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Should animal testing be banned?

Hayley Martinelli Extended project

How long can scientists continue
animal testing ?
• Animal testing dates back to the 3rd and 4th
centuries, with Aristotle performing one of
the very first experiments on animals.
• Now, In the UK, there were nearly three
million experiments on live animals in 2002
• But, as new technologies are being
discovered, how long can scientists justify
there reasons for animal testing ?
Evolutionary theory
• Charles Darwin believed species changed
over time and space .…
• His theory suggested animals could be used
to model humans for research into biology
and other advancements . . . . .
The classical conditioning theory
• Ivan went further to support Darwin's
• He conducted a psychological experiment
on dogs
• This resulted in the theory about how
behaviour is learnt
What about the previous disasters
surrounding animal testing ?

• Thalidomide – 1953, German

company produced a drug to treats
morning sickness in pregnant
• Drug was NOT tested on pregnant
• Children in 46 countries were born
with birth defects
• The drug was eventually
withdrawn in 1961
• Still used today
Rosie Moriarty-Simmonds
• Victim in the Thalidomide disaster
• Author of 4 fingers and 13 toes
• Lived ordinary life despite her disability
• Contacted via E-mail, happy to answer questions
• Rosie sits on the ‘bench’ in this debate

• ‘I don't like the idea of animals being used to test things

like cosmetic make up, washing powder, alcohol and so on’
• ‘Consequently, I feel that there is still a necessity to use
animals for testing purposes in relation to medical
Other speakers
• Mel Broughton is anti-animal testing
• She runs the SPEAK campaign and runs numerous
petitions requesting animal testing is stopped In oxford
• Alastair Buchan is head of medical sciences at oxford
• He believes animal testing is vital and beneficial to
medical research
• These two people were contacted via e-mail and letters,
asking for their personal view on the debate itself, they
said . . . . . .
The emails and letters I sent both
parties were ignored, which was a
huge problem when researching the
project !
Alternative method
Artificial human skin cells, the
Is there another way to test
medicines instead of animal
testing ?
What does society think ?
• Handed out a questionnaire I came up with
• 50% of people improved since 1950’s
• 60% ok testing for vaccines and diseases
• 35% Tests unnecessary
• What does this really mean ?
Future of animal testing

• New Law eventually put in place

• Alternatives should eventually be
• In years to come, Animals might
not be used for testing ever again
Subjective Debate

People For
People Against

No right or wrong answer

Majority are on the ‘bench’ of the topic

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