Production Puttinng Words in One's Mouth

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Production: Putting words

in ones mouth
Student: Ana Maria Garcia

How does the part of the brain,

called cerebellum work?
It is the part of the brain
devoted to the programming ,
timing, and coordination of all
voluntary muscular movements.
From the cerebellum radiates
hundreds of simultaneous
messages along the nerve path
ways which go to the
appropriate muscles involved in
the head and neck, in the back,
in the arms and hands, in the
leg, and in the feet.
The primary function of the
cerebellum is to provide
feedback and fine-tuning for
motor output.

Explain Levelts division for

speech production
According to Levelt there are 4
models for speech production:

What is conceptualization?
The process of conceptualization
involve determining what to say.
These are sometimes also called
message level of representation.
Speaker conceives an intention
Speaker selects relevant information
in preparation for construction of
intended utterance
The product is a preverbal message.

According to David McNeill primitive linguistic

concepts are formed as two concurrent and
parallel modes of thought.
Syntactic Thinking
Thinking in words in a linear, sequential manner
It spawns the sequence of words which we
typically think of when we talk about how
language is initiated.
It is segmented and linear and creates the
strings of syllables, words, phrase, and sentences
that together make up speech.
Imagistic Thinking
The visual component of the conceptualization of
language that is ultimately manifested in the
gestures which accompany speech.

How do we formulate
It is when the message is framed into words,
phrases, clauses by the speaker.
Involves translating the conceptual representation
into a linguistic form
Includes the process of lexicalization, where words
that the speaker wants to say are selected
Includes the process of syntactic planning where
words are put together to form a sentence
Involves detailed phonetic and articulatory planning
Includes the process of phonological encoding, where
words are turned into sounds

Slips of the tongue

Mistakes in speech or in writing which
provide psycholinguistic evidence for
the way we formulate words and

What are Spoonerisms? Why are

they called so?
Slips of the tongue which create new phrases with often
unintended or humorous meaning
Usually this happens by accident, particularly if you're
speaking fast.
Generally Spoonerisms which are produced accidentally
are transpositions between words that resemble one
another phonetically, such ascuss and
kiddleandslow and sneet(kiss and cuddle,snow
and sleet).
The nameSpoonerismcomes from theReverend
William Archibald Spoonerwho is reputed to have
been particularly prone to making this type of verbal

Spooner's Spoonerisms
fighting a liar
cattle ships and bruisers

lighting a fire
battle ships and

nosey little cook

tons of soil
our queer old Dean
a half-warmed fish
know your blows
wave the sails
mad bunny
eye ball
soul of ballad

cosy little nook

sons of toil
our dear old Queen
a half-formed wish
blow your nose
save the whales
bad money
bye all
bowl of salad

Read the subtitle the planning of higher levels

of speech and explain it in your own words

How do the variables pragmatics and

sociolinguistics influence the way we
Pragmatics = The study of what
people mean when they use
language in a normal social
Sociolinguistics =. The study of why
we say what to whom, when, and
where. How social factors influence
linguistic structure and us.

Explain the stage of articulation.

Which Organs are related to it? How
they evolved?
Involves retrieval of
chunks of internal
speech from buffer
Involves motor
At this stage they are
translated into the
sounds and syllables
of actual speech.

As recently as the 1969s, linguists upheld the

common sensical and seemingly incontrovertible
notion that the chest, throat, and mouth were
anatomical organs designed solely for biological
The basic function of our lungs is to exchange oxygen
for carbon dioxide, not to produce syllables and, the
primary use of our teeth is for chewing, not for the
articulation of sounds.
Some thirty years ago Eric Lenneberg, a
psycholinguist, showed that whereas the majority of
this organs have primarily evolved to serve essential
biological functions such as respiration and ingestion,
a few of them have adopted secondary functions
connected with enhancement of speech articulation.

Why is this last step of speech

production important? Any

The speaker self-monitors listening,

at a relatively low level of attention, to
their own speech. When the slip is
heard, the information is fed back into
the conceptualiser which can then plan
a correction if it is felt necessary.
When we edit our message and correct
any errors.

Difference between mistakes and errors

The production of incorrect forms in speech or
writing, the result of factors such as carelessness
or fatigue.
All speakers make mistakes, whether they are
native or non-native users of the target language.
I mistakenly added salt in the tea instead of
Im sorry, I mistook you for someone else.
I made a mistake in the calculations.
The above examples indicate that a mistake is
usually an unintentional wrong committed due to
wrong judgment or an honest misunderstanding.

The production of incorrect forms
in speech or writing by a nonnative speaker of a second
language, the result of incomplete
knowledge of the rules that target
They have difficulty correcting it.
The last I knowed about it {I mean
Knew about it}, he had left
She was so drank {I mean drunk},
that we decided to drive her

What is the critical period?

The critical period is thought to be related
to the brain plasticity and lateralization.
Plasticity refers to how flexible the brain
is in learning various functions.
Lateralization refers to the specialization
of the two sides, or hemispheres of the
If a child is not exposed to language
during the critical period, he/she will
never be able to acquire it normally.
The exact cut-off age is not certain but is
before puberty.

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