Computer Classifications

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Computer class by Operating System

Computers can be divided into three main
1. Analogue Computers
2. Digital Computers
3. Hybrid Computers

Analogue Computers

Analog computer measures and answer the

questions by the method of HOW MUCH.
The input data is not a number infect a physical
quantity like temperature, pressure, speed,
Thermometers, voltmeters,
speed measuring
meters, etc

Digital Computers

Digital computer the input data is represented by a

number. These are used for the logical and arithmetic
Signals are two level of (0 V or 5 V)
Accuracy .
Min Computer, Micro Computer, Mainframe computer,
Super Computer

Hybrid Computers
. Hybrid computersare computers that exhibit features
ofanalog computersanddigitalcomputers.
. Measure the Heartbeat of the patient.
. A computer that maintain temperature in a
burner of a production plant

Computer Class by Size

Computers can be divided into four basic
categories based on the size:
1-Super Computer
2-Mainframe Computer
3-Mini Computer
4-Micro Computer

Super Computer

Super computer are the Fastest and most expensive computer which are
designed for scientific job like whether forecasting, artificial
intelligence and weapon research and development etc.
It can store Several thousand times more data than an average desktop
computer and can process trillions of instructions in one second.
The cost of it can be up to several billion dollars.
Examples:Road runner, blue gene etc

Mainframe Computers

Mainframe computers offer faster processing and greater storage area.

Mainframe computers are used in large institutions such as government,
banks and large corporations as Host computers or Central data base
They are measured inMIPS(million instructions per second) and respond
to up to 100s of millions of users at a time.
The Price of a mainframe computer can range from several thousand
dollars to several million dollars.
Examples: IBM S-390, DEC 10 etc

Mini Computers

Aminicomputeris a class of multi-usercomputersthat lies in the

middle range of the computing
It has no processing power and cannot work as stand alone computer. It
has to be connected to a server
Network Servers, work group system
It is more costly than a micro computer
Examples: Prime 9955, HP 3000 etc

Micro Computers

Microcomputersare the most common type of computers used by people

Single chipmicroprocessors
Desktop computers , Laptop, Tablet Computer
The price of a Micro Computer is from several hundred to several
thousand dollars.

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