Gender, Politeness and Stereotypes Bab 12

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Group 5:

Diastika Riandini
Said Ramadhan
Febby Karlina
Dewi Nur Affifah
Novi Rahayu A. N
Rahayu Setyowati

Robin Lakoff, women were using language

which reinforced their subordinate status, they
were colluding in their own subordination
focused on differences between womens and
mens speech in the areas pronounciation.

There are two language features used by

Hedging devices
signal lack of confidence
Boosting devices
Signal persuade their addressee to take them

Based on Lakoffs research, women use more tag

question than men. They use it as facilitative
positive politeness device. While men, most of
them use it to express their uncertainty.
But the degree of politeness between women
and men is not only shown by their devices, but
also it can be influenced by the culture, status,
role, interaction patterns in the society and etc.

There are many features of interaction which

differentiate the talk of women and men:
1. Interruptions
In same-gender interactions, interruptions
were pretty evenly distributed between
speakers. In cross-gender interactions, almost all
the interruptions were from males.

2. Conversational Feedback
Women provide more encouraging feedback to
their conversational partners than men do.
Research, on conversational interaction reveals
women as cooperative conversationalists,
whereas men tend to be more competitive and
less supportive of others.

gender rather than occupational status, social

class, or some other social factor, which most
adequately accounts for the interactional
patterns described.
The societally subordinate position of women
reflected in these parterns has more to do with
gender than role occupation.

Women gossiping

usually consist of experiences, problems,


avoid criticizing people in order not to make

the atmosphere becomes discomfort

Men Gossiping

Tend to agrue about certain certain topics,

criticized each other and sometimes make the
conversational partner feels down.

- We generlly treat gender as given and

unalterable, automatically classifying every
person we encounter as female or male without
a moments reflection.
- Approcing gender identity as a construction,
rather than as a fixed category.
- the ways in which people construct particular
kinds of social identity is through their
narratives of personal experience

Sexiest language is one example of the way a culture or society

conveys its values from one group to another and from one
generation to the next.
Language conveys attitudes. Sexist attitudes stereotype a person
according to gender rather than a judging on individual merits.
The study of sexist language is concerned with the way language
express both negative and positive stereotypes of both of men and
In practice research in this area has concentrated on the ways in
which language conveys negative attitudes

English language discriminates against women.

Most obviously, perhaps, in semantics area the
English metaphors available to describe women
include extraordinarily high number of
deragatory images compared to those used to
describe a men.
Look at example page 305


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