Dr. Namrata .A (B.A.M.S - Mumbai)

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Need For Preventive Health Care

in Corporate Staff Welfare


Dr. Namrata .A
(B.A.M.S – Mumbai)
Consultant – Mumbai Police
Mission and

Shubham Centre, B- Wing, Gr.Floor,

"To integrate the ancient system Chakala, Andheri (E), Mumbai- 99,
of medicine in our modern
lifestyle and to treat the Tel – 28204295 / 32549763 / 9820807915
subject in the prescribed Website : www.dhanwantriayurved.com
duration". Email :
About Us
Traditional medicine has become popular and today there are
millions of people worldwide who still use this form of medicine,
either as a standalone form of healthcare or alongside more
traditional methods. Today we tend to look at the symptoms and
place too much importance on treating those alone rather than
treating the person as a whole and taking other factors into
account. If only the symptoms are treated, this leaves things
wide open for them to return, however ayurvedic medicine and
therapies treat the underlying cause rather than the symptoms,
which leads to the body being able to take care of itself by a
stronger immune system. Arguments for and against ayurvedic
medicine and therapies will continue, but one thing we should
consider is that ayurvedic medicine showed us the way for the
drugs of today and is still around after thousands of years,
something which lasts that long must tell us something. At
Rejuv Healthcare Services Pvt. Ltd., we realize that treating
patients with only suppressive drugs is extravagant, and
suppressing disease is not enough to retain health. All of us must
control our diets/ environments/ exercise management/
attitudes. Therefore, our mission is to facilitate our patients with
alternative treatment that has been accepted and supported
Preventive Health Care
 Today’s sedentary lifestyle of corporate employees
invariably leads to long-term damage to health.

 The success of any organisation depends on intellectual

capital which is critically dependent on the quality and
health of employees.

 Preventive health care for employees is the need of the

hour for the corporates to remain competitive.

 Preventive health care is about the individual and refers

to health check-ups and lifestyle changes.
Need For Prevetive Healthcare
Ask any business house what they believe determines the
success of their organization, and almost always they will
point to the importance of their employees. However, the
pressures of meeting deliverables, putting in long working
hours and working across time zones create a work-life
imbalance which begins to take its toll on the health of
employees. Other factors such as long commuting hours
and chaotic traffic conditions add to their stress.
Stress affects the employee’s efficiency and effectiveness. It can undermine the
employee’s relationship at home as well as on the job. This can have a negative
influence on their physical and emotional health – which in turn impacts their
performance. Eliminating all stress is impossible, but teaching your employees
how to manage and control it is our mission. Employees and their families
experience various problems during the course of their lifetimes. Although most
of these problems can be handled by the individuals themselves, sometimes the
assistance of a professional is required.
Relationship Between Disease and
Corporate Growth


Absenteeism, early retirement, Shorter lifespan and rise in

and mortality the rate of time preference

Higher consumption and lower

Lower labour Higher rate of savings and
dependency ratio investments

Lower employee output and stagnant

corporate growth
Pattern of Disease Found as
per Management Grades
Acute diseases 24

Chronic infectious 1
diseases 6

Lifestyle diseases 22

Other 10

Senior-Level Medium-Level Blue-collared workers

Preventive Health Care
Measures Offered by
As per a survey conducted by us, the staff
welfare programmes provided by various
corporate houses included either of the below
b) Preventive health checkups
c) Regular health screening
d) Facilities for exercising
e) Stress relieving techniques
f) Life-style related advice
g) In house get together
h) Out door picnic
How we can help you?

• Employee morale, workload, work life quality,

and health are key factors that influence sales,
profits, and overall performance. Organizations
are increasingly investing time and effort to
implement educational programs and health
promotion strategies in the workplace that are
aimed at enhancing employee performance.
Our programmes aim to cover not only the
mental aspect but also the physical aspect of
an employee thus maintaining an equilibrium
between body, mind and soul. We can provide
you with the following programmes to start a
complete Stress Management Programme
within your business.
Our Corporate Welfare
Programme I
Per Batch ( 20 – 25 ) Cost per batch – Rs. 33,250/-

 Stress management workshop ( 2 hrs) ]

 Individualised Diet & Health Plan ( 2hrs) ] You spend Rs.1,330/- per
 10 Detox & De- Stress vouchers ( 1 ½ hrs) ] employee only
 Holistic Holidays ( one day get away for 2) ]
 Complete Body Check-up ]

Programme II
Per Batch ( 20 – 25 ) Cost per batch – Rs. 13,000/-

 Stress management workshop ( 2 hrs) ]

 Individualised Diet & Health Plan ( 2 hrs) ] You spend Rs. 520/- per
 5 Detox & De- Stress vouchers ( 1 ½ hrs) ] employee only
 On Site Chair Massage ( 20 mins per person) ]
Programme Details
 Stress management workshop –

One of the most effective and proven methods of stress

reduction is Yoga which has its roots in ancient Indian
tradition, and has today been globally accepted for the
vast benefits it provides. Yoga is a Sanskrit word, which
literally means “union”. It is practiced in order to unite the
body, mind and spirit thus bringing a balance in all
aspects of life. The postures used in coordination with the
breath help tone the body and increase strength and
flexibility. The breathing techniques relax and calm the
body as well as the mind. We provide regular safe and
energizing yoga classes at workplace for stress
management. This yoga session aims at releasing stress
and energizing the body and mind after the whole day of
hard work. Practical workshops for Managing Stress
through Interactive session include breathing exercise for
relaxation. The session helps participants in
understanding and identifying the reason of stress in their
life and make an action plan to solve it. This workshop
Programme Details
 Individualized Diet & Health Plan -

When designing and implementing healthcare initiatives

for employees, the role of healthy eating and nutrition
often get neglected. Most people don’t realize that
energy levels and moods can be traced to what was or
was not eaten up to twelve hours earlier. By promoting a
basic understanding of nutrition in the workplace we can
encourage employees to adopt healthier eating habits.
The resulting increase in energy and more positive
attitudes will reinforce the importance of diet and
nutrition. Our individualized diet and health plan will help
your employees learn about the nutrients in foods and
their functions; which nutrients they should eat to help
them recover; and nutritional problems that they must
Programme Details
► Body detox – what you stand to gain from it 

For years we have exploited our body systems and have not
bothered about the ‘junk’ food that we ingested. Knowingly or
unknowingly, we have absorbed toxins in the form of
preservatives, chemicals and harmful substances. Continuous
and uncontrolled overdose of antibiotics has caused the
friendly bacteria to die along with the harmful ones. This has
led to a toxic body in which harmful bacteria and parasites
thrive. In a normal healthy body, the detoxification system
that consists of large and small intestines, urinary system,
lymphatic system, skin, lungs and liver ensures that the body
detoxifies itself. But heavy pressure and overuse of these
systems has resulted in a break down in these mechanisms
over time. The increase in the amount of toxins in the body
results in stress in the immune system that eventually breaks
down due to overwork. Initially known for elimination of
excessive alcohol and drugs from the body, detox is now
being used more extensively for the process of elimination of
any kind of toxins that may be present in the body.
Programme Details
 De-Stress Therapy

It is a mind toning treatment where the

guest is made to lie on a special wooden
bed, after which, the medicated oil is
poured in a continuous stream on the
forehead by the therapist. This helps to
alleviate fatigue, improve memory & is
effective in cases involving insomnia,
migraine, mental tension & stress.
Holistic Holidays
Corporate world are so busy
working and tending to the
necessities of everyday life that
taking a vacation seems like
something there just isn’t any time
for. However, nothing rejuvenates
the body and mind like a relaxing
getaway, which can ultimately lead
to greater productivity and a much
better frame of mind. First up, what
exactly is a 'medical holiday'?
Medical Holiday is wherein you
combine a getaway vacation with
some sorely needed medical
treatment, which may or may not be
available to you at home.
Rising healthcare costs have left a lot of people uncovered for essential treatment. This
treatment, under state-of-the-art facilities, is available right here in Navi Mumbai. So
you combine a holiday with the treatment, and come back feeling rejuvenated &
healthier. Many big corporate houses are utilizing unique new programs in an effort to
reduce employee illness, and thereby reduce costs. For example, the use of preventive
care programs is growing, as is the use of employee education programs aimed at
better managing the effects of lifestyle diseases.
Programme Details
 Complete Health Check- Up

You may service your automobile regularly, make home

repairs promptly and even take your pets for shots as
needed. But are regular medical checkups on your list of
things to do? Scheduling medical appointments when
you're feeling fine may seem like a waste of your time. But
the old saying 'prevention is better than cure' is very true.
Regular medical check-ups will pick up any potential
problems, allowing you to take steps in either preventing
them or beginning early treatment. Our tests will include
Blood tests for checking anaemia, infections, liver function,
kidney function, cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels.

Complete Health Check- Up

1) Height / Weight Measurements - We measure weight and height to

determine if you are overweight or underweight. We calculate body mass
index as follows:
BMI = weight (in kg) ÷ height (in meters)2. BMI of 22 is considered average.
Results exceeding 25 indicate obesity.

 Blood pressure - Systolic blood pressure (maximum pressure) Diastolic

blood pressure (minimum pressure). A test to measure the pressure placed
on blood vessels by the pumping of the heart. High blood pressure can cause
arterial sclerosis.

 Lipids – HDL the so-called "good cholesterol," which fights "bad" cholesterol
and helps prevent arterial sclerosis. It increases with moderate alcohol
intake and aerobic exercise, but will decrease through smoking and obesity.
.LDL the "bad cholesterol." Too much of it can result in arterial sclerosis.
.Triglycerides a key source of energy, but too much in the blood stream can
exacerbate arterial sclerosis. Triglycerides can accumulate through
overeating, overdrinking or lack of exercise.

4) Liver and pancreatic function – SGOT / SGPT - This enzyme produces the
amino acids that form proteins. It is found throughout the body, but can
congregate in the liver. GOT is also commonly found in the heart and
muscles. A high score for both GOT and GPT indicates the possibility of liver
Complete Health Check- Up
5) Metabolic system - The blood's glucose level is a vital source of energy for
cells. High blood sugar levels over extended periods of time can lead to
arterial sclerosis, kidney disorders, and damage to the retina or peripheral
nerves. It could also signify myocardial and cerebral infarctions.

6) Blood cell count - Red blood cell (RBC) / Hemoglobin (Hb) / Hematocrit (Ht)
tests to detect anemia. Red blood cells transport oxygen to cells and bring
back carbon dioxide. It promotes the exchange of gases and the
hemoglobin within the red blood cells take the main part in this process.
The amount of hemoglobin and hematocrit signifies the levels of each
element in the blood. A red blood cell count can decrease due to bleeding, a
lack of the hormones needed to produce the cells, or bone marrow
malfunction. A low iron intake could also cause a decrease in hemoglobin
and lead to anemia.

White blood cell (WBC) - Whenever there is a viral infection within the body
the white blood cells increase to combat it. Various diseases can lead to
significant increases or decreases in the body's white blood cell count.

Platelet -Platelets are fragments of blood cells that aid clotting. A low count
can lead to excess bleeding or bruises on the skin from internal bleeding.

WBC picture - There are five kinds of white blood cells. By analyzing the
percentage of each kind, and looking for abnormal cells, we can predict
bacterial infections or diseases relating to white blood cells.
Complete Health Check- Up

7) Urinalysis Renal function - BUN / Creatinine - Creatinine

is a type of protein waste filtered by the kidney. A rise in
blood creatinine levels indicates kidney damage.

8) Inflammatory reaction - Erythrocyte sedimentation rate

(ESR), ESR abnormalities may be an indication of infection
within the body, or may point to a number of other

9) Physical examination - Chest, abdomen - A physical

examination of the subject.
Programme Details
On Site Chair Massage

Massage has become well-known for its many relaxing and

health promoting benefits. You may have a pretty good idea
of the benefits of receiving a massage on a massage table in
a private massage office or spa setting. But you may not
know about chair massage, also known as corporate
massage. You may be surprised to learn that studies have
shown that chair massage can boost alertness and reduce
the effects of stress, pain and fatigue. They also can alleviate
symptoms of depression, improve function of the immune
system, and increase workers' ability to concentrate. Chair
massage has been shown to reduce anxiety and promote
relaxation while simultaneously enhancing employee
alertness, alleviation of depression and reduction of job
stress are additional benefits. Massage as a wellness/stress
management tool fits well into the new generation of business
leaders. Massage releases muscular tension and helps
unblock the sensory receptors, bringing new awareness to
areas cut off by chronic tension patterns.
Programme Details
 Bone Density Test – (minimum 5 batches )

 A bone density test, also known as bone mass measurement or bone mineral density test,
measures the strength and density of your bones. These tests are painless, noninvasive, and
safe. They compare your bone density with standards for what is expected in someone of your
age, gender, and size and to the optimal peak bone density of a healthy young adult of the same
gender. Some women are at greater risk for osteoporosis - the decrease of bone mass and
density as a result of the depletion of bone calcium and protein - than others. Our physician can
help you determine your risk of developing osteoporosis by taking your personal and family
medical history, and by performing a bone density test or bone mass measurement. If you have
one or more of the following risk factors for osteoporosis, you may want to consider having a
bone density test.

 You have already experienced a bone fracture that may be the result of thinning bones.
 Your mother, grandmother, or another close relative had osteoporosis or bone fractures.
 Over a long period of time, you have taken medication that accelerates bone loss, such as
corticosteroids for treating rheumatoid arthritis or other conditions, or some anti-seizure
 You have low body weight, a slight build, or a light complexion.
 You have a history of cigarette smoking or heavy drinking
 You are above 35 years of age
 Menopausal women
 Multiple pregnancies
The Beginning
 India is enjoying the competitive advantage
of a young, English-speaking workforce while
developed countries are facing the problem of
ageing and rising health care costs owing to
insurance charges.

 Encourage employees to adopt a more

healthy and preventive lifestyle.
 Companies have to ensure that the labour
force remains efficient and productive.
 Thus, the need to integrate preventive health
care in any staff welfare programmes.

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