Final Water Supply

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Receive wastewater

collect solid and liquid

excreted human waste

Eg: Hand basins, showers,

baths, sinks and tubs.

Eg: toilets, urinals,

slop sinks,etc.

Discharge pipe from waste water fixture to gully trap

Every fixture that discharges foul water must incorporate a water trap to
prevent foul air from entering the building.

located as close to the sanitary fixture as possible

removable or fitted with a cleaning eye.

A trap may serve multiple fixtures.

Gully traps receive discharge from wastewater fixtures. One gully trap may
receive discharge pipes from several outlets.

If a drainage system becomes blocked, the gully trap provides the point
where sewage can overflow outside the building, instead of building up
inside the pipe and overflowing inside the building.

prevent surface water from entering the trap.

be located within the legal boundary of the land

have at least one discharge pipe feeding into it to maintain the water seal.


Ventilation to reduce the build-up of foul air within the drains.
A discharge stack that is within 10 m of the head of the drain may be used as
the drain vent pipe.
Requirements :

every drain must be ventilated by an 80 mm diameter minimum vent pipe

which terminates to open air

every branch drain over 10 m in length must be ventilated

vent pipes must be located downstream of the discharge pipe that is

vent pipes must be located so that there is less than 10 m of upstream


Main Drain Venting

Branch Drain Venting

Air Admittance Valves

AAV provide an alternative to running vent pipes to the outside of the building.
Air admittance valves must be:

a minimum of 100 mm above the weir of any trap that they serve
fitted in an upright position.

They must not be used:

on a stack vent that is also a drain vent

as main or branch drain vents these must be vented to the open air.

Air Admittance valve- closed

Air Admittance valve- open

Typical air admittance

valve installation

Basic rules for water pipes discharging to a gully trap


WC pans may connect directly to a drain or a discharge stack. When
discharging to a drain, WC pans may be:

vented by connection to a drain vent as long as the developed length does

not exceed 1.5 m for an 80 mm diameter pipe, or 6 m for a 100 mm
diameter pipe

connected directly to a drain without venting if both the main drain and
discharge pipe gradients are 1:60 or more, and the developed length does
not exceed 1.5 m for an 80 mm diameter pipe, or 6 m for a 100 mm
diameter pipe.

When discharging to a stack, WC pans must be vented.

S trap soil fixture connected

to drain and using the drain
vent as a fixture vent

P trap soil fixture connected

to drain and using the drain
vent as a fixture vent

Water closet connected directly to drain

not requiring venting

Venting an S trap
water closet pan

Venting a P trap
water closet pan

Basic rules for a system

serving two levels

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