The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) ACT, 1986

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Object of the Act

To regulate the conditions of the work
of the children in certain

The important clarifications

Child means a person who has not
complied his 14 year of age.
Establishment includes a shop,
commercial establishment, workshop,
farm, residential hotel, restaurant, eating
house, theatre or other place of public
amusement or entertainment.

Prohibition of employment of
children in certain occupations
and processes
No child to be employed in occupation set
forth in part a of the schedule or any
workshop where in any of the processes
set-forth in part B of the schedule is carried

Hours and period of week

Not to exceed three hours
Interval for rest-one hour
Spread over not more than six hours
inclusive of interval and the time
spent for waiting.

Not permitted to work

Between 7 pm to 8 am.
Overtime working. if such a child is
working in another establishment.

Weekly holidays
One whole day. Not to be altered more
than once in three months.

Notice to inspector
Famishing details of
Name of situation of establishment
Name of the person in actual
management of the establishment.
Address for communication.
Nature of the occupation.

Dispute as to age
In the absence of certificate of age,
can be referred for decision of
prescribed medical authority.

maintenance & production of

register by occupier
The name and date of birth of every child so
employed or permitted to work
Hours and period of work of any such child and
the intervals of rest to which he is entitled.
The nature of work of any such child.
Such other particulars as may be prescribed.

Display of notice
To contain abstract of section 3
pertaining to prohibition of
employment of children and the
provisions for penalties.

Health and safety

To be notified by appropriate
government in accordance with
guidelines given in section 13 of the



For violation of section 3

Imprisonment for not less than 3

months which may extend to one
year , or fine not less 10,000/which may extent to Rs.20,000/or both

Repetition of violation

Imprisonment for a term not less

than six months which may
extend to 2 years.

For failure to:

Give notice as required by
section 9
Maintain a register as required
by section 11 or make any false
entry in any such registers; or
Display a notice containing an
abstract of section 3 and these
section as required by section
Comply with or contravene any
other provisions of these act or
the roles made there under.

Shall be punishable with simple

imprisonment which may extent
to one month or with fine which
may extend to ten thousand
rupees or with both.

The supreme court in M.C. Mehta v.

state of Tamilnadu , 1996 SCC756
has directed the discontinuance of
the employment of child labor and
ordered payment of compensation of
Rs.20,000 per child . The court as
also laid down certain directions in
relation to working hours in nonhazardous jobs and providing for
education by the employer and the

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