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 Greek words ateles and ektasis meaning
incomplete expansion
 One of the most commonly encountered
abnormalities in chest radiology
 Divided physiologically into
 Obstructive causes
 Non obstructive causes
What is atelectasis?
 2 schools of thought
 Alveolar collapse (volume loss)
 Fluid accumulation
 Obstructive
 Compression atelectasis
 Right middle lobe syndrome
 Non-obstructive
 Relaxation/passive atelectasis
 Adhesive atelectasis
 Cicatrization atelectasis
 Rounded atelectasis
Obstructive Atelectasis
 Most common
 Causes: foreign body, tumor and mucus
 Rate of development and extent depend
 Extent of collateral ventilation
 Composition of inspired gas
 Obstructive atelectasis

Obstruction of a bronchus

Circulating blood absorbs gas in the peripheral


Retraction of the affected lung

Uninvolved surrounding lung tissue distends

Displacing the surrounding structures and

mediastinal shift toward the atelectatic area

Diaphragm is elevated and chest wall flattens

Obstructive atelectasis
 Non obstructive atelectasis
 Loss of contact between the visceral and
parietal pleura
 Adhesive atelectasis
 Due to lack of surfactant
 Replacement atelectasis
 Due to filling by a tumor
 Cicatrization atelectasis
 Due to scarring of the lung parenchyma
 Platelike atelectasis
 Also called discoid or subsegmental atelectasis
 Most commonly seen in CXR
 Probably occur because of obstruction of a
small bronchus
 In hypoventilation, pulmonary embolism or
 Post operative atelectasis
 Due to diaphragmatic dysfunction and
diminished surfactant activity
 Typically basilar and segmental
 Signs and symptoms are determined by the
rapidity with which the occlusion occurs
 Rapid bronchial occlusion – sudden onset of
dyspnea and cyanosis
 Slowly developing atelectasis – maybe
asymptomatic or with only minor symptoms
 Middle lobe syndrome is often asymptomatic
 Irritation in the middle and right lower lobe bronchi
may cause a severe hacking, non productive cough
Physical Examination
 Dullness on the affected area
 Diminished or absent breath sounds
 In atelectasis of the upper lobes – bronchial
breath sounds
 Chest excursion is reduced or absent
 Trachea and heart are deviated on the
affected side
 Primary cause: bronchial obstruction
 Plugs of tenacious sputum
 Foreign bodies
 Endobronchial tumors
 Tumors, lymph node or an aneurysm
 External pulmonary compression
 By pleural fluid or air
 Abnormalities of surfactant production
 Resorptive atelectasis
 Bronchogenic carcinoma
 Obstruction from metastatic neoplasm
 Inflammatory etiology (TB, fungal infection)
 Aspirated foreign body
 Mucous plug
 Malpositioned endotracheal tube
 Extrinsic compression of an airway
 Neoplasm, lymphadenopathy, aortic aneurysm or cardiac
 Relaxation atelectasis
 Pleural effusion
 Pneumothorax
 Large emphysematous bullae
 Compression atelectasis
 Chest wall, pleural, or intraparenchymal
 Loculated collections of pleural fluid
 Adhesive atelectasis
 Hyaline membrane disease
 Smoke inhalation
 Cardiac bypass surgery
 Prolonged shallow breathing
 Cicatrization atelectasis
 Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
 Chronic tuberculosis
 Fungal infections
 Replacement atelectasis
 Alveoli filling of fluid or tumor
 Rounded atelectasis
 Asbestos pleural plaques
 Impaired gas exchange
 Impaired lung mechanics
 Increased pulmonary vascular resistance
 Worsening lung injury
 Impaired gas exchange
 Most obvious effect
 Basis: absence of ventilation with persistent
perfusion (VQ mismatch)
 Impaired lung mechanics
 Worsened compliance
 Larger transpulmonary pressure are required
to generate a given tidal volume
 Work of breathing is increased
 In mechanically ventilated children, increased

ventilatory pressured are required

 Increased pulmonary vascular resistance
 Due to regional alveolar hypoxia with reduced
alveolar and mixed oxygen venous oxygen

 Local hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction

 Worsening of lung injury
 Potentiation of lung injury
 Ventilator induced lung injury
Imaging Studies
 Direct signs
 Displacement of fissures
 Opacification of the collapsed lobe
 Indirect signs
 Displacement of the hilum
 Mediastinal shift towards the side of the collapse
 Loss of volume on ipsilateral hemithorax
 Elevation of ipsilateral diaphragm, rib crowding
 Compensatory hyperlucency of the remaining lobes
 Silhouetting of the diaphragm or the heart border
Imaging Studies
 Complete atelectasis of an entire lung
 Opacification of entire hemithorax
 Ipsilateral shift of the mediastinum
Imaging Studies
 RUL collapse
 RUL shifts medially and superiorly, resulting in
elevation of the right hilum and minor fissure
 Tenting of the diaphragmatic pleura
juxtaphrenic peak
Imaging Studies
 RML collapse
 Obscures the right heart border on PA
 Occasionally, a triangular opacity may be seen
because the major fissure shifts upward and
minor fissure shifts downward
Imaging Studies
 RLL collapse
 RLL shifts posteriorly and inferiorly
 Triangular opacity obscuring the RLL
Imaging Studies
 LUL collapse
 Shifts anteriorly and superiorly
 On lat views – major fissure displaced
anteriorly and the hyperexpanded RUL may
herniate across the midline…
Imaging Studies
 LLL collapse
 Increased retrocardiac opacity silhouettes the
LLL pulmonary artery and L hemidiaphragm
 Flat waist sign
 Superior mediastinum may shift and
 Flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy
 Help evaluate the cause of the obstruction
 Helps clear mucous plugs

 Limitations: distal endobronchial lesions are not

 Medical care
 Non-pharmacologic
 Pharmacologic
 Surgical care
 Non-pharmacologic
 Chest physiotherapy
 Postural drainage, chest wall percussion and
 Positive end-expiratory pressure
Non-pharmacologic treatment
 Post operative atelectasis
 Prevention
 Avoid anesthetic agents associated with
postanesthesia narcosis
 Early ambulation
 Incentive spirometry
 If lobar atelectasis, vigorous chest
Non-pharmacologic treatment
 Post operative atelectasis
 Adequate oxygenation
 Supplemental oxygen
 If with severe hypoxemia – mechanical
 Positive pressure and larger tidal volumes help to
re-expand collapsed lung segments
 Continuous positive airway pressure
 Fiberoptic bronchoscopy
Pharmacologic treatment
 Bronchodilators
 Mucolytics
 N-acetylcysteine
 Inhaled recombinant human dNase
 Antibiotics
 Antitussives
Pharmacologic treatment
 Bronchodilators
 Encourage sputum expectoration
 Of underlying airflow is present, may also
improve ventilation
Pharmacologic treatment
 Mucolytics
 May promote sputum removal of thick mucous
 N-acetylcysteine – only recommended for
direst installation via fiberoptic bronchoscopy
or in an intubated patient.
 Inhaled recombinant human dNase
 Decreases viscoelasticity and surface tension of
purulent sputum
Pharmacologic treatment
 Antibiotics
 To treat underlying bronchitis or post
obstructive infection
 Because secondary atelectasis usually
becomes infected regardless of the cause of
Pharmacologic treatment
 Antitussives
 Reduces the cough reflex
 Obstruction of a major bronchus may cause
severe hacking or coughing
Surgical Care
 Segmental resection or lobectomy – for
chronic atelectasis
 Acute pneumonia
 Bronchiectasis
 Hypoxemia and respiratory failure
 Postobstructive drowning of the lung
 Sepsis
 Pleural effusion and empyema

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