Discussion Text

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Discussion is a text which present a

problematic discourse. This problem will be
discussed from different view points.
Discussion is commonly found in
philosophical, historic, and social text.
Purpose :
To explore various perspectives before
coming to an informed decision
To present information and opinions about
more than one side of an issue



Focus on generic human and non human

Use of material processes (e.g has produced,
have developed, to feed, etc), relational
processes (e.g. could have, cause, are), and
mental processes (e.g feel, think, etc).
Use comparative, contrastive and
consequential conjunction


The use of general nouns

e.g. : alcohol, abortion, smoking, cloning, etc.
The use of relating verbs
e.g. : is, are, etc.
The use of thinking verbs
e.g. : think, feel, hope, believe, etc.
The use of additive connectives
e.g. : in addition, futhermore, besides, etc.
The use of causal connectives
e.g. : because, because of, etc.
The use of adverbs of manner
e.g. : hopefully, deliberately, etc.
The use of modalities
e.g. : perhaps, must, should, etc.
The use of contrastive connectives
e.g. : although, even if, nevertheless, etc.


Car Free Day

Two students were discussing the schools new rule that all school pupils,
headmaster, teachers, students, and all others include the guests. Everybody
who entered the school was not allowed to go with their motorized vehicle on
every Friday or we called it Car Free Day. One of the students showed her
annoyance. She said that Car Free Day could only be applied if the motorcar
and car park were ready instead. The security was ready to do with his work to
keep the park surrounding. It would not guarantee with the stealing or robbing.
The thief would steal the motorcycle or the accessories of the car or motorcar.
So she was against the rule.
Contrary to the girls opinion, the other student was glad with it. He said that
he didnt mind with the new rule because applying Car Free Day would make
the air of the school area fresh free from pollution, clean, and healthier. The
growing colorful flowers and the greeny trees would grow rapidly and the soil
became fertile. Finally, the school situation would go on conducive to learn.
The first student gave the reasons that applying Car Free Day would not
make her comfortable to learn in class as she felt worried about her
motorcycle whether it would be save or not if the park and the securities were
not yet prepared. Yet, the second student said that it was a good solution by
having Car Free Day to get the school area looked beautiful, greeny, colorful,
and fresh. The school pupils would stay safely from the pollution so they took
fresh air to breathe and enjoyed the surrounding healthier.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet
Computer, tablet, mobile phone, and other devices connected to
internet have been most outstanding innovation in the history of
mankind. As with every single innovation, internet has its own
advantages and disadvantages.
The target of internet has always been the communication.
By the advent of computers internet, our earth has reduced and has
attained the form of a global village. Now we can communicate in a
fraction of second with a person who is sitting in the other of the
world. Today for better communication, we can avall the facilities of
e-mail; we can chat for hours with our loved ones. There are plenty
messenger services in offering. With help of such services, it has
become very easy to establish a kind of global friendship.
However, internet also has disadvantages sides. One of them is
the wide spread of unsuitable content for kids. It is a very serious
issue and related to childrens healthy mental life. There are
thousands of such inappropriate contents on the internet which can
be easily found.
Though, internet can also create havoc, destruction and its misuse
can be very fatal, the advantages of it outweigh its disadvantages.


The stucture of a discussion text are

The language features of a dicussion text are

1. Title
2. The use of general nouns
The use of relating verbs
The use of thinking verbs
The use of additive connectives
The use of causal connectives
The use of adverbs of manner
The use of modalities
The use of contrastive connectives


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