Erikson's Theory

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Find out what students are interested in and create
projects that incorporate their area of interest.
Let the children be in charge of the learning process
when participating in a classroom project. This will
exhibit teacher appreciation for the areas of interest of
the students as well as confidence in their ability.
Make sure to point out and praise students for good
Offer continuous feedback on work that has been

Utilize physical activity to teach fairness and

Create a list of classroom duties that needed to be
completed on a scheduled bases. Ask students for
their input when creating the list as well as who will
be in charge of what.
Discuss and post classroom rules. Make sure to
include students in the decision making process
when discussing rules.
Encourage students to think outside of their day-today routine by role playing different situations.
Let students know that striving for perfection is not
as important as learning from mistakes. Teach them

Build confidence by recognizing success in

what children do best.
Provide a variety of choices when making
an assignment so that students can express
themselves with a focus on their strengths.
Utilize physical activity to build social
development and to help students
appreciate their own abilities as well as the
abilities of others.

Incorporate guest speakers and curriculum activities

from as many areas as possible so as to expose

students to many career choices.
Encourage students to focus on their strengths and
acknowledge them when they exhibit work that
incorporates these strengths.
Encourage students to develop confidence by trying
different approaches to solving problems.
Incorporate life skills into lesson planning to increase
confidence and self-sufficiency.
Utilize physical activity to help relieve stress,
negative feelings and improve moods.


Do not criticize students openly. Find a private place to talk with
a child about a poor choice or behavior. Help students formulate
their own alternate choices by guiding them to a positive solution
and outcome.
When children experiment they should not be punished for trying
something that may turn out differently than the teacher planned.
Encourage children to help students who may be having trouble
socially and or academically. Never allow any child to make fun of
or bully another child.
Treat all students equally. Do not show favoritism to a certain
group of students based on gender, race, academic ability or
socioeconomic status.

Discuss and make a list of:
i) appropriate actions that should be taken
ii) inappropriate actions that should be avoided
by teachers in ensuring that children are able to
develop in a safe, happy and condusive environment

Appropriate actions
1. Get to know the students.
Every child has different behaviour since they come from
family of different background.
By this, teacher may figure out their learning style, their
interest and passion, to engage them in the lessons.
The children might be more open up to the teacher since
they are comfortable if they happen to face any problem or

Appropriate actions
2. Be an understanding teacher by giving some tolerance to
Different children come from various family background
which may be good or bad.
Childrens behaviour at school may be influenced from their
family or surrounding.
Teacher should be tolerate and smart when making any
For example: why he/she comes late to school or wear worn
out school uniform.
An understanding teacher will make student comfortable to
share what he/she experiences inside and outside the school
and feels happy to go to school.

Inappropriate actions
1. Underestimate students capabilities.
A good teacher must not practise this action as all students
deserve the same moral support by the teacher.
Underestimation by teacher will retard students
development in a particular skill or ability.
For instance: A teacher who underestimate the childs
ability to play football will make the child nurture low selfesteem. The child does not receive a moral support and a
proper practice. He would feel to stop play football. This
will also retard the students social circle/.
A teacher should work hard in order to educate all students
without looking down at them.

Inappropriate actions
2. Bias
As a teacher, it cannot be avoided that we tend to
focus more to the good grades students in the class
rather than the lower ones.
Children tend to have jealousy of small matters that if
we did that without us realize, they can still notice.

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