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Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

First Law of Thermodynamics

Basically the law of conservation of energy
energy can be neither created nor destroyed
i.e., the energy of the universe is constant
the total energy is constant
energy can be interchanged
e.g. potential energy (stored in chemical bonds) can be
converted to thermal energy in a chemical reaction
CH4 + O2 --> CO2 + H2O + energy

Doesnt tell us why a reaction proceeds in a

particular direction

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

Spontaneous Processes and Entropy
Spontaneous processes occurs without
outside intervention
Spontaneous processes can be fast or slow

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

lets us predict whether a process will occur
tells us the direction a reaction will go
only considers the initial and final states
does not require knowledge of the pathway
taken for a reaction

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

depends on the pathway taken
tells us the speed of the process
depends on

activation energy

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

Spontaneous Processes
a ball rolls downhill, but the ball never
spontaneously rolls uphill
steel rusts, but the rust never spontaneously
forms iron and oxygen
a gas fills its container, but a gas will never
spontaneously collect in one corner of the
Water spontaneously freezes at temperatures
below 0o C

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

What thermodynamic principle explains why
these processes occur in one direction?
The driving force for a spontaneous reaction
is an increase in the entropy of the universe

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy


Symbol: S
A measure of randomness or disorder
The natural progression is from order to disorder
It is natural for disorder to increase
Entropy is a thermodynamic function
Describes the number of arrangements that are
available to a system in a given state

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

The greater the number of possible
arrangements, the greater the entropy of a
system, i.e., there is a large positional
The positional probability or the entropy
increases as a solid changes from a liquid or
as a liquid changes to a gas

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

Ssolid < Sliquid < Sgas
Choose the substance with the higher
positional entropy:
CO2(s) or CO2(g)?
N2(g) at 1 atm and 25oC or N2(g) at .010 atm and

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

Predict the sign of the entropy change
solid sugar is added to water
iodine vapor condenses onto a cold surface
forming crystals

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

Second Law of Thermodynamics
The entropy of the universe is increasing
The universe is made up of the system and
the surroundings
Suniverse = Ssystem + Ssurroundings

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

A process is spontaneous if the Suniverse is
If the Suniverse is zero, there is no tendency
for the reaction to occur

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

The effect of temperature on spontaneity
H2O(l) --> H2O(g)
water is the system, everything else is the
Ssystem increases, i.e. Ssystem is positive, because
there are more positions for the water molecules
in the gas state than in the liquid state

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

What happens to the surrounding?
Heat leaves the surroundings, entering the system
to cause the liquid molecules to vaporize
When heat leaves the surroundings, the motion of
the molecules of the surroundings decrease, which
results in a decrease in the entropy of the
Ssurroundings is negative

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

Sign of S depends on the heat flow
Exothermic Rxn: Ssurr >0
Endothermic Rxn: Ssurr< 0
Magnitude of S is determined by the temperature
Ssurr = - H

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

Signs of Entropy Changes
Ssys Ssurr Suniv Spontaneous?


Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

Free Energy
aka Gibbs Free Energy
another thermodynamic function
related to spontaneity
G = H - TS
for a process that occurs at constant
temperature (i.e. for the system):
G = H - TS

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

How does the free energy related to spontaneity?
G = H - TS
G = - H + S

(remember, - H = Ssurr )

G = Ssurr + Ssys (remember, Ssurr + Ssys = Suniv)
-G = Suniv

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

Suniv > 0 for a spontaneous reaction
G < 0 for a spontaneous reaction
G > 0 for a nonspontaneous reaction

Useful to look at G because many chemical

reactions take place under constant pressure
and temperature

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

H2O(s) --> H2O(l)
Ho = 6.03 x 103J/mole
So = 22.1 J/K.mole
Calculate G, Ssurr, and Suniv at -10oC, 0oC,
and 10oC

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

For the melting of ice
Ssys and Ssurr oppose each other
spontaneity will depend on temperature
So is positive because of the increase in
positional entropy when the ice melts
Ssurr is negative because the reaction is

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

At what temperatures is Br2(l) --> Br2(g)
What is the normal boiling point of Br 2?
HokJ/mol So = 93.0 J/K.mol

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

Entropy Changes in Chemical Reactions
Just like physical changes, entropy changes
in the surroundings are determined by heat
Entropy changes in the system are
determined by positional entropy (the
change in the number of possible

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

N2 (g) + 3 H2(g) --> 2 NH3 (g)
The entropy of the this system decreases
four reactant molecules form two product
there are less independent units in the system
less positional disorder, i.e. fewer possible

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

When a reaction involves gaseous
the change in positional entropy is
determined by the relative numbers of
molecules of gaseous reactants and
I.e., if you have more product molecules
than reactant molecules, S will be positive

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

In thermodynamics, the change in a
function is usually what is important
usually we cant assign an absolute value to
a function like enthalpy or free energy
we can usually determine the change in
enthalpy and free energy

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

We can assign absolute entropy values,
i.e., we can find S
A perfect crystal at 0 K, while
unattainable, represents a standard
all molecular motion stops
all particles are in their place
the entropy of a perfect crystal at 0 K
is zero = third law of thermodynamics

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

Increase the temperature of our
perfect crystal

molecular motion increases

disorder increases
entropy varies with temperature
See thermodynamic tables for So values (at
298 K and 1 atm)

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

Entropy is a state function
entropy does not depend on the pathway
Srxn = nSoproducts - nSoreactant

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

Calculate So at 25oC for
2NiS(s) + 3 O2(g) --> 2 SO2(g) + 2 NiO(s)






Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

Calculate So for
Al2O3(s) + 3 H2(g) --> 2 Al(s) + 3 H2O(g)

So (J/K.mol)





Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

What did you expect the So to be?
Why is it large and positive?
H2O is nonlinear and triatomic
H2O has many rotational and vibrational motions

H2 is linear and diatomic

H2 has less rotational and vibrational motions

The more complex the molecule, the

higher the So

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

Free Energy and Chemical Reactions
Standard Free Energy Change
the change in the free energy that occurs if the
reactants in their standard states are changed to
products in their standard states
cant be measured directly
calculate from other values
allows us to predict the tendency for a reaction to go

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

How do we calculate Go?
Go = Ho - TSo (for a reaction carried out
at constant temperature)
Use Hess Law
Use Gof (standard free energy of
Go = nGof (products) - nGof (reactants)

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

Calculate Go for the reaction at 25oC
2SO2(g) + O2(g) --> 2 SO3(g)


So (J/K.mol)









Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

Calculate Go for the reaction Cdia --> Cgr
using the following data:
Cdia + O2 --> CO2(g)
Go = -397 kJ
Cgr + O2 --> CO2(g)

Go = -394 kJ

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

Calculate Go for the reaction
2CH3OH + 3 O2--> 2 CO2 + 4 H2O









Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

The dependence of free energy on pressure
How does pressure affect enthalpy and entropy?
Pressure does not affect enthalpy
Pressure does affect entropy because pressure
depends on the volume
1 mole of a gas at 10.0 L has more positions available
than 1 mole of a gas at 1.0 L
Slarge volume > Ssmall volume
Slow pressure > Shigh pressure

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

Given that G = Go + RTln(P)
where G is the free energy at some P (not necessarily 1 atm)
where Go is the free energy at 1 atm

Ex: N2(g) + 3 H2(g) --> 2 NH3(g)

(lots of equationslots of equations)

G = Go + RT ln Q
Q is the reaction quotient (from the law of mass action)
T is the temperature in K
R is the gas constant, 8.3145 J/mol.K

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

Calculate G at 25o C for the reaction
CO(g) + 2 H2(g) --> CH3OH where carbon
monoxide is 5.0 atm and hydrogen gas
at 3.0 atm are converted to liquid
What does the answer tell us about this
reaction under these conditions?

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

Free Energy and Equilibrium
Equilibrium occurs at the lowest value of free
energy available to the reaction system, i.e.,
when G = 0
At equilibrium, G = 0, Q = Keq so
G = 0 = Go + RT ln Keq
Go = - RT ln Keq
Use this equation to find Keq given Go, or to
find Go given Keq

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

Relationship between Go and Keq

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

For N2 + 3 H2 --> 2 NH3, Go = - 33.3 kJ per mole of
N2 consumed at 25oC. Predict the direction in which
the reaction will shift to reach equilibrium
a. PNH3 = 1.00 atm, PN2 = 1.47 atm, PH2 = 1.00 x 10-2 atm
b. PNH3 = 1.00 atm, PN2 = 1.00 atm, PH2 = 1.00 atm

Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

4Fe + 3 O2 <====> 2Fe2O3 Calculate the
equilibrium constant using the following


Hof (kJ/mol)








Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy

Keq and temperature
We used Le Chateliers Principle to determine
how Keq would change when temperature
Use G to determine the new Keq at a new
Go = -RT ln K = Ho - TSo
ln K = - Ho . 1 + So

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