment for unsubstituted holidays
Meals or food allowance
Susspension allowance
Lay off compensation
Childern education allowances [ not being reimbursement for actul tution fee

Not be demand as wages

Contribution paid by the employer to any pension or provident
fund or under ESI act
Sum paid to defray special expenses entailed by the nature of
employment daily allowance paid for the period spent & tour
Gratuity payable on discharge
Pay in lieu of notice of retrenchment compensation
Benefit paid under the ESI scheme
Encasement of leave
Payment of inam which does not form part of terms of
Washing allowances for livery
Amount towards reimbursement for duty related journey .

Contribusion period
1st April to 30september
1st october to 31St march

Benefit period
If the persons joined insurable
employment for the 1st time , say on
5th January his 1st contribution period
will be from 5th january to31st march
&his corresponding first benefit will
be from 5th oct to 31st dec.

Different punishment have been
prescribed for different types of
offences in terms of sec 85 .1.
{6month imprisonment &fine RS
5,000} ,[2] { 1year imprisonment &
fine } ,85-A;[five years imprisonment
& not less to 2years } & 85-c[2]of the
ESI act, which are self explainatory
.Besides these provisions , action
also can be taken under the sec 406

Payment of gratuity
Sec 1.

Every factory mine , oil, field,
plantation ,port railways,
companies ,shop, establishment or
educational institution employing 10
or more emloyees

Sec 2 [s]
Wages for calculation @ 15
dayswages for every complited year
as if the month comprise of 26 days
at the last drawn wages

Sec 2 [e]
Employee all employee included a
teacher irrespective of states or
Entitlment on completion of 5years
servise expect in case of death or
disablement .
Qualifying period

on rendering of 5 years service

either termination, resignation or
retirement .

Sec 4
Calculation piece-rated employee

@ 15 days wages for every

complited year on an average of 3
months wages .
Calculation seasonal employee @ 7
days wages for every comlited year
of service .

Display of notice

on conspicuous place at the

main entrance in english language or
the language understood by the
majority of the employees of the
factory, etc.

Sec 6 Rule . 6 .
Nomination to be obtained by
employer of after experity of 1 year
service in form F.

Sec. 4[3]
Total ceiling RS 10,00,000.

Rule 9
Mode of payment

cash or, if so desired by bank

draft or cheque.

Sec 8 Rule 8
Recovery of gratuity to apply within
30 days form I when not paid within
30 days

Sec . 4 [6]
Forfeiture of gratuity

on termination of an
employee for moral turpituded or
riotous or disorderly Behavior

wholly or partially for

wifely causing loss, Distraction of
property .etc.

Protection of gratuity

cannot be attached
execution of any decree

Payment of bonus Act, 1965

Imprisonment for 6 months or fine
upto RS 10,000 for avoiding to make
payment by making false statement
or representation

imprisonment not less than 3

month & upto 1year with fine on
default in complying with the
provisions of act or rules .

Rates of contribution




p.f. scheme


Amount >8.33%
[incase where
contribution is
12% or 10% .
10% [incase of
establishment as
per details given
earliar ]


Insurance scheme




Pension scheme


8.33% [divereted


Less than 2 month
@ 17% per annum
2months & above but less than 4
months @22% per annum .
4 months & above less than 6 month
..@ 27 p.a.
6 month & above .@ 37%

Pen provision
Liable to be arrested withonut
warrant being a cognisable
affence.defalts by employer in
paying contribution or inspction /
administrative charges attract
imprisonment upto 3 years &fine
upto Rs 10000 sec s 14 for any
retropectve application all dues have
to be paid by employer with
damages upto 100% of arrears.

Employees provident funds & MISC.

provision act & the schemes.1952

any person who is employed for

work an establishment or employed
through the contractor in or in
connection will the work of

Every establishment which is a factory
engaged in any industry specified in
schedule 1 & in which 20 or more persons
are employed .

any other establishment employeing

20 or more persons which central govnt may
, by notification , specify in this behalf .

Any establishment employing even

less than 20 persons can be covered
voluntarily u/s 1 [4] of the act.

Payment of contribution
The employer shall pay the contribution payable
to the epf,dli and employees pension fund in
respect of the member of the employees pension
fund employeed by him directly by or through a

it shall be the responsibility of the

principal employer to pay the contribution
payable to the epf,dli and employes pension fund
by himself in respect of the employees directly
Employeed by him and also in respect of the
employees employed by or through a contractor.

Clarification about

after revision in wage ceiling from Rs 5000 to Rs 6500

W.E.F. 1-6-2001 per month , the gont will continue to contribute
to 1. 16% of upto the actual wage of maximum Rs 6500per
month towards employees pension scheme. The employers
share in the pension scheme will be rs 541 W.E.f 1-6-2001.

under employees deposit linked insurance scheme

the contribution @ 0.50% is required to be paid upto a a
maximum limit of RS 6500. the employer will pay the
administrative charge @ 0.01% on a maximum limit of Rs
The employer will also pay administrative charges @ 0.01% on
a maximum limit of Rs 6500. where as an exempted
establishment will pay inspection charges @ 0.005% on total
wages paid .


employees covered enjoy a benefit of

social security in the form of an un attachable &
un withdraw able [ except in severely restricted
circumstances like buying house , marriage
/education etc .] financial nest egg to which
employees & employers contribute Equally
throughtout the covered persons employment .

this some is payable normally &

retirement or death . Other benefit includes
employees pension scheme & employees
deposit linked insurance scheme

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