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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

Consideration of Others

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

“The Army is not made of

people . . . the Army is
GEN Creighton Abrams
Chief of Staff, U.S. Army

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

Consideration of Others
Actions that indicate . . .
 Sensitivity to needs/feelings of others

 Regard for needs/feelings of others

 Awareness of the impact of one’s own
behavior on others

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others


To make each individual soldier

aware that his or her attitudes
and actions critically impact unit
combat effectiveness

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

In Other Words . . .
Being supportive of
and fair with others

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

The Army Values


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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others


 Cohesion/teamwork
 Discipline
 Morale
 Retention
 Productivity
 Mission Accomplishment

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

CO2 Focus Areas

 Ethical Development - Individual and
 American Military Heritage
 Quality Individual Leadership
 Team Building
 Equal Opportunity
 Gender Issues
 Family Concerns
 Health, Safety, and Drug & Alcohol Abuse
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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

Equal Opportunity Training

References: AR 600-20

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

Why does the Army have an

EO Program?

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

The EO Program formulates, directs,
and sustains a comprehensive effort to
ensure fair treatment of all soldiers
based solely on merit, fitness,
capability, and potential which support
AR 600-20

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

Who’s responsible for EO?

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others


 EO is the responsibility of leadership and

a function of command
 The Commander is the primary EO
officer in the unit

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

Platoon Leader Responsibilities

 EO training for all soldiers
 Ensure policies are understood &
 Identify discriminatory actions
 Take corrective actions
 Know complaint procedures
 Consult with EO Advisors

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

Army EO Policy
 Equal treatment for all soldiers, family
members, and civilian employees
 Provide environment free from sexual

Applies both on and off post

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

Components of EO Program
 Sexual Harassment Prevention
 Staffing
 Complaint Procedures
 Affirmative Action

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

Complaint Procedures
 Resolve complaints at lowest level
 Commanders must brief soldiers annually
 Procedures will be displayed at all times
where soldiers have access to them

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

Elements of a Complaint
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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

A reason claimed by
complainant for a discriminatory

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

EO Complaints Process
Filing EO Complaint In Writing to the:
 Commander

 EO Staff

 Next Higher Commander

 Any Higher Commander

 EO Hotline

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

Alternative Agencies
 Chain of Command
 Equal Opportunity Advisor
 Adjutant General
 Chaplain
 Judge Advocate General
 Military Police/Criminal Investigator
 Inspector General

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

EO Complaint Process
 Open lines of communication
 Hear all sides of the allegation
 Through inquiry and investigation

Defuse the bomb. Complaints

that linger and stall in the
process foster animosity and
could lead to further
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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

Affirmative Actions
Processes, activities, and systems
designed to identify, eliminate, and
prevent unlawful discriminatory
treatment as it affects the recruitment,
training, assignments, utilization,
promotion, and retention of military

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

Why Affirmative Actions

To Remedy….
(1) The results of prior discrimination
(2) identified under representation of
minorities or women

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

Goals vs. Quotas

Goal - a realistic planning target number

Quota - a definite number, proportion, or
range requirement

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

Qualities of a Unit Program

 Total leadership commitment
 Sequential and progressive training
 Viable complaint process
 Disciplinary/administrative actions

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

EO Problem Indicators
 Presence of sexually oriented pictures
 Negative polarization on and off duty

 Frequency & nature of complaints

 Offensive language

 AWOL/Tardiness

 Fights/Arguments

 Morale level

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Prevention Of Sexual
MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others


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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

Official Definition

Sexual harassment is a form of gender

discrimination that involves unwelcome
sexual advances, requests for sexual
favors, and other verbal or physical
conduct of a sexual nature when . . .

AR 600-20, Army Command Policy

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

Definition cont.
 Submission to such conduct is made a term
or condition of a person’s job, pay, or career or ...
 Submission or rejection of such conduct is
used as a basis for career or employment
decisions affecting that person or . . .
 Such conduct interferes with an individual’s
performance or creates an intimidating,
hostile, or offensive environment

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

Two Types

Quid Pro Quo

Hostile Work

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

Quid Pro Quo

“ this for that”
 Term or condition of a person’s job,
pay, or career

 Used as a basis for career or

employment decision

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

Hostile Environment
 Disruptive and/or offensive work
 Interferes with individual’s work

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

Related Elements

 Impact vs. Intent

 Reasonable Person Standard

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

Sexual Harassment
 Verbal
 Nonverbal Gestures
 Physical contact

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

 Whistling, making catcalls
 Making sexual comments about a person’s
clothing, body, or sexual activities
 Asking questions about a person’s sexual life,
fantasies, preferences or history
 Turning work discussions into sexual topics
 Referring to coworkers as “honey”, “baby,
“dear”, “hunk”, “stud”, “sweetheart”
 Pressure, no matter how slight, for sexual
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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

Physical Contact
 Hanging around, standing close, or
brushing against a person
 Touching a person’s clothing, hair, or
 Hugging, pinching, grabbing, kissing
 Unsolicited back and neck rubs

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

Four Quick Questions

 Is the behavior or innuendo sexual in
 Is the behavior unwelcome?
 Does the behavior create a hostile or
offensive environment?
 Have sexual favors been demanded,
requested, or suggested?

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

Victim Impact

 Effect on work performance

 Effect on Psychological Well-
 Effect on Physical Health

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

Unit Impact

 Loss of cohesion
 Low Morale
 Undermines readiness and
interpersonal relationships
 Detracts from mission

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

Techniques to Deal With

Sexual Harassment
 Direct approach
 Indirect approach
 Third party
 Chain of command
 File a formal command

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

 Administrative  Letter of Reprimand
actions  Relief for Cause
 Mandatory  Adverse
counseling Performance
 Additional training Evaluation
 Denial of privileges  Bar to Reenlistment
 Transfer  Separation

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

Silence Implies……..
 You understand everything that
has been said
 You agree with it
 You support it

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MSL 302, Lesson 11c: Consideration of Others

Review and Questions?

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