COSOTA - CC Tanzania Final

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Creative Commons Licenses

Presentation by
Emmanuel Thomas
Computer Technologist, Open University of Tanzania
Training and Technology Manager, Creative Commons Tanzania

Presentation Coverage

What is Creative Commons(CC)

History of Creative Commons

Who uses Creative Commons

Creative Commons Licenses

How do I get CC License

About CC Tanzania

CC on Digital Publishing

Expectation and Future Plans

What is Creative Commons?

What is Creative Commons(CC)

Creative Commons is a legal mechanism that enables the sharing and

use of creativity and knowledge through free legal tools. Our free,
easy-to-use copyright licenses provide a simple, standardized way to
give the public permission to share and use your creative work on
conditions of your choice.

Creative Commons licenses provide an easy way to manage the

copyright terms that attached automatically to all creative material
under copyright. CC licenses allow that material to be shared and
reused under terms that are flexible and legally sound.

Is Creative Commons
alternative to
Copyright Society of Tanzania???

Answer is NO!!!!

CC licenses are operative only when applied to material in which a copyright exists

CC licenses let you easily change your copyright terms from the default of all rights
reserved to some rights reserved.

Creative Commons licenses are not an alternative to copyright, They work alongside
copyright and enable you to modify your copyright terms to best suit your needs

Copyleft is the type licenses are a novel use of existing copyright law to ensure a
work remains freely available.


All rights Reserved

Grants to creators a bundle of exclusive rights over their creative works,

which generally include, at a minimum, the right to reproduce, distribute,
display, and make adaptations.
The phrase "All Rights Reserved" is often used by owners to indicate that
they reserve all of the rights granted to them under the law.


(Share-Alike) Some rights Reserved

Creative Commons licenses offer creators a spectrum of choices between

retaining all rights and relinquish all rights (public domain), an approach we
call "Some Rights Reserved."

History of Creative Commons

Founded in 2001 with the generous support of the Center for the Public Domain, CC is led by a
Board of Directors comprised of thought leaders, education experts, technologists, legal scholars,
investors, entrepreneurs and philanthropists.

Version 4.0 of the CC license suite was published in 2013

Who uses Creative Commons?

Creative Commons Licenses

How do I get CC License??


Documents / Print Based Materials

Just Downloads CC License icons that and make a label on your printed
document . Use license chooser to select license features and specify
offline as License Mark


Documents / Web Based Materials

Use license chooser to select license features and specify HTML+ RDF a as
License Mark. You will be required to copy HTML codes and paste them in
your web files.

Example of online and offline CC Licensing

Online/Web-Based Materials


About CC Tanzania

CC Tanzania is hosted at the Open University of Tanzania (OUT); the only Open & Distance Learning
(ODL) University in East and Central Africa. This came into being in 2006 when CC Headquarters
(CC HQ) and OUT signed a Memorandum of Understanding. CC Tanzania has implemented a number
of activities that were both funded by the university and CC HQ. CC Tanzania affiliate team is
comprised of volunteers who work are both staff and students of different universities and colleges
in the country. To date there are more than 100 volunteers who participate in different CC
activities. Our key goals are
as stipulated in our CC Tanzania Road map; To promote access to knowledge and free sharing of
resources, educational content and free culture which we have engaged a number of stakeholders
to achieve this.

In addition, CC Tanzania has active members comprises of Legal experts, Educators, IT

professionals, Librarians, Artists, Accountants, Marketers and Information System Experts.

CC Tanzania Organization Structure

CC Tanzania Patrons

Our focus Areas and Targeted Groups

CC Tanzania focusing to work with Universities and Higher Learning Institutions on OER,
Secondary Schools, Musicians, Artists, Educators, Researchers, Lawyers in collaboration
with Copyright Society of Tanzania(COSOTA).

We are focusing on these major activities

Conduct Training and Exhibitions for Universities, Primary & Secondary Schools, and Festival
in Tanzania educating and sensitize on the benefits of Creative Commons Licensing.

Strengthen the School of Open (SO) in Tanzania by conduct ICT training to different
professional areas.( Visit Site )

Launch a vibrant Open Access Coalition Campaign in Tanzania.

Project and Activities We have done so far

Training of CC Tanzania Members on Web 2.0 Technologies

CC Tanzania trained 40 members on Introduction to Web 2.0 Technologies, Advanced
Search Techniques and Online Collaborations using Wikis, Blog and Google Drive

Training of Academic International Primary School

Launch of CC for kids event for the first time as part of the School of Open (SOO) and
Mozilla maker party programs. This was globally celebrated and launched were CC
Tanzania trained 50 pupils on how to code, designing animated picture (cartoons) by
using open educational resources through the web.

Teachers and Pupils ICT Training for Public Primary Schools at Kumbukumbu Primary
Creative Commons (CC) Tanzania through School of Open (SOO) programme trained
Fifty (50) pupils on the use of Internet to access OERs, open web to aid teaching and
learning using search engine Google. Pupils were also introduced to different
computer programmes in learning; Microsoft Word and Excel.

APIS international School Coding Session

CC Tanzania Members training on Web 2.0 Techno

Community Outreach during Sabasaba Exhibition

CC Hosted at Open University of Tanzania booth

School of Open and Community Outreach activities

Group Photo : CC Tanzania Members , CC Tanzania Public Lead and Patrons

Kumbukumbu Primary Schools Computers Training

Creative Commons on Digital Publishing

Let us remind how we used to work w

ith information

Electronic/Online/ Digital publishing

Electronic publishing is hard to define because it is changing so rapidly. It's technology

driven. . "electronic publishing therefore is the process of turning two-dimensional
works into digital code, and distributing that information electronically to
consumers. That takes many forms. For example, interactive educational or
entertainment CD-ROM products, DVDs, online databases, electronic books, even game

One exciting thing about on-line publishing is that for the first time it creates the
opportunity for the publisher, the reader, and the author or editor to be in a constant

BIG Questions???

What is the STATUS of E-Publishing in Tanzania????

Who benefits from e-publishing in Tanzania???

What kinds of licenses can be offered to benefit the originators??

How Much knowledge and creativity is shared by the Tanzanians or consumers in the country?

Licensing digital content made possible!

How best can this be managed??

How is e-content be managed?

Many countries in the world issue CC-Licensing for both print and digital

Canada, Australia, SA, Uganda, Poland and several others.

Who enjoys the benefits of e-content??? (Author, publisher or a reader?)

Who audits these benefits of e-content copyrighted knowledge??

How Can CC licensing benefits the ABOVE!!!

Expectations and Future Plans

To engage with a number of stakeholders COSOTA being one of the Key Stakeholder

To sensitize CC licensing to educators, artists, librarians, IT experts, innovators,

researchers, students, kids, and many others to understand the benefits accrued for
their creativity and sharing

Training and publicity of CC licensing in the country.

Encourage and Training on the use of free available Web Technologies and Tools (blogs ,
wikis,facebook,youtube, online journals) to share knowledge and access materials

Increase the number of affiliate volunteers in the country

Train more kids/students & teachers on the use of ICT & sharing of knowledge

Reach more remote schools for cc training on innovation through ICT

Reach more inclusive students and teachers for our trainings

Spread and preach the good news of Sharing Knowledge to the less advantaged

Areas of collaborations

COSOTA to be CC-Tanzania supporting institution and help on:

Training for affiliates and Copyright experts in the country

Capacity building for affiliates and other stakeholders, researchers, writers, innovators,

Fundraising on CC- Tanzania Activities

Guidance on the modalities to issuing CC licenses to creative works in Tanzania

COSOTA to formally Introduce CC-Tanzania Affiliate to other key players on copyright


Supporting CC Tanzania Community engagement activities like SOO training of ICT to

Kids, Students, Teachers

COSOTA to have a CC licensing officer to study and bring onboard cc licensing issues to
our creators, producers, designers, writers, and many others

This is how we should look as knowledge society

Sharing and

Thank You Very Much

for Listening !!

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