The Problem of Japan - WW2

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The Problem of Japan

By Ellie, Lauren and Oli

Japan in the 1920s

Major economic, military and imperial power
It had secured: Formosa (present day Taiwan),
Korea, all Germanys colonies in China and the
Pacific north of the equator.
Substantial interests in Manchuria, China
Constitutional monarchy, under Emperor
During 1920s governed by a succession of
Liberal governments.

Impact of Depression
Hit Japan hard
Destabilising political effect
Growing number of radical nationalists
- especially in the army
Wanted to pursue a policy of territorial

September 1931
Japanese army units seized a number of
points in Manchuria
They were acting without orders from their
However, due to popular support the
Japanese government did little to halt the

Article 16
Concern that this may be invoked
Article declared: If any member of the
League resorted to war, this would amount
to an act of war against all other members
of the League.
The League was then empowered to
subject the aggressor to economic

However, it was not clear that Japan had

committed a resort to war
Incidents between Chinese and Japanese
soldiers were commonplace in Manchuria.
China didnt immediately attempt to invoke
Article 16.
So, initially, the League did little except appeal to
China and Japan to refrain from war.
Japan wasnt coerced by verbal warnings.
By 1932 had occupied the whole of Manchuria
and set up puppet state of Manchuko.

The shell
fired from
the gun
the invasion

Battleships in background = Japanese militarism

It blasts a hole
through all the
treaties that the
countries of the
world had made in
order to achieve
peace. Renders

The message of the cartoon is that, of Japan is prepared to betray

its treaty promises and the Covenant of the League, all hopes of
collective security are meaningless WAR IS ON THE WAY!

Britain's reaction


Most politicians were critical of Japans action.

They would not recognise Manchuko as a state.
However, did not want a major war with Japan
Britain had serious economic problems 1931-32
Forces in Far East were limited
Some sympathy for Japan, due to friendliness for
many years. Manchuria could possibly now provide a
barrier against Soviet aggression
Japan had brought relative prosperity to Manchuria, as
China was in a state of political chaos.

The Lytton Commission

League of Nations set this up to look into the
rights and wrongs of the Manchuria situation.
In October 1932, declared Japans grievances
were justified, but condemned its methods of
redressing those grievances.
Recommended Manchuria should have
autonomous status under Chinese supervision
League accepted this recommendations 42
votes to 1
Japan, the only nation to vote against the
decision, withdrew from the League.

Anglo-Japanese Relations
Britain condemned Japanese action, but
did little else.
Japanese imperialism was not seen as an
immediate danger.
Indeed Japanese expansion in northern
China could be seen as reducing the risk
of Japanese expansion in other areas
sensitive to Britain.

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