Ethiopia Cuisine

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ETHIOPIA- The horn
of Africa
•Ethiopia is Africa's oldest and poorest independent country.
•Ethiopia is one of the world's oldest Christian nations, having
been converted in the fourth century.
•Ethiopia is a country situated in the HORN OF AFRICA.
• With a very low income per capita and a population that is almost
two-thirds illiterate. Its economy is highly dependent on
agriculture, which in turn is almost entirely dependent on rainfall.
• Ethiopia is Black Africa's
oldest state, tracing its
history back more than two
thousand years.
• It was ruled from 1930 to
1936 and again from 1941
to 1974 by the powerful
and charismatic Emperor
Haile Selassie I (born Ras
Tafari Makonnen) Called
the “Lion of Judah”.
• Ethiopia was historically
called Abyssinia.
•Population: 74.2 million (UN, 2005)
•Capital: Addis Ababa
•Area: 1.13 million sq km (437,794 sq miles)
•Major languages: Amharic, Oromo, Tigrinya, Somali
•Major religions: Christianity, Islam
•Monetary unit: 1 Birr = 100 cents
Main exports: Coffee, hides, oilseeds, beeswax, sugarcane
The people of Ethiopia
•Amhara •Galla •Shankella
•The national dish for most Ethiopians is INJERA, a flat
pancake, made from a special grain called TEFF, which is
served with either meat or vegetable sauces. Hot spice
•The food of Ethiopia is therefore uniquely Ethiopian.
Ethiopian food is characterized by the spices used. However,
grains such as sorghum, millet, teff, and wheat grow well in
the temperate climate
•HONEY is commonly used.
•BERBERE is an essential ingredient in Ethiopian cooking.
It is a red paste made of spices and herbs.
•Flavored butter called niter KEBBEH is
also important. Niter kebbeh is flavored
with onions, garlic, ginger and spices.
•WAT, or stew is an important
traditional Ethiopian food. It can be
made with chicken, beef, fish, or be
vegetarian. It contains paprika and is
very spicy.
•KITFO is warmed meat that is
raw. it is an integral part of
Ethiopian cuisine.
•Vegetarians are well catered
for: there is usually a good
selection of vegetables and
pulses. Among the tastiest
dishes are SHIRO (beans or
chick peas) and MISIR
(lentils). On Wednesday and
Friday, many Ethiopians
adopt a vegetarian-only diet:
the "fasting food" available on
these days is excellent for
Alongside Ethiopian food, you
can drink local fruit drinks,
similar to smoothies, called
•CHIMAKE (pronounced chih-
mah-kee), made from whatever
is local and in season, often
including guava, papaya,
avocado, orange, banana and
•ESPRIS you will get whatever
fruits are available, served in
layers in a glass - which makes a
delicious and healthy drink.
TEJ- is a honey wine, with a deceptively sweet
taste that masks its high alcohol content.
It's available in bars frequented by men, while
women drink it at markets and in restaurants.
AMBO- is a ubiquitous, fizzy bottled mineral water,
named for its source that is near the town of Ambo.
Other soft drinks include western standards and
freshly squeezed juices. Plain tap water is fine in
Ethiopia, but avoid it to play it safe.
There is local red and white wine, cheap and not
very nice. You should try TALLA, the local
Ethiopian beer, though European-style beer is
available everywhere
Ethiopian Coffee
Coffee originates from the Ethiopian
province of Kaffa, and coffee in
Ethiopia is both very good and
plentiful. One beneficial legacy of the
Italian occupation is that espresso and
cappucino machines are to be found
throughout the country, even in quite
remote towns; and you can nearly
always get a "machiato" (which in
northern Ethiopia is what Americans
might call a small latte). Ethiopian
coffee (buna) is brewed strong and
dark. Ethiopia has its own "coffee
ceremony", in which beans are roasted
and ground in your presence, and
brewed into a dark coffee..
The Ethiopians love to celebrate, whether important events in their
history, major landmarks in the religious calendar or simply special
family days.

Is a two-day festival at the end of September celebrating the Finding of the
True Cross. Bonfires are lit and singing and dancing take place around them,
while the priests don their full ceremonial regalia.
Timkat-Feast of the Epiphany

This is an extremely colourful three-day festival commemorating

the baptism of Christ The night before, priests take the Tabot
(which symbolizes the Ark of the Covenant) containing the Ten
Commandments from each Church. Concealed by an ornamental
cloth, it is taken to a tent, close to a consecrated pool or stream,
accompanied by much ringing of bells, blowing of trumpets and
the burning of incense.
A unique feature of Ethiopian
culture is its naïve style of
painting that is to be found in
every church and in many other
locations. This style seems to
have remained almost
unchanged for centuries.

Figures are drawn in two

dimensions, almost cartoon-
like in their direct and
simplistic portrayal, with
strong colours and clear
lines. The almond-shaped
eyes are a particularly
appealing characteristic.
Ethiopia is a developing country faced with many socio-economic
problems, such as limited access to education, water supply and food.

‘Ethiopian food describes the rawness of the people, it describes their

lifestyle and their simplicity…’

It is not known world over but it has it’s own worldly features. It
may not be a cuisine which has evolved over centuries but in it’s own
way it has it’s own identity….

So, I decided to take up Ethiopian cuisine not because the world

should know about it but to show that it does not need the world’s
recognition to be SPECIAL !!

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